May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 726 - Chapter 726 everything about me includes you

Chapter 726: Chapter 726 everything about me includes you

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Good Plan! You want to become my duchess just like that? Yinyin, you are too despicable! Even if I don't marry you in my life, I will not marry a woman like you! " Li Ang angrily grabbed Yinyin from the SOFA.

Yinyin looked at Li Ang in surprise. "What, what plan did you say? ''

She was a little confused. She took the opportunity to get to the top. It was not considered despicable, right?

"You are still acting? How can there be such a vicious woman like you? I was really blind back then. I actually thought you were kind and even brought you back from the mountains! " Li Ang roared angrily.

The biggest regret of his life was to bring this woman home.

"What kind of acting did I do? I don't know what you're talking about! " Yinyin shook her head and said.

Li Ang angrily pushed Yinyin to the ground. "You exposed the news! You deliberately exposed the news and then took the opportunity to rise to the top! "

He had heard clearly just now that Yinyin wanted to use this opportunity to rise to the top. If it wasn't Yinyin's exposure of the news, who else could it be?

Li Ang was so angry that he wanted to shoot Yinyin.

"So what if it's Yinyin's exposure of the news? Don't tell me that we deserve to be deceived? Li Ang, are you stupid or not, to raise someone else's daughter? " Roland said angrily.

"Qin Sheng has never lied to me. I knew from the beginning that the child wasn't mine. I was willing to raise Lian Lian, " Li Ang said loudly.

Roland felt so angry that he was about to vomit blood. "You, how did I give birth to a son like you? So you knew all along that you still wanted to marry her and raise Lian Lian! "

She did not object to her son's free love, even if he did not have to marry a noble girl or a commoner girl. However, in this free love, she could not help someone raise a child, right?

At least the child should be Li Ang's!

"I love Qin Sheng. The situation at that time was very dangerous, so I had to take her away. If I love her, I will love everything about her, including her daughter. Mom, have you and dad ever loved each other? Love will not care about these things! " Li Ang said.

"Love will not care about these things, but our family will care about these things. Your father's cell phone was almost flooded with calls from the big nobles.

"and your uncle said that you don't have any children now. Maybe you have a physiological problem and he wants his son to inherit the position of Grand Duke! " Roland said.

This was the most shameful thing in the noble circle. Not only were they going to be stripped of the title of Grand Duke, but they were also going to be ridiculed by others. And all of this was because her son had willfully loved a girl!

"whoever is willing to be a grand duke can be the Grand Duke. I've never cared about this position, " Li Ang said.

Qiao Dun's hand patted the Armrest of his SOFA. "You don't have to be the Grand Duke, but those tenants in our family are going to be ruined by you! "

He had never cared about the title of Grand Duke, but when he thought of those innocent people who were implicated by them, he did not want to forgive his own son!

Li Ang's brows sank. "otherwise, I will use my money to give them a certain amount of compensation. At least they can settle down somewhere else. "

"Do you think that they won't have any losses? Li Ang, I am not against you loving anyone, but because of you, I will not forgive you for implicating innocent people! " Qiao Dun said.

"Father, it is my fault. I will think of ways to make up for it. But I will not marry Yinyin, " Li Ang said.

"Yinyin, you must marry. Our family can not be laughed at by the ENTIRE NOBLE CIRCLE! " Qiao Dun said.

Yinyin could not help but smile proudly. She was going to be Li Ang's wife!

"She was the one who exposed the news. I will not marry her! Unless I die! " Li Ang said angrily.

YINYIN's face stiffened. "I didn't expose the news. Really! I was not the one who exposed the news! "

She got up from the ground and explained.

She was really not the one who exposed the news. She was also surprised when she saw the news. However, her brain reacted quickly and she quickly thought of a plan to help herself get to the top!

However, the news had nothing to do with her.

"Do you think I will believe you? Yinyin, I will not believe every word you say! " Li Ang roared angrily.

It could not be such a coincidence. Yinyin had just threatened Qin Sheng and she wanted to expose the news. The news was immediately exposed!

Yinyin could not catch her breath. She had always been the one who framed others. She did not expect to be framed one day.

"I swear, I really was not the one who exposed the news! " She cried.

"Hehe, " Li Ang snorted and walked past Yin Yin without even looking at her.

The man's disdain poked Yin Yin's lungs. His face clearly showed disbelief!

Yin Yin ran over and grabbed Li Ang's hand. "Li Ang, believe me, it really wasn't me this time! "

Li Ang stopped. "It really wasn't you this time. Then it was all you in the past, wasn't it? "

His eyes were cold.

Yin Yin was speechless from being asked. All the previous framing was indeed her doing!

"Li Ang, I really love you. The reason why I want to be your wife is because I love you! "

She stammered out the truth.

"It's a pity that I won't love you! Let go! " Li Ang shook off Yin Yin's hand and walked straight upstairs.

Lian Lian was still in the room. He wanted to bring Lian Lian away. He could not stay here any longer.

Yin Yin followed Li Ang upstairs. She could not let Li Ang marry her. She had to convince Li Ang to marry her!

Li Ang opened the door and saw a little girl climbing up the window to look at the group of reporters outside.

"Lian Lian, Daddy will bring you to Mama. " His voice was choked with sobs. Lian Lian's identity had been exposed. He could no longer be her legitimate daddy.

"Daddy, what's going on outside? " Lian Lian asked.

"nothing much. Let's go! " Li Ang reached out to carry Lian Lian.

"The fact that you're a bastard has been exposed! Don't think about staying here anymore! " Yin Yin roared angrily.

Seeing Li Ang carrying Lian Lian Lian, she was so angry that she wanted to kill him. Li Ang clearly knew that Lian Lian was not his child, yet he still loved Lian Lian so much. However, the child in her stomach was clearly Li Ang's child, yet Li Ang did not love her at all!

"Yinyin! You are too much! " Li Ang roared angrily.

He did not want to tell Lian Lian about this at all. How old was Lian Lian? These were not things that she should bear!

"How am I too much? Isn't it? I am telling the truth! " Yinyin argued.

Lian Lian understood what was going on. She looked at Li Ang with her big eyes. "Daddy, can I not call you daddy in the future? "

Li Ang's heart sank. "No, I will always be your Daddy. Lian Lian will always be daddy's good baby! "

His kiss gently landed on the little girl's forehead. Even if she was not his daughter, he would still treat her as his own daughter and love her dearly!

He carried the child downstairs. Downstairs was Roland and Qiao Dun.

Lian Lian looked at her grandfather and grandmother. The expressions on their faces were very heavy. "Grandfather and grandmother, can I still call you that in the future? "

Her eyes suddenly flickered as she looked at the two people opposite her.

Yin Yin's eyes flashed with viciousness. She reached out her hand towards Lian Lian... ...