Medical Master's World

Chapter 1093

Qin Jun nodded, this is the normal process of the hospital, if change a hospital, estimate even Qin Jun's medicine dare not use.

After finding the paper and pen, he began to write down the prescription and handed it to Li Zhongzheng.

This prescription is quite different. It looks different from the ordinary prescription. Even Li Zhongzheng can't recognize it.

But since it was made by master Qin, there must be no problem.

After an afternoon, all the patients took pills and put on salt water.

Qin Jun personally felt the pulse of each patient and confirmed that they were in the same condition as Su Wenqi before they took the medicine.

Seeing that all the patients had taken the medicine, Su Wenqi was also relieved.

They sat in the dean's office for a while. Su Wenqi took out her previous mobile phone. As soon as she turned it on, the voice of various wechat messages came.

Most of them are from brokers, peers and other company staff. In addition, there are many records of missed calls in SMS.

See a number dozen times, Su Wenqi frowned.

"What's the matter?" Asked Qin Jun.

"Nothing. A former friend, who calls me so many times, doesn't know what to do."

Looking at Su Wenqi's expression, this former friend is obviously not an ordinary person.

When Su Wenqi frowned, the phone called again.

"Hello?" Su Wenqi picked it up reluctantly.

"Wenqi, it's me. I heard that something happened to you. I can help you. Which hospital are the patients in now?"

"In Donghai people's hospital."

"OK, I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Well Don't you... " Su Wenqi originally wanted her not to come, but without saying anything, the other party had already hung up.

Su Wenqi helplessly shook his head, eyebrows do not show.

Qin Jun asked, "who is it?"

Su Wenqi sighed and explained, "his name is Zheng Gang. He chased me before."

"Ex boyfriend?"

"Not really. Originally, he chased me, but I was a little fond of him. Later, when their family knew that I was a third tier star, they immediately asked him to cut off the relationship with me."

"Their family is a rich family, and they reject all the female stars in the entertainment circle."

In fact, when Zheng Gang pursued Su Wenqi, she was just a third tier singer, and many people had never heard of her.

In the eyes of other rich families, she is almost the same as that kind of wild model.

So Zheng Gang's parents strongly opposed it at that time. Zheng Gang had no choice but to give up.

In fact, this incident has hit Su Wenqi a lot. Although she has not agreed, they have not formally established a relationship, but even so, she has a feeling of being rejected.

Later, Su Wenqi became very popular and became a big star. The Asian Queen's status was different. Many rich families wanted to marry this big star.

Zheng Gang also contacted her, but she was rejected by Su Wenqi.

Originally, she had not been with Zheng Gang, even without the obstruction of his parents, Su Wenqi may not agree.

I just didn't expect that Zheng Gang would contact her for help at this time.

"This Zheng Gang is also a doctor, and he is also a traditional Chinese medicine. He will come later, maybe he can help. Moreover, Zheng Gang's father is the president of the Medical Association of Handong province."

Qin Jun nodded. He didn't feel anything. Qin Jun of this medical association was not interested. The real organization of doctors was the hospital. There were no patients and no patients. It was really boring to talk on paper.

A few minutes later, a gentle man in a suit and glasses came over.

"Wenqi, I'm here."

It's Zheng Gang, dressed up in a gentle manner, who looks like a famous doctor.