Medical Master's World

Chapter 153

Zhu Ming is really a little flustered, they just come up with a way, the result of Zhu Linlin back foot to the countermeasures.

I thought she would make a big noise here, but Zhu Linlin was as stable as a mountain and got a new drug directly. If the new drug beat them, all the previous efforts would be wasted.

Zhu Ming took the medicine directly to his company and began clinical trials.

The result of the experiment made Zhu Ming look very ugly.

It really has such a magic effect!

The effect of sugar God No.2 is much more powerful than their sugar friends. Where did the smelly girl get the prescription?

Zhu Ming is now under the pressure of Meng group in Donghai. The only thing he can rely on is his sugar friend. But Zhu Linlin has got a sugar God No. 2. Isn't this to drive them to a dead end!

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Zhu Ming's face was gloomy. After thinking about it, he said.

"Now our only advantage is reputation. Sugar friend has a reputation for ten years, which can't be easily shaken. I'm afraid he can't beat us in a short time!"

Zhu Sangu said, "brother, don't look down on her. I heard that Zhu Linlin is going to publicize with two billion yuan, and go directly to CCTV advertisement..."

"What! Two billion? She brought so much money? "

"Well, it's not from Mengshi group? The Monteggia group has invested five billion yuan in the production and sale of tangshen-2. "

Zhu Ming clenches his fists. Meng Wengang is really on the brain. How can he be fascinated by that smelly girl? Five billion, I gave it to you?!

"I heard that Zhu Linlin, they have found the endorsement of teacher Hou Yun and are ready to sign the contract."


Hou Yun, a national first-class actor, is also a university teacher, rarely engaged in endorsement.

Later, because of diabetes, so also quit the entertainment industry, but played a lot of classic works, popular, especially for the elderly, very influential.

If Mr. Hou Yun is a spokesperson, his credibility will become very high. Moreover, he is a diabetic, and he has been cured. Then the common people are not crazy to buy?

"No, we can't let Mr. Hou Yun speak for us. We have to talk to him!"

Zhu Sangu said helplessly, "what can we do? Zhu Linlin is said to cure diabetes. Now the clinical effect is very good. If Hou Yun takes this medicine, we can't talk about it at all!"

Zhu Ming thought about it. Now that it's over, I'm afraid he can't rely on his ability alone. He can only rely on the power of the Shu family.

Take out the phone and call Shu Jinlie, the second ancestor of the Shu family.

"Mr. Shu? I'm Zhu Ming. I have something to ask for your help! "


On the other hand, Zhu Linlin company, everyone is idle. After half a month's hard work, the first batch of Tangshen 2 is almost finished. Now, only publicity and sales are left.

Zhu Linlin is also in a good mood when she sits in the office. During this period of time, the clinical trial of Tangshen 2 has not stopped.

Facts have proved that Tangshen 2 is really effective and can cure diabetes completely. Once it comes into the market, it will definitely cause a sensation. Zhu Linlin is very confident in the efficacy of Tangshen 2, so now the remaining step is publicity.

It has to be said that brother Xiaojun's prescription is too powerful. With his help, the production has solved a lot of problems. As for publicity, brother Xiaojun can't deal with it.