Medical Master's World

Chapter 1094

Su Wenqi nodded and exchanged greetings. They haven't seen each other for many years. Now when we meet again, we can see that Su Wenqi is still so beautiful. All the feelings of that year rush to our hearts.

Zheng Gang's eyes were full of emotion and asked.

"Wenqi, I haven't seen you for so many years. I haven't changed my mind for you at all."

Su Wenqi frowned, originally thought Zheng Gang came to help is also a good intention, but did not expect that he met or said this topic.

Su Wenqi stepped back, took Qin Jun's arm and said.

"Zheng Gang, I already have a boyfriend."

Zheng Gang's face suddenly changed. He frowned and looked at Qin Jun with hostility.

Then, Zheng Gang clenched his fist, and his face was not good. He looked at Qin Jun and asked.

"Who are you?"

Li Zhongzheng saw that Zheng Gang was not a good comer, so he quickly introduced him.

"This is Qin Jun, a specialist in our hospital."

Zheng Gang frowned, a trace of disdain appeared on his face, "special experts, just hang a name. Now how is the patient's condition? I'll help Wenqi solve the problem."

Just now Su Wenqi held hands with Qin Jun, which made Zheng Gang feel a little embarrassed.

Find a topic, find a step down.

Li Zhongzheng said, "Dr. Qin has already been treated. I dare to ask if you are..."

Li Zhongzheng is also very curious. This young man seems to have extraordinary bearing. I don't know what character he is.

Zheng Gang took out his mobile phone, found an e-resume on it, and handed it to him.

"My name is Zheng Gang, a dermatologist in Beijing, vice president of Beijing Central Hospital."

"My father is Zheng Xiaolong."

Li Zhongzheng's eyes suddenly brightened. Good guy, he is really a big man.

Vice president of Beijing Central Hospital, which is the top hospital in China.

Beijing is the capital of China, where talents gather. Almost all the top doctors in China gather there.

Zheng Gang is so young that he can become the vice president of the central hospital. Although he has some connections with his father, he must have excellent skills.

What's more, I didn't expect that Zheng Gang was the son of President Zheng. President Zheng was the president of the Medical Association of Handong Province, and he was the most brilliant person in the medical skills of Handong province. It's not surprising that such talents could appear in such a family of traditional Chinese medicine.

Zheng Gang said, "I am a traditional Chinese medicine. After entering the hospital, I began to focus on dermatology, so I became an expert and vice president in a few years."

"TCM itself is very comprehensive. Once there is a specialty in the field, it will be even more powerful. So as soon as I heard about other things like this on your side, I came here for the first time."

All of a sudden, people were awed by Zheng Gang. Zheng Gang was really powerful. He was young and had a successful career. He was also a family of traditional Chinese medicine. He must have been nurtured since he was a child. His medical skills were absolutely brilliant.

Su Wenqi said, "thank you, but Qin Jun has given them medicine, and now the patients are resting."

Zheng Gang frowned, "such a serious illness, how can anyone prescribe a prescription? Take me to have a look! "

Zheng Gang didn't look up to Qin Jun in the first place. In addition to the current competitive relationship, he naturally wanted to belittle him.

Originally, Qin Jun was also a specialist, but in Zheng Gang's words, he became "looking for anyone.".

Li Zhongzheng was in a dilemma, but he wanted to see the patient, so he took Zheng Gang to the ward.

When I went to the ward, all the patients were lying on the bed, looking weak, with normal saline.

Zheng Gang went up to him and saw that there was a little sweat on the patient's forehead, and the bedding was very wet. He immediately frowned.

"What medicine did you take? Can I have a look at the prescription? "