Medical Master's World

Chapter 1061

In fact, it's not only her parents, but also Wang Dongxue's excellent personality, which is easy to be convinced.

Thin skinned, it's not easy to be asked to refuse, such everywhere, but fortunately, Qin Jun is not such a person.

When they came home with gifts, they saw four people sitting in the yard.

One is Wang Aimin, Wang Dongxue's father, and the other is Xu Juan, Wang Dongxue's mother.

The other two women, old and young, look like mother and daughter.

Xu Juan saw that Wang Dongxue and Qin Jun came back and stood up in a hurry.

"Dongxue, Xiaoqin, sit down. Xiao Qin, let me introduce you. This is aunt Dongxue, and this is aunt Dongxue's cousin. Her name is Xu Rongrong. "

Xu Rongrong is wearing a high imitation brand sportswear with heavy makeup on her face. She looks indifferent.

After the introduction, he simply nodded his head and said hello.

A look is a little sister, as for the old aunt, is a look of disdain Qin Jun.

"Why haven't you bought a car? Did you come back by taxi?"

Back in the countryside, of course, Qin Jun can't drive a sports car, and he hasn't bought another car for the time being, so it's more convenient to take a taxi.

I didn't expect to be despised again because I didn't have a car. Qin Jun was speechless. It seems that I have to hurry to buy a car after I go back.

Qin Jun did not say a word, laughing perfunctory.

The old aunt took a look at what Qin Jun was carrying and turned her mouth.

"It's such an age. It's so interesting to come to my father-in-law's house and take health care products."

Xu Juan took a look and quickly accepted those things.

"Ha ha, younger sister, it's not the first time that Xiaojun has come here. You don't need to buy gifts. Dongxue, you really are. It's not the first time that you come to the door. What do you want to buy?"

Qin Jun smile, "this is not to buy, is a friend there casually take, are some ordinary supplements, you usually when snacks can."

Xu Juan's face was full of smiles. Originally, there were not many rules in her family. Qin Jun had brought a gift for the first time, so this time she didn't have to buy anything.

But that cousin is one face of disdain, full face pick reason appearance.

After everyone sat down, Xu Juan said.

"Dongxue, you see, Rongrong is old enough to work. Recently, she wants to find a job in the city. Can you help her?"

Wang Dongxue frowned, "well, I can't help you, can I?"

Wang Dongxue Leng for a while, originally thought it was to borrow money, the result now seems to have to work?

Cousin's attitude also eased some, said.

"Dongxue, I heard that you are doing well now. You should have a lot of contacts in Donghai. It should not be a problem to help your cousin arrange a job?"

Wang Dongxue looks embarrassed for a while, "Auntie, I don't have any contacts. I'm just a university in Donghai. What kind of job does my cousin want?"

"The old aunt said," you see my home Rongrong so beautiful temperament, how can also be a white-collar? If you want to work as a civilian, just sit in an office. You don't have to pay too much a year. Five or six hundred thousand a year is enough. "

Wang Dongxue frowned, "Auntie, cousin Rongrong, what education background?"

"Education? Rongrong high school will not read, her father said, study is useless, it is better to go to work early, share the difficulties for the family

Wang Dongxue smoked from the corner of her mouth and said to her aunt.

"Auntie, if you want to earn $5.6 million a year, you have to have a doctor's degree or above, or you will have a very outstanding job."

"There is no high school diploma like Rongrong. Even if you go to the city, you can only do some service industries, supermarket tellers and so on."