Medical Master's World

Chapter 1095

Li Zhongzheng quickly brought the prescription and gave Zheng Gang a look.

"Who prescribed it?"

"It's Mr. Qin."

Zheng Gang took a look at the prescription. At first glance, he frowned.

This prescription is not very common. The more you look at it, the deeper you frown. After a few minutes, you slap the table.

"Nonsense! This prescription is just nonsense. Isn't it harmful to people? "

Suddenly, all the doctors' faces changed slightly.


No, it's a prescription from master Qin.

Qin Jun had a great reputation in the people's hospital. He had rescued many important patients before. All of them were ordered to save the dying patients. The level was extraordinary.

But today, Zheng Gang even said that master Qin's prescription was harmful?

One is master Qin, who has no certificate, but has saved countless emergencies.

The other is Zheng Gang, a famous doctor in Beijing and a family of traditional Chinese medicine. They are really in a dilemma.

Zheng Gang shook his head as he looked at it and said sadly.

"Longli, Shaoyao, Fuzi..."

"It's obviously a medicine for purging fire, and it's a great catharsis."

"Usually, people can't have diarrhea or tonic. Anything is too much, such diarrhea is obviously harmful, these patients are in a weak situation, such diarrhea, this is not to their lives!

"Now you're going to check on the patients to see if they're really weak!"

Zheng Gang, like a leader, commanded several doctors to come and check the patients.

After some examination, the doctor frowned.

"The patient's glycemic index is very low, and his blood pressure is very low. He is really weak, almost on the verge of shock."

After checking the results, it is really like what Zheng Gang said.

All the patients are very weak, almost on the verge of collapse. If the dosage is a little bit higher, I'm afraid the patient will go into shock for rescue.

Zheng Gang sneered, "is this the level of your special experts? It's a cure. It's killing people

"If you don't want to have an accident, let me take over these patients. Now, wash the stomach of all the patients and spit out the undigested medicine quickly!"

"This..." Li Zhongzheng was in a bit of a dilemma. On the one hand, he was master Qin, and on the other hand, he was Zheng Gang. Moreover, their theories were completely different, and they didn't know who to listen to.

Qin Jun did not speak, just silently looking at all this, slightly frowning.

Zheng gang saw no one move and sneered.

"All right, don't move. I'll make a phone call."

With that, Zheng Gang took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hello, dad? I'm in the central hospital now. I have something to report to you... "

Zheng Gang simply said what happened now. Zheng Xiaolong naturally knew about such a big thing.

After a while, Zheng Gang handed the mobile phone to Li Zhongzheng.

"Dean Li, my father is talking to you."

Li Zhongzheng answered the phone and said politely.

"President Zheng? Hello, I'm Li Zhongzheng

"Premier Li, I heard that your hospital has found an outsider to prescribe prescriptions blindly? Has this prescription been verified? You can't just use some folk prescriptions to treat patients, can you

"This time something like this happened, but for mass incidents, we have to treat them conservatively and find some more reliable doctors and solutions."

"At this time, we can't be biased any more. Dr. Zheng Gang is an expert in dermatology. He is famous all over the country. I suggest that you hand over this incident to Dr. Zheng Gang as the team leader of the expert group."

"What do you think, Dean Li?"

President Zheng's words left Li Zhongzheng speechless. After all, he was the president of the Medical Association of Hantong Province, and his words were very authoritative.

"Well, President Zheng, I'll take your advice."