Medical Master's World

Chapter 1057

He Hui was confused. Seeing the expression and performance of these people, he really couldn't understand.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you suddenly go back? At the beginning, we agreed to deal with Zhu Linlin together. If you are like this now, I will not do it! "

A pharmacist stood up and said with a smile, "if you don't do it, don't do it. We're not going to do it. I wish the president is so interesting. If I can deal with him again, it's not human."

"I think so. Mr. Zhu is young and promising. He is the benchmark of our industry. We should learn from Mr. Zhu."

"OK, let's break up. Let's go back and do our own work."


With that, everyone got up to go.

He Hui frowned and hurriedly went up to catch a pharmacist and asked.

"What's going on! Make it clear to me quickly

Don't catch that druggist. He has a good relationship with He Hui, so he says helplessly.

"General manager he, Zhu Linlin has announced the prescription of Tangshen No.2. Now we can produce this medicine, and there's no need to spend money to continue fighting."

"Well, Mr. He, you don't lose much. We will buy all the white Suzi in your hand. Don't worry."

With that, the druggist went straight away.

They didn't want to compete maliciously. Even if Zhu Linlin went bankrupt, it didn't do them any good.

This is also an activity organized by He Hui that they are not allowed to participate in with talent.

Now that there is no one in their way, they will naturally withdraw from the activities.

He Hui's face is not so good-looking, but in order to monopolize Bai Suzi, he spent a lot of money.

Now, if you sell it at the original price, you will definitely lose money. This loss is not small.

Moreover, it's impossible to buy this white Suzi at a high price. If it's really sold at a high price, it's probably he Hui that these people work together to deal with.

He Hui had no choice but to give up. He didn't get the beauty back, and he didn't get the profit. This trip was a waste of work.

He Hui returned to the company and began to sell Bai Suzi. Two days later, he was in a meeting when he saw an advertisement on TV.

Is a middle-aged actor's advertisement, the product is called single shot!

The content of the advertisement is very simple. An actor is sitting on the sofa and a woman is lying on the bed with her back to him. There is a very awkward atmosphere between them. It seems that the couple's life is not harmonious.

This kind of advertisement saw many, what tonifying kidney medicine most are like this opening, gives a person a kind of ambiguous and embarrassed feeling.

Then the man picked up a box of medicine and took one.

There is a close-up on the medicine box, single shot, produced in Wenhe medicine, Donghai City, Hantong province.

After the man eats it, the camera turns, and it immediately becomes a scene of ancient costume war. The hero rides on a big horse, holds a silver gun, and fights against the enemy single handedly.

That's the end of the ad.

For a product, this is a very successful advertisement. It can be seen that it costs a lot of money and the advertising company pays a lot of attention.

Many people don't feel anything when they see it. First of all, although it's a male product, the advertisement doesn't feel that it doesn't adapt to people, and there's no edge ball or hint. But it's because of this that the effect will be better.

However, other people do not understand, he Hui is to see the door, this is not male medicine, his field ah.