May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 463 - Chapter 463 was auctioned in one night 13

Chapter 463: Chapter 463 was auctioned in one night 13

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Only then did Qin Sheng notice that the hem of her dress had been dyed red. How could there be so much blood? Last month, her period was all kinds of abnormal. This month, it came again without any warning.

However, her stomach hurt so much. She pressed her hand on her lower abdomen and frowned.

Without waiting for her to come back to her senses, Li Ang pulled her up and sat her on his lap.

"I'll take you to the hospital! "

"I don't... " Qin Sheng's words were stuck in her mouth. Forget it, let's go to the hospital. She was really in a lot of pain. Moreover, her body was all kinds of abnormal. It was indeed too abnormal.

The sound in the room got up from the ground, and her eyes stared fiercely at the backs of Li Ang and Qin Sheng. Her hands were holding her clothes. She was about to be raped by Qin Yunbo, but Li Ang didn't even look at her, but carried Qin Sheng and left!

Her heart was throbbing in pain, and her hands were clenched into fists!

Qin Sheng I will let you know who Li Ang is!


In Gong Mochen's office, Nie Feng came in to report.

"President, the maid at home called. Miss Qin has eaten five stews, " Nie Feng said.

Gong Mochen was a little surprised, but the corners of his lips curled up. "She ate so much? Ask the maid to make stews every day and nourish her well. She has lost a lot of weight recently. "

"Yes, I've already instructed her to change her taste every day. " Nie Feng Paused. "Qin Yunbo wanted to force the tone, but Miss Qin bumped into him. Qin Yunbo pushed Miss Qin and injured her. Li Ang sent her to the hospital. "

Gong Mochen immediately stood up. "What? Injured? Which hospital? "

"I'm not sure yet. Li Ang asked his men to drive them to the hospital, " Nie Feng said.

It wasn't their men, nor was it their car. If they wanted to know where they went, they could only ask Li Ang.

Gong Mochen picked up his phone and dialed a number. "where's Qin Sheng? "

"Qin Sheng doesn't want to see you! Gong Mochen, I want to kill you! " Li Ang shouted angrily and hung up the phone!

Gong mochen's eyebrows swept across. He hadn't settled the score with Li Ang and the woman who hugged him. How dare he shout at him?

"investigate the surveillance cameras on the streets for me, " he ordered coldly. Although it was slower this way, he could still find out where Li Ang's car had gone?

"Yes! " Nie Feng accepted the order and left.


In the ward, Qin Sheng's brows were tightly knitted. Her gloomy eyes were so dark that no one knew what she was thinking.

Li Ang was sitting beside her bed. Li Ang was holding Qin Sheng's test results. On the test results, it was shockingly positive. She was two months pregnant.

It was impossible for Li Ang not to be angry. Just when Li Ang felt that he was about to end the Qin family's matter and take Qin Sheng away, he actually found out that Qin Sheng was pregnant.

If he did not hate Gong Mochen to the point of wanting to kill him, he would not be a man anymore!

He pursed his lips and did not know what to say to Qin Sheng for a moment.

After a moment, he said, "this, this, what do you plan to do? "

He knew that it was his enemy, but he was pregnant with his enemy's child. How should he deal with it?

Qin Sheng grabbed the blanket and bit her lips. Her mouth tasted sweet. "I, I haven't thought about it. "

She knew that the Yun family would definitely not want this child, and she could not keep it.

However, she forced herself not to say anything.

Li Ang's heart turned cold. He closed his eyes sadly. She actually could not bear to part with it.

"then you should consider it. This is Qian Chuan's hospital. He will keep it a secret for us. "

He thought that this was the only thing he could do. Before she made her decision, he had to hide everything from Gong Mochen.

Qin Sheng nodded lightly. "Li Ang, thank you. "

Li Ang forced a smile. "You know that what I want is never a thank you, no! "

He turned around and stormed out of the ward.

Qin Sheng stared at Li Ang's back in the wheelchair, tears rolling down her face. She owed Li Ang too much.

She turned to look at the tube on the back of her hand. The medicine to protect the fetus was flowing into her body bit by bit.

Her other hand was inserted into her hair. No wonder her period had never been normal. It turned out that the two bleeding cases were not her period. They were both threatened miscarriages.

It turned out that her child had to leave her several times.

This time, if Li Ang had not sent her here in time, this child would have been lost.

Thinking about the possibility of the child leaving her, her heart tightened. It was as if someone had pinched her heart so hard that she wanted to cry.

But how was she going to explain to her grandfather?

How was she going to make her grandfather accept the child?

Subconsciously, she directly skipped over whether she should keep the child or directly think about how to make Yun Duan accept the child.

In the director's office, Li Ang threw a check to Qian Chuan.

"destroy all the test reports and records and make a new one for me. I don't want to get pregnant anyway, " Li Ang instructed Qian Chuan.

Qian Chuan looked at the blank check and smiled so much that his eyes became lines. "This is easy, easy! I'll get the people who did the test to destroy the evidence and make a new report. Write that her period is in disorder, plus her endocrine imbalance and gastritis. What do you think? "

"Can it correspond to her current condition? " Li Ang asked.

"Yes! Gastritis will cause vomiting and endocrine disorder will cause her period to be uneasy. The stomachache can be explained by not coming last month, causing the Intima to be too thick. Anyway, it's all gynecological diseases! " Qian Chuan said.

"Okay! HURRY UP! " Li Ang urged.

"Okay! RIGHT AWAY! " Qian Chuan immediately called his doctor. The full set of tests and various cases were immediately redone.

After all the arrangements were made, he looked up at the man who was smoking his cigarette. "When did you smoke? "

Li Ang choked on the smell of the cigarette and coughed.

"I really want to smoke today. Don't talk nonsense. I just want to smoke a few of your cigarettes, right? "

"The child isn't yours, right? " Qian Chuan stared at Li Ang's expression and asked.

Li Ang glared at Qian Chuan. "If you know too much, aren't you afraid that you'll be killed to silence me? "

Qian Chuan immediately covered his neck with his hand. "pretend I didn't say anything, I don't know anything! "

His head was covered in a layer of cold sweat. He was simply drunk without anyone. Was He going to kill him just like that?

By relying on it, it wasn't easy for him to earn some money. This was simply not earning money but risking his life!

At this moment, Li Ang's subordinate ran in. "Grand Duke, President Gong has come looking for you! "

Li Ang frowned. That d * Mn Gong Mochen really came quickly!

He pushed his wheelchair and walked out of Qian Chuan's office.

In the corridor, he saw the people who were confronting each other.

"Gong Mochen, what are you doing here? Are you here to steal my woman? " He questioned.

"I'm here to see my woman. You're her friend. I don't want to kill you. Ask Your men to move aside! " Gong Mochen said coldly.

"Kill me? Hehe, aren't you too confident? You can kill me if you want to. Is the life of my Grand Duke so cheap? " Li Ang sneered.

"otherwise, you can also try to see if I can do it! " Gong Mochen raised his hand and Nie Feng led his men forward.

A young nurse ran out of the ward. "Miss Qin said that she wants to see President Gong. "