May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 228 - Chapter 228 she's back love is no longer 18

Chapter 228: Chapter 228 she's back love is no longer 18

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Why was Li Ang here? The prince of England had given birth to the heir. As the Grand Duke of Aldrich, he was sent to England to attend the Royal Family's banquet. He absolutely couldn't be absent. It was too disrespectful!

Qin Sheng's eyes were wide open. Subconsciously, she wanted to pull her hand away from Gong Mochen's hand. However, she was grabbed tightly by the man.

Gong Mochen's brows sank. A wave of anger rose from the bottom of his heart. She wanted to shake off his hand the moment they saw Li Ang!

The little woman's concern for Li Ang made him want to prove his ownership of her even more!

His large hand clenched Qin Sheng's hand tightly, and he brought her to the large iron gate. He raised his other hand, and motioned for the bodyguard to open the iron gate.

Li Ang rushed in with a wave of hostility about him, and his gaze twisted fiercely on the hands of the two people in front of him.

"Let go of her!" He kicked at Gong Mochen, who was still holding Qin Sheng's arm.

Gong Mochen let go of Qin Sheng's hand, turned sideways to avoid Li Ang's leg, and took a step back.

The bodyguards in the courtyard rushed over, wanting to beat Li Ang up. Gong Mochen raised his hand, indicating that no one was allowed to get close to Li Ang.

He jumped up and gave Li Ang a flying kick.

"Let go? I'm her man!"

Li Ang's heart was stabbed fiercely. It didn't matter whether Qin Sheng was his, unmarried or not, the important thing was who was her man!

He raised his leg to meet Gong Mochen's leg, and started to kick Gong Mochen.

"Gong Mochen, I want your life!" he roared angrily.

No Man could tolerate that his woman had a relationship with another man, and Li Ang was no exception.

Both of them looked like they wanted to strangle each other to death.

Qin Sheng knew the scope of the two men's martial arts skills. Although both of them were outstanding fighters, if they were to fight for a long time, Li Ang was slightly inferior to Gong Mochen.

After all, Gong Mochen had grown up and had learnt through experience. The experience from his childhood and learning martial arts from a noble school gave him the upper hand!

Taking advantage of the break between the two men's moves, she stepped between them. Behind her was Li Ang, and in front of her was Gong Mochen.

"Stop!" she shouted.

"Qin Sheng, come here!" Gong Mochen was annoyed. Qin Sheng's stance was like she was protecting Li Ang, blocking him behind her.

He reached out to grab the little woman to let her know whose woman she was!

Li Ang reached out from behind Qin Sheng and wanted to hit Gong Mochen. If he dared to touch his girlfriend, he would see to it that Gong Mochen wouldn't live anymore.

"Yun Sheng, move away! I don't believe that I can't kill him!"

Qin Sheng tried to block Li Ang. "Stop hitting him. Take me home! I don't want to stay here anymore."

Li Ang suppressed the anger in his heart. He grabbed Qin Sheng's small hand and glared at Gong Mochen. "I'll take my woman home first. We'll settle the score later!"

He turned around and walked out of the iron gate with Qin Sheng.

Gong Mochen's eyes were fixed on the two people walking away from him. His dark eyes were deep, cold.

"President, let me go and snatch her back!" Nie Feng said.

"No need. She's already mine. She can't run away. Let her go." Gong Mochen's voice sounded like it came from a deep valley.

He knew that she needed time to calm down to make her accept the fact that she had a relationship with him. She still had to face the possibility of pregnancy and those complicated grudges...

Moreover, the woman was already his. He didn't believe that anyone could snatch her away from him!

He waved his hand and brought Nie Feng into the villa.

"Have you found Ta Luosi?" he asked coldly.

"Not yet. Ever since he sneaked into the hospital after the explosion to harm you, and was injured by our people, he has not appeared again," Nie Feng reported.

Gong Mochen's brows sank. "Find him. Mobilize everyone to find him!"

He had to find Ta Luosi, so that he could explain what had happened back then to Qin Sheng.

However, when he thought of Qin Sheng's request, his frown deepened.

If Qin Sheng knew the truth, she would want Ta Luosi to be buried with her mother. Did she really want to kill Ta Luosi?

He rubbed his tightly knitted brows with his fingers.

Nie Feng accepted the order and left the villa.

After so many years, there was only one thing that Nie Feng couldn't understand. It was Gong Mochen versus Ta Luosi.

Ta Luosi was always trying to kill Gong Mochen, but Gong Mochen had never done anything to Ta Luosi.

However, this wasn't Gong Mochen's style at all. Gong Mochen had always been ruthless in his killing. All of his feelings were given to Qin Sheng.

He didn't understand why Gong Mochen was holding back with Ta Luosi. Gong Mochen was unable to decide whether to kill Ta Luosi or not.

All he could do was find Ta Luosi for Gong Mochen, and then ask for instructions on how to deal with Ta Luosi!


In the Red Sports car, Qin Sheng looked at Li Ang's tense face. This man had always been a cynical aristocrat. However, when he was angry, he was definitely not cynical, but was as cold and aloof as he was now.

She pursed her lips and said, "Why are you back? Aren't you going to the royal party?"

"I came back when I saw your message!" Li Ang put his hand on the steering wheel and parked the car on the side of the road. He pounced on Qin Sheng and pressed her under him.

His eyes were bloodshot. "Did you have fun with Gong Mochen? Seven times? You want to have fun, right? Let's see who you have the most fun with!"

He lowered his head and kissed the woman's lips.

Qin Sheng was completely confused. She instinctively turned her head to avoid Li Ang's lips and used her hand to support the man's shoulder, keeping a distance between them.

"What message are you talking about? I didn't send you a message! Explain this to me!"

Li Ang was also stunned. "If you didn't send it, then who did? Look at my messages!"

He got up from the woman and took out his phone for Qin Sheng to see.

"I slept with my uncle. It was so great. Seven times in one night. I'm breaking off the engagement."

Qin Sheng's eyes were wide open as she looked at the screen. That was from her account.

"It wasn't me. I didn't send those messages! I swear, I didn't send any messages at that time!"

She looked at him in confusion. What was she doing at the time the messages were sent?

She was sure that she had just sat down to eat with Le Le.

"It must've been Gong Mochen!" She was so angry that she gritted her teeth. That damn man! Was he afraid that other people wouldn't find out about their affair?

Li Ang's hand pounded on the steering wheel, making an ear-piercing screech.

"I rushed back on the royal plane when I saw the message! What's going on? Have you been sleeping with Gong Mochen?"

It was fortunate that he was able to use the royal plane, as other planes weren't as fast. It allowed him to come to Qin Sheng in a matter of hours.

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. She didn't know how to explain things to Li Ang, and what he asked wasn't something she could deny.

The silent girl undoubtedly confirmed everything. Li Ang grabbed Qin Sheng's shoulders and said, "Did you promise to go back to him? Have you forgotten what you promised your grandfather and the oath you swore on your mother's grave?"