Medical Master's World

Chapter 1091

Although he had seen Qin Jun's medical skills, he was shocked.

Just now that broken pill can make her voice recover?

is also a pill that is rubbed together with latex. Under normal circumstances, cosmetics can not be drunk in the belly.

After she came out, Su Wenqi also excitedly sang two songs. Although her voice only became thick for a short time, she was also scared. Now it's a very good thing that her voice can be recovered.

Turn on your phone and continue to tweet.

at this time Tong Bao emulsion incident has become a hot topic in the whole East China Sea. The top is placed on the top, and the number of victims is updated in real time.

Su Wenqi frowned, "there are already 1000 victims. Now all the beds in major hospitals are in urgent need. If they continue, I'm afraid they will have to queue up."

Qin Jun also has a dignified complexion. This disease is not serious. Just as Qin Jun treated Su Wenqi just now, he can come up with more than ten ways to treat Su Wenqi. But there are so many patients. If Qin Jun treated them one by one, he doesn't know when he will be able to cure them.

So if we want to cure them on a large scale, we must rely on drugs.

Just now that pill is OK, but at present there is a problem. This pill has no production process and has not been tested. It is the pill that Qin Jun rubbed out with his bare hands. I'm afraid it's difficult for them to recognize it.

Su Wenqi flipped through the microblog, with more and more dignified expression on her face, and said.

"Look, Donghai has been paid attention to all over the country now. These people actually say Donghai men's gang. It's really a big deal to watch the excitement."

Because of the excessive androgen, the women who use the products have more or less some male characteristics, so people are worried. Girls use cosmetics to become beautiful, and no one wants to grow a beard.

Seeing things getting bigger and bigger, Su Wenqi was once again pushed to the top of the storm.

Qin Jun said, "start from a small scale, go to Donghai people's hospital."

Qin Jun is a specialist in Donghai people's hospital. He is quite authoritative. He should be allowed to treat patients.

This time, Su Wenqi also put on a mask and followed Qin Jun.

Come to the hospital, see Lin Yueyao, at this time Lin Yueyao is really busy, see Qin Jun, frown.

"Cousin, what are you doing here?"

Qin Jun has nothing to explain, "I have a secret recipe that can detoxify."

Lin Yueyao was stunned and hesitated.

Although Qin Jun's medical skills are not so good in her eyes, it has to be said that his folk prescriptions are very powerful. The book Qin Jun wrote for her before was just tailor-made. Many folk prescriptions happened to be her weak field. She even wondered how it could be so clever that what she didn't know happened to be in this book.

"I'll consult with the Dean!"

Lin Yueyao finds president Li Zhongzheng and says.

"Dean, my cousin said that there is a secret recipe that can detoxify those patients. Do you want to try it?"

Li Zhongzheng stood up excitedly, "is your cousin here? What are you waiting for? Let your cousin be the leader of the expert group. Come on, start detoxifying the patients. "

because Tong Bao emulsion products are very extensive, there are many women outside, but there are no symptoms, and some have bought them back, but they have not yet been used.

It is estimated that there will be many female patients in the next period of time. If the treatment is slow, the hospital will soon be full. At that time, the patients will not be able to live outside, so it is easy to have a big accident.

Li zhongzhengyi was so excited when he heard that Qin Jun was coming. Master Qin had to do it at the critical moment!

He doesn't feel at ease with others!

Li Zhongzheng hurried to the front of the ward. Seeing Qin Jun, he shook hands with him excitedly.

"Master Qin!"