Medical Master's World

Chapter 1067

This old aunt is really too realistic. Others have to do their best to help her. She can't help others at all.

"My daughter has just entered the company and has just become a leader. It's time for her to perform. Don't give my daughter any trouble!"

The old aunt said it to death directly, breaking Wang Dongxue's thought.

Wang Dongxue frowned, a little speechless.

"Auntie, I didn't want to go into stratospheric beauty. You misunderstood me."

The old aunt sneered, "it's better to do this. Don't give us the wrong idea. My daughter is in the rising stage of her career. She must protect herself. She can't be caught by other leaders."

Wang Rongrong sneered, "that is, it all depends on my own strength. At the beginning, I asked you to help me. You didn't care. Now I'm in. Do you want to help me? Isn't that a joke? "

Qin Jun can't listen any more. He frowned and said.

"You are too self righteous, don't you think this job is based on your own strength?"

Wang Rongrong a stare, "how, you question me?"

The old aunt also glared at Qin Jun and sneered.

"What are you doing? Red eye disease is not good to see others, right? When we see that Rongrong is promising, we start to forget, right? "

"It's very hard for you to see anyone else, OK?"

Xu Juan said quickly, "little sister! What's your name? Of course, we don't mean that. We hope Rongrong is good, but we are also worried about whether this job will be too easy. Maybe something will happen? "

The old aunt snorted coldly, "what can happen? My daughter is the leader. What can happen? I think you're just jealous and don't want to help. Can't you see anyone else? "


At the same time, Liu Qingqing is finally busy in the company. He wants to contact Qin Jun, and he is very soft to remember what he told him.

Liu Qingqing came directly to the personnel department.

"Manager Sun, is that Wang Rongrong here today?"

Manager Sun quickly stood up, "good general manager Liu, here comes Wang Rongrong. I've already arranged the work, the logistics minister."

Liu Qingqing nodded. This department is good. It doesn't need too much ability, and it's relatively easy. Although Qin Jun didn't say what relative he was, this position should be OK.

Manager Sun asked with a smile.

"Mr. Liu, your relatives?"

Liu Qingqing said, "it's not my relatives, it's the old Qin family."

Manager Sun was stunned, "Lao Qin? You mean Master Qin

Many people have been spreading rumors about Liu Qingqing's affair with master Qin before. Although manager Sun has heard a little bit about it, he is not sure, and he does not dare to spread the boss's gossip. Isn't he looking for death?

Liu Qingqing smiles, "yes, Lao Qin is master Qin, my boyfriend."

Now that the relationship between Liu Qingqing and Qin Jun has been established, there is no need to pretend. It's nothing to say to outsiders.

Manager Sun was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt that he had eaten a big melon and knew such a big gossip.

I didn't expect that Liu Qingqing really fell in love with master Qin!

It's really talented and beautiful. No wonder I'm so interested in Wang Rongrong. He turned out to be a relative of master Qin.

Manager sun suddenly felt that he was careless. If he was Liu Qingqing's relative, he might just arrange it casually.

But master Qin's relatives can't be so hasty.

If the arrangement is right and master Qin is satisfied, maybe she can raise a vice president by blowing the pillow!