Medical Master's World

Chapter 1090

Qin jundao, "according to the different constitution of each person, and how many different people use, in your case, it will take about three months."

Because Su Wenqi is performing most of the time, as soon as she goes out to perform, her make-up is carried out by the makeup artist, so she doesn't know what products she uses.

Only during the break, Su Wenqi will use the products given by the sponsor, so the dosage is relatively small and the degree of poisoning is relatively small.

"Three months is not enough. Now many people have begun to sue me. I really dare not go out now."

With that, Su Wenqi took out her mobile phone and showed Qin Jun the messages.

"I only bought it after seeing Su Wenqi's endorsement, but now it's like this. My boyfriend also broke up. How much does Su Wenqi want to accompany me?"

"I'm also a fan of Su Wenqi. If there's something wrong with the product, the stars should take the main responsibility!"

"That's right, Su Wenqi must be responsible. How many girls are aiming at her. As a result, isn't it a lie?"

"It's not just cheating. It's just a matter of character. She's making money. We're dumb. Now Tongbao group is running away. Who can we go to?"


Out of such a big thing, Tongbao group directly ran away, the boss ran away, the rest of the staff have no way to compensate, Tongbao group is basically dissolved on the spot.

Qin Jun helplessly shook his head, these people's ideas can also understand, after all, the star endorsement, the first time out of the problem to find the endorsement of the star.

If you take the endorsement fee, you have to take the responsibility.

But Su Wenqi has nothing to do with it. There is no problem with the first generation of products. Then Su Wenqi takes on the endorsement. As a result, there is something wrong with the second generation of products. How can we reason about this?

And Su Wenqi herself is also a victim, and she has nothing to do.

It will take some time to calm down the public opinion, but the most important thing so far is to cure everyone's illness.

Qin jundao said, "it's reasonable to say that under the action of my acupuncture, your disease can be effective on the spot, but I can't help everyone with acupuncture, so I want to study a prescription and do an experiment with you."

Su Wenqi turned her lips, but she didn't refuse.

Although being treated as a mouse is somewhat uncomfortable, she also knows that Qin Jun is helping her, and since Qin Jun can do experiments on her, it shows that there is no problem.

Qin Jun went out and bought a lot of herbs.

"that product, Tong Bao lotion two generation, bring me to see."

Su Wenqi handed the problem product to Qin Jun, took the lotion, smeared Qin Jun on his hand, and sniffed it before his nose. After studying

, Qin Jun mixed the problematic lotion with some herbs and rubbed it into a ball, like a pill twisted by leaves.

He said.

"One swallow."

Su Wenqi was stunned, "what, this broken pill can eat?"

Qin Jun smile, "I give you you are not at ease?"


If others give it, Su Wenqi will never eat it. After all, there are some cosmetics mixed in it. Many things in cosmetics are inedible.

But Qin Jun gave it, she naturally believed it.

Take this pill, a face of disgust into the mouth, swallowed a saliva, gulp gulp gulp gulp down.

After taking it, Su Wenqi began to sweat in a few minutes.

"I said, is this medicine OK? How can I feel sweating?"

Qin Jun said, "sweating is right, don't worry, drink more water, and then run to the toilet several times."

Su Wenqi endured the discomfort and began to drink water.

After going to the toilet four or five times, Su Wenqi opened her mouth and suddenly found that her voice was much better!