Medical Master's World

Chapter 1060


If the effect of this medicine is true, the blow to He Hui is absolutely unprecedented.

Just like Zhu Linlin's colleagues, they are cornered by a sugar God No.2, and even close down.

But their pharmaceutical factories are OK. They don't only produce drugs for diabetes, but also for other diseases.

However, Hehui is different. Hehui only produces drugs for male diseases.

This is the end of it.


As soon as "single shot" came into the market, it immediately caused a lot of repercussions. Although no one preached how wonderful the drug was, its sales rose very fast.

It can be seen that although many people are reluctant to admit it, they all go to buy this medicine, and the effect is very good, so that there will be repeat customers to continue to buy it.

When he Hui saw their own sales performance, he was as pale as ashes.


Zhu Linlin is very busy here again. She never thought that she would publish the prescription of Tangshen No.2 one day, which is so understated.

And there's a new drug right away.

Qin Jun has helped everything he can, so he doesn't stay here much.

After Zhu Linlin gave the medicine, many pharmaceutical companies came to visit and give gifts.

Especially for the pharmaceutical companies of health care products, the emergence of this drug has some impact on them.

They worry that if master Qin comes up with some health care products, they will have no way to live.

Health care products have no effect, they are just supplements.

And tonic is the best in TCM.

Qin Jun casually gave them some prescriptions, which were much more powerful than those health care products, so they were very worried.

Qin Jun learned that it was just a faint smile, and did not say anything.

Zhu Linlin is very helpless, "brother Jun, you see you scared them, now they are really afraid of you."

Qin jundao, "even me? They are afraid of you. "

Zhu Linlin said with a bitter smile, "so many health care products, you can take some away. You can find someone to give them away. You should share them with me."

"All right."

Qin Jun took some health care products and looked at the formula. They were all dried fruits and common herbs, which could play a tonic role. It was OK to eat as a snack, but it couldn't cure the disease.

However, for the middle-aged and old people, it's good to add some necessary elements.

Qin Jun carries a few to go out, hit a car directly, contacted Wang Dongxue.

Wang Dongxue is very happy to receive Qin Jun's message.

"Brother Jun, I'm going home today. Would you like to accompany me?"

"Well Yes, I have something to take with me

Qin Jun also wanted to see Wang Dongxue, but there was no problem for her to go back to her hometown. At the same time, Qin Jun had many health care products for the elderly.

Soon, the two returned to their hometown.

To the village, found that the old couple did not come out to meet.

Qin Jun is a little curious.

"Uncle and aunt didn't come to pick you up?"

Wang Dongxue's parents dote on her very much. Every time they go home, the old couple always stand at the door to greet her. Today, they didn't come out. Qin Jun feels a little strange.

Wang Dongxue said.

"My mother just sent me a message, saying that my aunt came to my house and wanted to borrow money."

Seeing that Wang Dongxue's expression is not particularly good when talking, Qin Jun is curious.

"Bad relationship?"

Wang Dongxue frowned and nodded.

"In the past, when our family was in trouble, they didn't contact us. Now when the conditions are better, they come to borrow money. It's too much."

Qin Jun laughed and did not speak.

This kind of thing is too common, poor in the downtown nobody asked, rich in the mountains have distant relatives, this is the world.

Wang Dongxue's parents have a good temper and are easy to be borrowed.