Medical Master's World

Chapter 1096

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhongzheng said, "now I announce that the head of the expert group on the Tongbao beauty incident will be changed to Zheng Gang and Dr. Qin. Take a rest."

Su Wenqi frowned, "Dean Li, but..."

Zheng Gang scrambled to say, "nothing but, Wenqi, don't worry, with me, I will cure these patients for you."

With that, Zheng Gang looked at Qin Jun jokingly and said.

"The prescription you prescribe is just reckless. Don't come back in the future. I don't want you to interfere in this matter. Go home."

Qin Jun light looked at him, and then looked at Li Zhongzheng, asked.

"Are you sure?"

Zheng Gang burst out laughing, "what's the uncertainty? I'm here, and you're in charge of treatment? At a young age, you'd better learn more, come back and go home. "

Qin Jun said jokingly, "in that case, I'll go."

With that, Qin Jun directly turned down the stairs.

Since Zheng Gang is so self righteous, let him go to cure him.

Su Wenqi hesitated and stayed in the hospital.

Although she also wanted to go with Qin Jun, so many patients in the hospital bought fake and shoddy products because of her endorsement, so Su Wenqi didn't want to leave for the time being and wanted to accompany these patients.

Zheng Gang began to give the order, "all patients, gastric lavage, and then I will do a paste, give everyone paste on the back of the mouth of the heart position, and then with some external medicine, should soon be able to get rid of the disease."

After that, the doctors immediately went to implement it. After all, Zheng Gang is now the leader of the expert group.

Zheng Gang said to Su Wenqi,

"Wenqi, don't worry, with me, these patients will certainly recover."

Although I believe in Qin Jun more, now it seems that I can only hope Zheng Gang can cure them.

"I hope so."

Su Wenqi sat down in the corridor, patiently waiting for the results of these patients.

Zheng gang saw that Su Wenqi was so indifferent to him, and his face showed a trace of depression. Then he took out his mobile phone and quietly called Zheng Xiaolong.

"Dad, there's a doctor. I want him to be ruined!"


In the corridor, Su Wenqi had a sleep. When she opened her eyes again, it was dark.

I found that I had one more dress on my body, next to Zheng Gang.

Su Wenqi was startled and got up quickly. Fortunately, Zheng Gang was still a gentleman and didn't do anything to her.

"Wenqi, you wake up, the patient's condition has been stable, after my gastric lavage, plaster, plus acupuncture, and some ointment for external use, the patient's condition is basically stable, you can rest assured."

Su Wenqi breathed a sigh of relief, and then took her mobile phone to look at the microblog to see how the negative news was going.

Just opened the microblog, the headline is not about her, Su Wenqi also a little secretly happy, but a close look, but once again frown.

"Master Qin?"

The front page headline became master Qin.

"Master Qin, another scam in the new century."

This front page headline is really shocking. Master Qin attended the conference of traditional Chinese medicine before, and the scene of talking is still remembered.

Master Qin has now become the representative of many people, especially those of the same trade. Many people who have met master Qin know that master Qin is very powerful.

What happened?

Master Qin is a liar?

After opening it, the first news was that master Qin prescribed a prescription in Donghai people's hospital to harm people. On the spot, he was exposed by the vice president of Beijing Central Hospital. The patient's condition worsened and nearly died.

Thanks to Vice President Zheng's clever hand, he pulled these patients back from the gate of death!