Mech Journey

Chapter 624

Yang Mu's words let the new Han star field officers in front of them refresh their cognition again, even they no longer feel that Yang Mu is in a fantasy.

And what they are going to face is indeed an enemy that is countless times more terrible than human beings.

Zhang Yi, who has been waiting for the return of Yang Mu and others at the base, looks back at the top officers in the star field. However, he sees that these officials who are in high spirits are silent, even communicating with their superiors.

"General Yang, chief Xue, are they?"

Zhang Yi looked at the officers who ignored him and asked Yang Mu, who finally got off the cruise ship.

Yang Mu turned his head and looked at Zhang Yi in front of him. He just laughed.

"Commander Zhang, I believe your work will be more difficult in the future."

"General, what is that? Well, is there something wrong with our mecha team? "

Zhang Yijin then asked, but Yang Mu has already gone to the base to keep up with the observation group ahead.

Yang Mu has convinced them on the warship, but he should also let them have a firsthand experience of the situation here and know the difficulty of defense here and the equipment of the troops stationed here.

However, just after walking to the apron, Yang Mu saw several super large ore trucks passing by, carrying full ore into a large warehouse nearby.

Yang Mu stopped to wait and see, and Zhang Yi naturally saw Yang Mu's action. At present, he also explained with embarrassment.

"The base is a military enterprise cooperation. We need to open mines for mining companies. Every month, they will send spaceships to collect mines." When Zhang Yi explains this, his expression is also a little low.

After all, as a national coercive force, it has been reduced to doing coolie for private enterprises. How can this kind of thing be said.

Yang Mu heard Zhang Yi say this, but for the first time, he noticed a mine not far from the base. He and Zhang Yi motioned to go there. Zhang Yi quickly called a floating platform and went there.

A few minutes later, Yang Mu stopped at the edge of an open-pit mine, where there were many engineering Mining machinery in operation, continuously carrying ore onto vehicles, and then driving from here to the base.

The scene is spectacular and the hum is clear even if Yang Mu is standing far away.

"General, there's nothing to see here. Go back." Zhang Yi looked at the tight guards around him and knew that Yang Mu should not be allowed to come here. Now he also opened his mouth to persuade him.

Yang Mu squinted at the depth of the mine, swept over each of the engineering mecha, vomited a puff of turbid gas, turned around, but stopped again, looked at it again, and finally left from here.

Yang Mu believes that Lei hong must be working somewhere in it at the moment.

If my mother saw that her baby son had done such a coolie, she didn't know how long she would cry.

But in the end, it is Lei Hong's own choice. From the beginning to the end, he has to eat some alone.

Yang Mu left here in the heavy, and in the mine, a four bucket mining machine operated by two people slowly stopped and looked in the direction of Yang Mu's departure.

"Laohong, is this really your brother? Brother Lao Huang sat on the co pilot and asked in surprise.

Leihong looked up at the distance. He didn't move his eyes for a long time. Finally, he lowered his head and started mining again.

Lao Huang beside him is not surprised that Lei Hong doesn't answer his own questions. However, Yang Mu is Lei Hong's brother. This matter is like an ant scratching Lao Huang's mind, making him fidgety.

"Well, if only I could get an autograph from General Yang. When I went home to visit my relatives, I would have a lot of prestige."

"Think, how many girls think of the God day and night, and I have a autograph, it's absolutely eye-catching."

"My brother, he's not a star." Lei Hong suddenly said something coldly.

"Although he is not a star, he is much brighter than a star. Ah, wait..." Old Huang longed to say but suddenly realized what, straight up the upper body to look at Lei Hong.

"Did you finally admit that it was your brother?"

Lei Hong pursed his mouth, but he was a little unconvinced and manipulated the mecha to throw a big stone out. The smoke and dust in a corner of the mine suddenly filled up. Lao Huang exclaimed, but he heard Lei Hong's voice.

"One day, I will be like my brother."


When Yang Mu left from Capricorn, it was not only Capricorn that set off a storm, but also the news that an ordinary soldier was Yang Mu's brother. Meanwhile, the military headquarters of Xinhan star region also fell into a storm.

The reason is that the observation group sent by them did not know what they saw. They even unanimously demanded that the Capricorn star be blocked and all human forces should be withdrawn. Then, the distant space fortress should be moved forward, particle acceleration should be used, and super powerful strategic weapons should be used to destroy the huge planet.Such a proposal made the whole army of new Han Star region vomit old blood, but they had to check the reason when they knew that there were hundreds of small wormholes all over Capricorn.

The old generals were silent.

And when Yang Mu's crazy deduction appeared in front of them, they were silent again.

But this time, their opinions are divided. Some people think that this is an important issue that needs to be paid attention to. Some people think that this is the imagination of young Yang Mu who has taken office, and there is no actual evidence to support it.

As a result, the issue of whether the planet will be destroyed or not has been divided, and a very few people feel that it is all over.

But more people hope that Capricorn can keep it and at least earn more resources from it. As for the defense of this planet, it can be upgraded.

For example, building an orbital defense system or something.

This matter has been quarrelling for a long time in the military headquarters of Xinhan Xingyu. Even if the chief officer comes out to make an idea, it still faces the opposition of many people. The matter can only be discussed again and again.

However, the Central Military Department immediately issued an order, requiring each star region to carry out strategic deduction, and carefully screen the stars in any star region with weak defense points to find stars similar to Capricorn.

We will focus on these objectives and wait for the final decision of the military department.

At this time, Yang Mu had already inspected other star regions. After a circle, Yang Mu did not return to the yellow star, but went to the star region of the New Song Dynasty. The starting point of this journey is also the end of the journey.

And this journey also took a year. In this year, although Yang Mu only traveled in various places, the results he brought had changed the whole pajr.

The first is the cognition of Zerg.

Because Xu Yuanming became the executive deputy director of pajr, Yang Mu, who stood in line for him, naturally came into the vision of more people. With the blessing of this halo, known as the youngest deputy director of pajr in history, the problem of Zerg was further promoted to the general public.

At the same time, many changes have taken place in the deployment of the military because of Yang Mu's patrol. Yang Mu's tactics are included in the new military curriculum, and all kinds of new types of mecha are also in full production.

The nation has taken a difficult first step in the fight against Zerg.

But this is only the first step. There is still a long way to go before Yang Mu's real goal.

And this distance, only less than five years to complete.

Even shorter.

"General Yang, welcome to Jiamu minlun manufacturing group building. I'll take you around for a walk."

New Song Dynasty star territory Bianliang Xingjia Mu Minglun group headquarters, a rich face of Jia Hao frowned at the front of Yang Mu said.

Dorun, standing beside him, punched him on the shoulder, but also opened his hands to Yang Mu with a smile.

"Welcome back, boss."

Yang Mu smiles and looks at his two brothers. Here, Yang Mu's second step will begin to take.

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