Mech Journey

Chapter 622

This younger brother, named Xue Xian, has never met Yang Mu. However, after a brief contact with the other party, Yang Mu also found that he is not ordinary.

The temperament of this person is the feeling of a great family, and the other party also admits that his family is more capable in Xintang Xingyu.

However, the other party finally served in the new Han Star region. Yang Mu called out his resume in front of him. Starting from a small communication staff officer of the assault ship, Xue Xian could not help being lonely and ushered in a rapid promotion. At the age of 30, he had become a star school in China.

And his Kun college background also makes Yang Mu have a certain sense of intimacy, at least Yang Mu can talk with each other.

"Didn't the general come to see your arrangement here? It also specifically said that we should pay more attention and learn more. "

At the moment, Xue Xian is taking Yang Mu's cruise ship and the ten mecha sent by the base to explore a canyon in the south of the base.

Yang Mu naturally let the officers of the observation group join in.

"No, those things have been integrated into a complete document and sent to you. In fact, the more important reason for calling you here today is to let you know the planet well."

"Capricorn?" Standing next to Yang Mu, Xue Xian frowned silently and didn't understand what Yang Mu meant.

But Yang Mu nodded and looked at the dark red sky outside the porthole and said to Xue Xian.

"Did Mr. Xue really understand the situation of this planet?" Xue Xian naturally shook his head.

"I have a crazy idea about this planet. I hope you can be prepared mentally." Yang Mu is not taboo to open his mouth said, standing next to Xue Xian heard this sentence immediately widened his eyes, suddenly feel Yang Mu's temperament suddenly changed.

Yang Mu's serious tone continued to ring.

"Have you ever considered giving up this planet? I mean, when you face this planet, have you ever thought about blowing up this planet and killing it all?"

The voice of Yang Mu's words passed into the ears of several observation officers nearby. Several people looked at each other one after another, but they all saw the horror from their own eyes.

Xue Xian also has some changes.

Yang Mu's words can't be said to be shocking, but they are also enough to be described as a fantasy.

Because it's almost impossible. It's a very large planet, a moderately habitable star, a planet with rich mineral resources.

Even if there are a lot of problems in mining and urban construction at this stage, it is impossible for the planet to be fully developed in a short period of time.

But Xue believes that this planet will not be abandoned by the new Han Star region.

This is a huge planet, which can bring new economic growth point to Xinhan star region in the foreseeable future.

"General, with all due respect, this possibility is almost zero. Capricorn is an important planet." Xue Xiansi thought for a moment and said, shaking his head.

Several officers next to him also agreed. At the moment, Yang Mu had such an idea. What was he thinking?

Yang Mu, however, also laughed and lowered his head.

It is true that this method is their own, and it is very non operational. These people are absolutely not willing to agree with their own opinions.

But in fact, Yang Mu made such a decision, and it was a reasonable decision made according to the actual situation.

Capricorn's defense is so bad that it's hard to see such a force in front of other human forces.

But now the situation has changed, and that is, what these people think they can do is to keep the planet under human control.

Human beings are still able to carry out a series of development here, and can make all these become very conducive to human development in the next time.

But they don't have the ability of prophecy. They know that the planet will probably fall into the hands of Zerg in the end, and after that, the planet will become a nightmare for many people.

This is an important defensive point, such a mistake, Yang Mu can not sit idly by, no matter how to find a solution.

"Maybe I think too much, ladies and gentlemen, this is just a reference opinion for me. You can record it. If you have different opinions, please tell me about it again. How about it?"

Yang Mu said with a smile, the people in the field also quickly followed with a smile, a right when this matter did not happen.

At this time, the cruise ship also followed the team to the patrol point.

This is a red canyon. Under the canyon is a piece of white soil, completely separated from the dark red of the upper layer. This time, the task is to reach the bottom of the canyon and conduct a space exploration.

Obviously, this task is also carefully arranged by Zhang Yi. He may want to show his better side in front of many officers.

The cruiser slowly descended and hovered in the deep canyon. Yang Mu and others stayed in the command room. At the moment, the ten base mechas descended slowly from here to check the situation below."General, this is a re exploration of small wormholes, and we only know that there are more wormholes on this planet. This is indeed our fault."

"But we may not be able to build another surveillance base in a place like this."

Xue Xian stood next to him and said that Yang Mu just looked at him and pointed to the screen above.

There was no sound in the command room. Everyone looked at the screen and stopped talking.

At this time, the situation in the screen is changing. Ten mechas are divided into two teams and enter this small place from two passageways. It is quiet at the moment, but there are still many different landforms. After shuttling through them for a moment, the mecha team always sees different situations.

After a few narrow passages, it turned out to be a wide area, which seemed to form a hole in it.

It's very quiet and dark here. After the players in the mecha talk, several tracer bullets with fluorescent lamps hit the top of the hole. At this moment, the situation here falls into everyone's eyes.

There are no more holes, no twisted space, but the ground is covered with corpses.

It's covered with the remains of protozoa on the planet, with skeletons and rotting corpses stacked on top of each other.

Yang Mu stares at the screen, and the people around him are also affected by the tense atmosphere, and their eyes are fixed.

Team leader of mecha reported the situation and was preparing to withdraw from this place and continue to explore. At this time, Yang Mu opened the channel and spoke directly to them.

"Please wait, captain. Please scan the bodies on the ground again." Yang Mu said, people around him also took a look at Yang Mu, but also quickly moved their attention to the screen in front of him.

On the screen, the mecha team continues to move forward, scanning through a variety of instruments. Yang Mu stares at the shared picture, and suddenly stands up and points to a screen and says to the channel.

"Please go to the southeast corner of this hole, under the stacked corpses. Please check with fire."

Yang Mu said that the mecha team also made an immediate response, and immediately launched a round of fire attack on the place, with the flames shooting all over the place for a while, and the body debris and bones splashed.

The next moment the gunfire stopped, and the situation there was in front of everyone.

Xue Xian could not help but take a step forward, but also took a breath of cold air.

Because at the moment in that place, a small black hole is appearing there, it would have been covered by a lot of corpses, if you don't look carefully.

No one would have thought that there was really a small wormhole in this little corner.

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