Medical Master's World

Chapter 1092

"Master Qin, are you sure?"

Qin jundao, "there should be no problem. Go and have a look first."

Although we are sure of it, we still need to take a look.

Su Wenqi followed Qin Jun into a ward. The four women in the ward were young and beautiful. At this time, they were all a little masculine.

Some of them have long beards, some have long legs, their voices get thicker, their pores get bigger, and even the chest begins to retract.

Several women were lying on the hospital bed, covered with quilts, and no one wanted to see them.

Qin Jun went to the front of the bed, patted the patient and said.

"I'm a doctor. Now I need to feel your pulse and cooperate with you."

The patient turned his head and put out his hand.

When I turned around, I saw a piece of black on her chin. It seemed that she had a little beard.

The girl used to be very beautiful, but now she looks very strange and doesn't speak. It's estimated that her voice has become very rough.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Su Wenqi.

"Su Wenqi!"

Although Su Wenqi was wearing a mask, she recognized it at a glance.

After all, it's su Wenqi's iron powder. They used to like Su Wenqi very much, but now it's like seeing an enemy.

"Su Wenqi, you pay for my face!"

Finish saying, that female patient is like to be crazy to grasp to come up, the voice is very thick, almost no different with the male.

Su Wenqi apologized, "I'm really sorry, but I'm also a victim!"

"Shut up

The woman rushed up, directly to tear with Su Wenqi, Qin Jun quickly stopped, a press her back.

It has to be said that after too much androgen, women's strength is much greater than before. Fortunately, Qin Jun is sitting here. If you change to other people, maybe they can't match their strength.

"Don't move. Su Wenqi is here to help you solve your problems. Now I'll treat you. You should cooperate."

The female patient struggled a few times, but after hearing Qin Jun's words, she calmed down.

Indeed, it's important to treat her. If she can be cured, Su Wenqi can let bygones be bygones.

Qin Jun began to feel pulse, left hand and right hand, respectively, more than two minutes.

Nodded, the expression on the face relaxed a bit.

and Su Wenqi as like as two peas, but only slightly worse. It is estimated that it will take about two days to fully recover.

Qin Jun took out the pills that had been rubbed well for a long time and handed them over, "take them with water."

President Li and many experts were watching behind, and the female patient thought it was reliable and swallowed the pill directly.

Later, Qin Jun said, "during this period of time, you will sweat and go to the toilet frequently. You must replenish more water."

After that, he said to Lin Yueyao, "open two bottles of normal saline for her and hang them up."


Then, Qin Jun processed it like a method, and all four patients in the whole ward took Qin Jun's Secret pills.

Out of the ward, Li Zhongzheng asked in a low voice with a serious face.

"Master Qin, will they get better tomorrow?"

Qin Jun nodded, "almost, no more than two days at most. Other patients should start treatment as soon as possible."

Li Zhongzheng put down his heart, the treatment process is very fast, according to Qin Jun's speed, the whole hospital patients should be able to be cured in an afternoon.

If it works in two days, they will all be discharged tomorrow afternoon at the latest, and the female patients waiting outside will be able to come in.

In this way, all patients should be cured soon.

"Master Qin, give me the prescription."

Although they believe in Qin Jun 100% of the time, the hospital is a hospital after all. To prescribe medicine for patients, there must be a prescription.

They need to file this prescription, otherwise no one will be responsible for the problem.