Medical Master's World

Chapter 1068

Thinking of this, manager Sun quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Rongrong.

"Hello, Wang Rongrong. This is manager Sun. Where are you now? Is it convenient for Fang to come to you?"

Wang Rongrong a Leng, said his address.

Manager Sun said, "I'll come to you later. You wait for me."

Then he hung up the phone.

Manager Sun took a look at his office and took two boxes of bird's nest in the office. They were all given by customers before. They were expensive and of good quality.

It's the best gift.

Carrying the bird's nest, manager Sun quickly drove off.


At Wang Dongxue's home, Wang Rongrong hangs up the phone and suddenly becomes excited.

"Ma! Our leaders are coming! "

Old aunt Leng for a while, "what, your leaders are coming here? Is it true or not? "

"Really, just after the call, let's clean up quickly!"

Old aunt also dare not neglect, don't look with others dare to pretend to force, but in front of Rongrong leadership, she can't trust big.

With that, my aunt scolded Xu Juan.

"Sister, what are you doing? Hurry up and clean up your house. It's not regular at all. What does it look like when the manager comes?"

"Ah, OK, I'll clean up quickly."

Wang Dongxue is a little reluctant to see Xu Juan being directed by her aunt.

"Auntie, as for it, why is our house not clean? Isn't it clean? What can we do?"

The old aunt glared at Wang Dongxue, "it's not neat enough, do you know? He's the manager of the personnel department. He's in charge of personnel. If he doesn't serve well, he may offend. "

"What's more, don't think that when the personnel manager comes, you can ask for anything, but you can't ask for anything because of our family's relationship with Rongrong. Do you hear me?"

The old lady was really afraid that Wang Dongxue would want to enter the stratosphere beauty salon later, and put forward some unreasonable requirements, so she quickly gave a preventive injection in advance. The manager came here today for Wang Rongrong, and they were poor relatives. It's better not to talk nonsense.

The expression on Xu Juan's face was very embarrassed. She agreed and began to clean up the house.

Originally, the room was very clean and tidy. After a few cleanings, there was nothing to move.

But the old aunt has been dissatisfied, directing Xu Juan to do this and that.

Wang Dongxue beside very dissatisfied, has been in the edge of anger.

Finally, a Mercedes Benz stopped at the door, and a woman came down from the car. She was about 30 years old, with excellent maintenance and high-grade dress. After all, she was the manager, and her work dress was a better grade than Wang Rongrong's.

Carrying two boxes of bird's nest came in, saw Wang Rongrong, said with a smile.

"Rongrong, I'll come and see you."

Wang Rongrong is still coming. I'm going to meet her.

"Oh, leader, you are killing me. I should go to see you. How can you come to see me?"

Wang Rongrong is not worldly, just snobbish. He is polite when he meets people of higher level, and he starts to put on airs when he meets people of lower level.

Manager Sun laughs. After a few greetings, he sees Qin Jun sitting on the sofa and asks carefully.

"Excuse me, is that Mr. Qin?"

Qin Jun a Leng, didn't expect so many people, this sun manager first asked him?

"It's me."

The old aunt saw Qin Jun's appearance and was not happy.

"What's your attitude? When leaders talk to you, you should stand up quickly!"