May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 672 - Chapter 672 true and false husband 12

Chapter 672: Chapter 672 true and false husband 12

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Willam, go and inform Gong Mochen and Feiying that their women are in our hands. If we want their women to return safely, we must bring the people we want to come here alone. If they dare to bring one more person here, I will make their women die without a burial place! " Xi Si ordered Willam.

"Yes, Father. " Willam agreed and brought them out of their tent. There was no signal here. If they wanted to contact Gong Mochen and Feiying, they had to go to a place with a signal.

In front of the computer, Gong Mochen was discussing with his trusted aides who Nangong Mochen had colluded with. Gong Mochen, who could steal the ultimate confidential information, received a call from Willam

His eyebrows sank. He knew that both Willam and XI SI had not been caught, but he did not expect that Willam would still dare to call him.

He picked up the call. "You're looking for me? "

"Yes, I don't know if I should call you Gong Mochen or General Feiying? " "No matter who you are, your woman is in my hands. If you want her to live, bring Yun Teng, Dai Yuyan, and Lian Lian here with your brothers. If you dare to bring one more person, your woman will die a horrible death! " Willam said coldly.

Gong Mochen's expression froze. "Qin Sheng is in your hands? "

"Yes, you didn't expect it, right? Your woman went to the ruins to look for her daughter and happened to bump into the muzzle of my gun, " Willam said.

"Ruins? Looking for her daughter? " Gong Mochen didn't understand Willam's words for a moment.

"Why don't you know that the hideout where Yun Teng and Dai Yuyan are at was attacked? " Willam sneered.

"You did it? " Gong Mochen's first reaction was Willam.

"No, I haven't found them yet. It was the explosion that led me to the hideout. Who Do you think will kill them? Hehe, you special forces have quite a number of enemies! " Willam said.

Gong Mochen clenched his fists. "Yun Teng, Dai Yuyan and Lian Lian are not in my hands. You should ask the person who blew up the hideout for them. "

"then I don't care. You find the person and bring them here. I will hand Qin Sheng and Li Ang over to you. In exchange for those three people, if you can't find them, don't blame me for not being polite I will only give you one day. Send me a message when you find them. I will restore you and give you the address of the hostages."Willam hung up the phone after he said that.

Gong Mochen's hand hit the boss's chair. Now that Qin Sheng had been captured, Yun Teng, Dai Yuyan and Lian Lian had been kidnapped by someone. The commander should not know about this yet!

He immediately called the commander to inform him that something had happened.

The commander was completely shocked by Gong Mochen's news. "How is this possible? I DIDN'T RECEIVE ANY INFORMATION! "

The hidden place was the safest place. It was heavily guarded. Even if there was an attack, someone would inform him immediately. It was impossible for someone to be kidnapped without any news.

Who was Yun Teng? He was also an outstanding figure in the special forces. How could he be taken away so easily?

"I think this information is reliable. Willam wants to trade Qin Sheng for the three of them, and he knows that the hideout is already in ruins, " Gong Mochen said.

Obviously, Willam wouldn't lie, because he wanted the three people.

"But how? If it wasn't Willam who did it, who else would want to kill the three of them? " The commander couldn't figure it out.

There had to be a purpose to killing people, right Who else had a motive besides Willam?

"I'll go to the ruins to check first. I should be able to find something. But Willam wants the three of them, and he only gave me a day's time. I'm afraid there's not enough time, " Gong Mochen said.

"There's indeed not enough time. If there's no evidence, there's no way to investigate. I'll send people to search thoroughly and see what they can find, " the commander said.

Gong Mochen hung up the phone and walked out of the room to look for Nangong Mochen.

"something happened at the shelter. Someone blew up the shelter and captured Qin Sheng. They want to use Lian Lian and Dai Yuyan in exchange for Yun Teng. "

Nangong Mochen jumped up from the SOFA. "How did Qin Sheng get captured? How did you protect her? "

His anger instantly burst out.

Gong Mochen's phone rang. He lowered his head to look at the screen. It was the results of the investigation sent to him by his subordinates.

"My people found out that Qin Sheng drove to the company, but she changed into Li Ang's car in the underground parking lot, so no one found out that she left again. This was discovered when they accessed the video of the parking lot. "

After he knew the news, he sent a secret code to his own people. His people accessed the surveillance video in a few minutes and sent the results to him.

It was obvious that Qin Sheng did not want anyone to know that she went to find her daughter and was caught by Willam.

"Damn it! What should we do now? " Nangong Mochen asked.

"Go to the ruins and find out who took Yun Teng and the others. As long as we find the murderer, we can find the three of them and save Qin Sheng, " Gong Mochen said as he walked out of the villa.

Nangong MOCHEN's eyes flashed with a dark luster and his brows furrowed into a knot. If Gong Mochen went to investigate the ruins, what would he find?

His heart skipped a beat. He had no choice but to admit that his brother's abilities would always be out of his expectations.

He followed Gong Mochen out and got into Gong Mochen's car. Soon, they arrived at the hideout.

The two of them got out of the car and saw all sorts of tragic scenes in the hideout. Gong Mochen walked step by step on the ruins, inspecting the dead.

"What's so good about a dead person? There are no survivors here, and you can't find them! Otherwise, how are we going to save Qin Sheng from XI SI? " Nangong Mochen's hand was in his trouser pocket.

Gong Mochen ignored his younger brother and continued to check the dead bodies. Then, he walked to the villa and searched carefully.

Nangong Mochen didn't know what Gong Mochen was looking for. Everything here was very obvious, or rather, it was very clean. He didn't think that he could find any clues.

"What are you looking at? Look at these dead people. Can they talk? " Nangong Mochen asked.

"Even the dead people can give information. When you were studying forensic medicine, you didn't seem to like this class, " Gong Mochen said.

Nangong MOCHEN's heart froze. He didn't like this class. Compared to this class, he preferred military courses like leading troops to battle, arranging troops, and arranging formations.

"Don't tell me you found something! " He suddenly felt guilty and looked at his brother nervously.

"I did find something. The bullets that injured them were the latest handguns. The bullets of these handguns are thinner, stronger, and more lethal. And this kind of weapon was only used by our special forces in the past two years, " Gong Mochen said.

"Yes, but XI SI's guards are also equipped with this kind of gun. It should be them! " Nangong mochen quickly said.

He definitely paid attention to this and deliberately used the weapons used by XI SI's troops.

"indeed, his troops are also using it. " Gong Mochen walked around the restaurant in the villa and his eyes fell on the ground.

Because of the explosion, the ground was covered with a layer of dust, but there were traces of dragging on the dust.

"They were dragged away. Before that, they should have lost all consciousness. Nangong Mochen, do you want me to continue? "