Medical Master's World

Chapter 1066

Even now, Wang Rongrong still feels that she can find the job by her appearance.

After work in the evening, my aunt waited at the door early.

After work, security colleagues are respectful one by one.

"Goodbye, Minister Wang!"

"Slow down, Minister Wang!"


Seeing those beautiful urban beauties greeting her politely, Wang Rongrong's heart really swelled to the extreme.

The old aunt looked at her with a big smile and thought that her daughter was really promising.

"Girl, it's amazing. Once you enter the company, you become a leader."

Wang Rongrong said with a smile, "Mom, can I give you a long face? Look at my dress, isn't it? "

Wang Rongrong is wearing the work clothes of the leaders, which is a little higher than those of the small white-collar workers.

Old aunt stretched out a thumb, "really beautiful, go, also don't change clothes, go to Wang Dongxue her home to show off!"

With that, the mother and daughter took a taxi directly to Wang Dongxue's house.

Soon, to Wang Dongxue's home, their family is in the house, ready to eat dinner.

After the mother and daughter got out of the car, Xu Juan was stunned.

"Little sister, Rongrong, you're here. We've just had dinner. Come in and have a bite."

Seeing Wang Rongrong's clothes, Xu Juan was stunned.

"Rong Rong, this dress is..."

Wang Rongrong straightened her chest and let them see the badge clearly.

"Stratospheric beauty, director of Logistics Department"

Xu Juan quickly wiped her hands, looked down and was shocked.

"Oh, Rongrong is so powerful. Has she really gone into stratospheric beauty?"

The old aunt laughed a few times and couldn't hide her happiness.

"Of course, who is my daughter? She can enter a big company with her own efforts, and she is the leader as soon as she enters!"

Xu Juan did not expect that Wang Rongrong could really find a job.

"I'm so happy for you. Rongrong is promising."

Wang Dongxue is frowned, looking at Wang Rongrong this dress, a little puzzled.

"You're the Minister of stratospheric beauty? As far as I know, even ordinary employees of stratosphere beauty need at least a bachelor's degree. If they want to be a minister, they must have outstanding performance and rich working experience. You.... "

Did not wait for Wang Dongxue to finish, the old aunt was not happy immediately.

"What do you mean, my daughter can't do it! As I have said, my daughter is different from others. She can enter a big company without the help of your family. "

"But this big company can't enter at will. How do you write your resume..."

"All right!" My aunt is not happy.

"Wang Dongxue, don't talk sarcastic again. You don't care if you ask for your help. Now my daughter has entered the company with her own strength, and you are still gossiping. How, are you jealous?"

Wang Rongrong sneered and said.

"Mom, I think my cousin may also want to enter the stratosphere beauty salon. After all, she is a small anchor now. Her job is unstable and she may be cold at any time. This stratosphere beauty salon is a rice bowl, not the same."

The old aunt's face changed, "what, you want to find my daughter to enter the company through the back door? That can't work. My daughter has just become a leader. How can she be cronyist? If this is known by other leaders, they should not be scolded! "

"No, No."

The old aunt thought that Wang Dongxue also wanted to enter the company, so she refused.

I can't help you. I can't help you.