May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 361 - Chapter 361 the most romantic thing 21

Chapter 361: Chapter 361 the most romantic thing 21

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng understood what the man meant, and she knew how to please him.

Her eyes were locked on the man's face, and her stomach felt nauseous again. She suddenly wanted to throw up.

Gong Mochen looked at the pale woman in astonishment. He'd only wanted to tease her.

"Are you angry?" He held the girl's face with his hand.

If he'd known that she would become angry, he wouldn't have teased her.

"I don't want to kiss you, and I don't want to be kissed by you. But I want to attend the fashion show tomorrow. It doesn't matter if you agree or not. I have to attend."

If he didn't agree, she would get Chu Xia to contact someone to snatch her away. She had to leave!

In the past, he could never successfully threaten her. She would always find a way around it. No matter what he said or did.

But now, she really didn't think her words would be enough to escape his threats. So, if he threatened to not let her go to tomorrow's event, she had to find another way around it.

Gong Mochen could see the distant look in Qin Sheng's eyes. Though she was in his arms, the distant look on her face gave off a sense of desolation, as if her heart was lost.

At that moment he relented and said, "Okay, I'll take you to the fashion show. I promise."

There was no more sound in the room. The atmosphere felt lonely and distant.


The next day, Chu Xia's fashion show opened with great jubilation. This was Chu Xia's personal fashion show.

Qin Sheng had invited all the media that she could to help promote Chu Xia. Gong Mochen had also invited his friends from the business world. The bosses didn't dare to refuse Gong Mochen's invitation and came whether they wanted to or not.

Chu Xia had gone backstage to watch the models prepare. These models were great. They were professional and magnanimous, and would wear her clothes with pride.

She stared at the models as they changed into their first set of clothes. Finally, she checked the condition of the clothes and made the final modifications.

Suddenly, the models let out shrieks, as if they had seen a god.

"Ming Tai! Ming Tai!"

A few of models ran to Ming Tai's side excitedly.

"Ming Tai, can you sign it for me?" one of the models shouted.

Ming Tai looked at the group of women awkwardly. "I-I'm here to see Chu Xia."

"Ming Tai, aren't you going to sign it for me? I'm your loyal fan!" The young model grabbed Ming Tai's arm.

"Our superstar is blushing. Superstar, how do you usually date?"

"Ming Tai, who took the initiative to pursue who? You, or Chu Xia?"

Ming Tai really couldn't stand being surrounded by all these women.

His face blushed in embarrassment and he said, "My girlfriend is here, so it's not convenient for me to sign it for you."

The cheeks of the model who'd asked Ming Tai to sign his autograph turned red and she lowered her head. The coldness in Ming Tai's voice was clear for all too hear...

In an instant, the models were shocked and didn't dare to say anything else. They felt that they had gotten themselves into trouble... Had they actually offended Ming Tai?

The awkward atmosphere made it so that everyone had no choice but to leave.

"How could it be that he chased me when he's this cold? Of course it was me who chased him!" Chu Xia wore a leopard print dress and walked towards Ming Tai. When she was one step away from him, she grabbed the man's tie and pulled him to her side.

"Did you see that? That's how I pulled him to my side!"

Instantly, all the models applauded and wished them well.

Chu Xia said, "You guys change your clothes. I'm going out for a while!"

"Go and do your work. I'm here!" Le Le waved at Chu Xia.

Chu Xia held Ming Tai's hand and led him out of the backstage area.

"Why did you come backstage all of a sudden?" she said reproachfully.

"To visit you at work," Ming Tai said.

"Why did you act so cold to the models? You scared them all. If they behave abnormally on the runway, see how I'll settle the score with you!" Chu Xia said.

Ming Tai had been so cold that he almost froze the atmosphere. If she hadn't come to the rescue, her models would have been scared to tears by Ming Tai!

"It's just the way I am. I wasn't angry. I just don't like to be surrounded by women," said Ming Tai.

"Weren't you happy when I surrounded you?" said Chu Xia.

"You're my girlfriend. That's different!" said Ming Tai.

Chu Xia lowered her head shyly. Was this what it felt like to be in love?

Her son was five years old, but she had never been in love. She was just an ordinary girl and yearned for the feeling of being in love. The corners of her lips curled up. The feeling of being in love wasn't bad.

As she raised her eyes, her gaze landed on Sikong Jue... He was walking towards them, and his face was ashen...