Medical Master's World

Chapter 1059

Moreover, the release of the formula of tangshen-2 also made everyone feel sorry for it.

This Zhu Linzhu is really generous. This is what a big boss should look like. When things happen, he is not selfish and wants to benefit the whole mankind. This pattern of people is magnificent!

He Hui and others look a little ugly. No wonder Zhu Linlin is so confident that Tangshen No.2 has stood out in just a few months.

It turns out that there is master Qin's advice behind!

How could Zhu Linlin have such a network?

After explaining Tangshen 2, Qin Jun took out a new product.

"This new product, called single shot, is the product of my second cooperation with Wenhe medicine."

"Now male diseases are very common, male friends actually need not avoid this thing, pressure, smoking and drinking, busy work, stay up late and other bad habits, all lead to male physical health problems, disease does not avoid medical treatment, if you have problems, should be treated in time, should not hide tucked in, but will be more serious."

With that, Qin Jun took out the formula of this product.

Of course, not all of them are formulated, only some of them have no dosage.

The prescription is displayed on the big screen. Qin Jun points to one of them and says.

"The main effect of SANGHUA is to relieve fatigue and refresh the mind. If some male friends lead to disharmony between husband and wife due to too much work pressure and fatigue, then this medicine, together with some previous tonics, is a good medicine to relieve fatigue and help husband and wife live

"And unlike western medicine, our traditional Chinese medicine is very mild and has no side effects."

"Now there is no product on the market that dares to say zero side effects, but I am the only one with no side effects or hormones."


Qin Jun continued to explain. Of course, he was very confident in this prescription, and the people believed him very much.

Originally, master Qin's public trust was high. In addition to the sugar God No. 2, master Qin's credibility increased several grades.

After all, Tangshen No.2 is a miracle drug that has really cured countless patients.

People who can develop this kind of medicine will certainly have no problem in developing other drugs.

Qin Jun after some explanation, the final conclusion.

"This lecture is a one-time advertisement. It's only played once. It won't be played in a cycle in the future. As for the efficacy, please experience it yourself."

With that, I changed to the next one.

It seems that the cost of a ten minute lecture hall is very high, but it's actually one-time, not a round robin, so Zhu Linlin didn't spend too much money on publicity.

But the effect is very explosive.

This video was immediately downloaded by netizens and spread to major platforms.

"Master Qin, save the man!"

As soon as this kind of title appears, many men are boiling up.

Originally, if there was a problem in that aspect, most people would not go to the hospital because it was difficult to say.

And they don't understand their own problems. In fact, sometimes there is nothing wrong with them. If they don't go to the hospital for examination, they always feel that they may have some serious diseases.

But now, Qin Jun's explanation for more than ten minutes is very thorough, and the men with problems can take their seats directly.

In short, whatever the cause of the disease, this medicine can cure.

He Hui's face was extremely ugly.