Medical Master's World

Chapter 1062

The old aunt suddenly changed her face and frowned.

"What kind of work is that! Isn't that serving people? My daughter is so beautiful that she can do that kind of work? "

The old aunt's words made Wang Dongxue and Qin Jun frown.

It's too ambitious. In order to save money, my family doesn't want to go to high school. They want to go to work directly, and then they want to earn 5.6 million a year? Isn't it a dream?

Wang Dongxue is a little bit not happy, not angry said.

"Then I can't help either. I don't have that ability."

Wang Dongxue is like this, old aunt is not happy immediately.

"Look, look, what an attitude! Is that a helping attitude? "

"But for the sake of relatives, I don't need your help! They're all relatives. They put on such airs! "

The old aunt's words made Xu Juan very embarrassed.

Xu Juan quickly said, "little sister, Dongxue doesn't mean that either. Rongrong's degree really means almost. Let's not set such a high goal and lower the requirements."

Wang Rongrong, who hasn't spoken all the time, can't help but say that his mobile phone is just about to end the game, and he says with disdain.

"What's the meaning of two or three thousand a month? It's better to stay at home and do something promising if you want to work. I heard that there is a stratus beauty in Donghai. I think it's OK for me to go in if I look so beautiful?"

Qin Jun can't help laughing beside her. I really don't know who gave her courage. A junior high school graduate doesn't want to make progress. He wants to be ambitious. He doesn't want to do it if the salary is low, but he can't go if the salary is high.

It's funny to think that you're good-looking and want to make up for stratiform cloud.

Wang Dongxue is even more helpless, "Rongrong, stratiform cloud beauty can't be beautiful enough to go in. They are big enterprises now, and their demands are very high."

The old aunt said, "it's because of this that we come to beg you. They are all relatives. Please do me a favor and say hello."

Wang Dongxue is speechless, "how can I have such great ability?"

The old aunt said, "I've heard that you are now a big anchor, a big star, and something you can't do? Why don't I believe it? "

Wang Dongxue is really guilty.

"Auntie, I really don't have that ability. Although I know a few people who make up stratiform cloud, I can't speak. I'm not a big star. I'm just a little anchor."

The old aunt and Wang Rongrong were not happy all of a sudden. They stood up and said angrily.

"All right, no, not yet! I beg you. I've already given you face. I didn't expect you to follow me! "

"If you don't want to help, just say you don't want to help. Why do you have so many reasons? Can't we go yet?"

With that, the old aunt and Wang Rongrong seem to have been wronged and want to go out.

Xu Juan quickly stood up and stopped her.

"Little sister, don't be angry. We are studying, and we don't say we won't help you. The child doesn't have so much ability."

The old aunt stood there with a face full of anger. Wang Rongrong also held her arm, as if she was upright and courageous. It was right to help her.

Xu Juan winked at Wang Dongxue.

"Dongxue, if you have the ability, do your little sister a favor. Do you want to see if you can enter that company?"

Wang Dongxue shook her head, "Mom, I really can't help. That company is not small. I just know some of their employees. That's not a social network."