Medical Master's World

Chapter 1058

There are few new drugs in their field, and he Hui, the manufacturer of these drugs, knows them and is his friend.

He can't be unaware of a new product.

But the advertisement just now really surprised him.

Literature and medicine?

Isn't that Zhu Linlin's company?

He Hui immediately called and asked all colleagues to hold a conference call.

"Do you see that new product, single shot?"

"See, what's the origin of this article and medicine?"

"I know her. She's a diabetes product. Sugar god 2 is theirs."

"Crouching troughs are so powerful. Sugar God No.2 is a magic medicine. How come they are still involved in the field of men?"

"Who knows, can they do cross domain business?"


People always think that literature and medicine are not good.

First of all, the emergence of a new product will not be accepted by the common people. When you go to see a doctor and buy medicine, you must still buy the medicine that has been used before. No one wants to try a new one. What if the new drug has any side effects?

Secondly, even if we really accept it, it will be difficult to crush everyone in a short period of time, because it needs a lot of publicity, which is not only financial, but also human.

Only with the authentication of authoritative figures can this thing be carried forward.

But this medicine, what authority?

Originally, men don't like to admit that they are sick. Do you still want to find a patient to explain your own experience? That's bullshit.

Therefore, the disease is not easy to publicize, and the effect can only be achieved by the people's word of mouth saying that the medicine is good.

"Mr. He doesn't have to worry about it. It's just a clown. It's estimated that it won't take long for this medicine to stop production."

Just as he finished, someone suddenly received wechat and his face changed.

"Watch TV! CCTV

Quickly turn on the TV, change to a CCTV set, see the advertising inside, immediately surprised.

Advertisement is an explanation of the situation, just like the kind of advertisement that doctors explain health care to the common people.

Now this kind of advertising has rotten street, many people know the routine, so this kind of advertising effect is general, can't play any effect.


This time the classroom advertisement is different, because the speaker is master Qin!

At this time, Qin Jun, wearing a mask and a white coat, sat in front of the lecture table and explained the theory of medicine to the audience below.

"The first one to explain is sugar God II."

"I found this prescription by accident in Treatise on febrile diseases, but it was not perfect at that time. Now many new varieties of herbs have been able to replace the previous formula. Therefore, after ten years of research by my master and I, we have replaced some useless herbs and improved the effect significantly."

"Therefore, Tangshen No.2 can completely cure diabetes and let all diabetic patients get rid of the disease."

"At present, general manager Zhu Linzhu of Wenhe medicine has announced the prescription to the world and decided to let all manufacturers produce it for the benefit of mankind."

When Qin Jun finished his sentence, everyone clapped.

No wonder Tangshen No.2 is so powerful. It's the recipe given by master Qin!

Tangshen No.2 has a strong public trust, and Qin Jun has a certain position in the hearts of the common people.

If the two are linked, it will be more credible.

Master Qin deserves to be master Qin!