Mech Journey

Chapter 623

The little wormhole appeared in such a hidden place, and with this frightening background, Xue Xian's feelings were different even in the command room.

Yang Mu, however, asked the team to mark it after seeing it, and then ordered the mecha troops to return to the cruise ship.

At the same time, Yang Mu and Lu Pu in outer space ordered him to scan the whole Capricorn star and use more sophisticated instruments to find more spatial fluctuations.

When Yang Mu came out of the canyon, Lu Pu had sent many abnormal positions to Yang Mu.

"General, do you mean there may be more wormholes on this planet than we thought?" Xue Xian stood next to Yang Mu, looking at this scanning picture and asked in surprise.

Yang Mu turned his head and looked at the other people in the audience and motioned them to say something.

"General, although this is a scanning pattern brought by a starship from space, after all, seeing is believing..." Another officer said at this time, but it was just what Yang Mu wanted.

"It doesn't matter. Today we have plenty of time to go and have a look." Yang Mu said that the cruise ship immediately locked in the next location closest to here, and went immediately.

A moment later, the roaring warship stopped at the edge of a cliff, and the team again entered a place below the cliff, where there was also a quiet wormhole.

But this is not enough. Li Mu even ordered the ship to sink directly into the distant ocean. In the dark trench, there is also a small wormhole, which is hidden in the dark sea bottom. Nobody knows it.

Yang Mu took these officers on a small trip to the planet, and almost made a careful exploration in the equatorial region of the planet. After such a careful count, more than 10 new wormholes were found.

In the previous scanning map sent by Lu Pu, the number of such wormholes may be in the hundreds.

Huge facts were before everyone, and the officers of the observation mission, who had just argued for it, were bowing their heads and looking serious at the moment.

"General, this I've never had such information anywhere. No planet has so many small wormholes. "

At the moment, Yang Mu waved his hand, but he was surprised.

"Mr. Xue, what do you think of what I said before?"

Xue Xian was stunned, but he turned his head and looked at the street officers of the same trade. Several people were a little stunned, but suddenly he wanted to understand something.

Although Yang Mu's idea is crazy, but now it seems, it is also the most realistic.

"General, the reason you do this is because of the number of wormholes that are difficult to count, right?" Xue Xian opened his mouth and Yang Mu nodded.

"It's not just about the number of wormholes. The existence of these things will transform the whole Capricorn into a terrible place."

"Transformed into what?"


Yang Mu's eyes burning said: "Zerg station, a real springboard."

Xue Xian repeated several times in a panic, then looked at Yang Mu again, but in his eyes was already frightened.

"Wudu Xingyu?"

Xue Xian gently asked, but Yang Mu also nodded, stood beside the sand table, opened the star map of this area.

Several officers were also aware of something, one by one whispering, but also looking at the star map.

"Wudu star region is less than three light years away from here, and Wudu star field, for everyone, should know what is the importance?"

"So, the second administrative star is there. That super large galaxy has seven livable stars, which is the most prosperous place in Yizhou Star district under this side. In addition to the surrounding small galaxies, the population may exceed 10 billion."

A civilian officer said in surprise at the moment, but he had fully understood what Yang Mu meant.

The position of this Capricorn star is just the weak point of the surrounding galaxies. If the Zerg launch intensive forces here, the forces that can be accumulated in an instant will make the Xinhan star field totally unable to respond.

At present, Xue Xian and several officers also began to deduce the tactics of the surrounding troops under the reaction conditions. However, after a moment, Xue Xian threw away the baton in despair.

Yang Mu, who stands by and looks at all this silently, is waiting for Xue Xian's answer.

"General, I see. The planet, perhaps, is going to give up."

Xue Xian said dejectedly, while the other officers nearby looked grim, but still some people put forward their own opinions.

"General, we can completely close this planet, we must completely destroy this planet?"

"Yes, otherwise we have to pay a lot of things on this planet, and the planet is so huge, it is not easy to destroy a planet."

At this time, someone should talk with Tao."Of course I understand, but you guys, this problem is for the time being left to you, because this planet is still the property of Xinhan star territory, but if you give me the command, I will not hesitate to blow it up and clean up."

Xue Xian looked up at Yang Mu. Although he agreed to give up the planet, he felt that there must be some other way.

"General, we really don't have any other way?"

Xue asked, but Yang Mu took a look at him, and then narrowed down the star map in front of him to reveal the whole picture of Capricorn and several surrounding galaxies.

A group of officers do not understand why Yang Mu suddenly do this, but see Yang Mu suddenly hold the Capricorn star in the virtual pattern.

"The barracks I'm talking about is just the first stage. When Zerg troops arrive in sufficient numbers, do you think Capricorn will have no effect on them?"

"What?" Xue Xian, who thought that Yang Mu was going to give a solution, was surprised to hear this, but he also looked at Yang Mu's action.

Yang Mu swept over everyone's face in front of him, then held the virtual light ball, slowly pulled out the star map of the galaxy, and went directly to Wudu galaxy.

Yang Mu's action is very slow, and Xue Xian and others look at all this, but their eyes are also a little bit big.

Until Yang Mu put the ball of light in his hands on the core planet of Wudu galaxy, which is also the second administrative star, Wudu star, everyone could not help but step back two steps.

"It's impossible, general. It's impossible."

"Just three light years away, under the dual effects of stellar gravitational catapult and Zerg, do you want to reason with the universe?" Yang Mu asked slowly.

"But it is, too, appalling!" Xue Xian turned pale and tried to explain.

"This is a lot of livable stars, smashed directly, are those Zerg so willing?"

"Of course they will Yang Mu said in a loud voice.

"Because they are not human beings, planets are almost the same for them. What they need is not a suitable living environment, they need resources."

"When the planet is broken, resources can be absorbed as well."

"And it can also break down human resistance."

"Why don't they do it?"

Yang Mu said with a cold face. The officers around him who listened to Yang Mu's words seemed to fall into the ice cellar and shudder.

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