Medical Master's World

Chapter 152

A week later, the patient in the clinical trial was completely cured of diabetes.

as like as two peas, she has not eaten sugar God 1 for two days. Now she eats normally and can even eat sweet food. The blood sugar level is exactly the same as that of the normal people.

The elder sister's illness was relatively mild, so she was cured in less than a week.

Although some exaggeration, but you can see that the sugar God 1, is really useful!

Zhu Linlin was so excited that she immediately produced the second batch of Tangshen 2, ready to launch it into major pharmacies for fixed-point testing.

Of course, there is no difference between Tangshen No. 1 and No. 2 except for the packaging.

There is absolutely no problem with brother Jun's prescription. Next, we will start to publicize and advertise.

Although Wen and medicine have no sugar friends, they have sugar God!

This time, their company not only survived, but also had a big fire!


Two days later, Zhu Sangu came home in a hurry and called out.

"Big brother! Something's wrong! Look at it

Zhu Ming frowned, "what's so flustered?"

"Zhu Linlin, the smelly girl, got out a sugar God, and now she has started to give away in the major pharmacies."

Zhu Ming sneered, "sugar God? Thanks to her idea, she won't use our prescription, right? If so, we can sue her directly

Zhu Sangu shook her head. "I've got the medicine back. It's different from our prescription."

The prescription is written on the medicine bottle. Although there is no specific dosage, the varieties of the medicine are different. Obviously, it is not a prescription.

Without the dose, they can't analyze whether the prescription is effective or not.

Zhu Ming took a look and then frowned.

This formula is very different from that of Tangyou. Can this medicine be effective?

Tangyou's formula is gradually improved after ten years of research and development. If you want to get a new prescription with similar effect, it will take at least another ten years?

In just a few days, Zhu Linlin wanted to develop a new prescription. How could it be?

Zhu Ming said, "how much do they charge for this medicine?"

"I don't know yet. It's free at the pharmacy."

"Brother, do you know how they publicize it? Said sugar God, can cure diabetes

When Zhu Ming heard this, he burst into laughter.

"What bullshit! cure? Who does she think she is? Is Hua Tuo alive? If diabetes can be cured, it will be a miracle of the world! This Zhu Linlin, is forced to have no way, started the false propaganda, isn't it? Ha ha ha, this girl is really funny. "

"Wait, they will be accused of false propaganda in a few days."

Zhu Sangu is not so optimistic, worried said.

"Brother, I heard from those people who received the medicine at the pharmacy that this medicine is more effective than Tangyou."

Zhu Ming smell speech, smile also gradually sink down.


"Could it be that Is this girl hiding with us

The formula of Tangyou was originally developed by Zhu Yong. In the past ten years, their father and daughter have followed up the research and development. Is it difficult for them to succeed? They have developed new drugs, and they have been hiding them all the time without telling others?

Zhu Ming is flustered. He is the kind of selfish person who naturally thinks others are selfish.

If Zhu Yong and his daughter really hide the prescription, it is not impossible for them to turn the tables.

"Quick, find a few patients to try this medicine, don't let Zhu Linlin turn over!"