May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 166 - Chapter 166: You will always be my princess

Chapter 166: Chapter 166: You will always be my princess

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Fine. I won't bother to thank you!" Qin Sheng pretended to be angry and pushed Ha Siqi away.

She didn't like to sound ungrateful, but if that's what Ha Siqi wanted, then she wouldn't bother to thank him.

"You're angry again? Put on your makeup. I'll go get your clothes!" Ha Siqi pinched the girl's little nose as he spoke.

Qin Sheng didn't know what to say for a moment. She remembered that she was going to wear an evening gown today.

She walked to the window, leaned against the wall,, and watched Ha Siqi start the car and drive away. Where was he going to get her clothes?

She was a little curious. Was he going to buy clothes for her? There was really no need to buy her new clothes, not when Gong Mochen's villa was filled with her clothes. There were many evening gowns for her there.

In a flash, her heart froze. She desperately tried to suppress the aura that had enveloped her, making her unable to breathe. She actually thought of him again...


Ha Siqi's car had indeed driven to Gong Mochen's villa, because Gong Mochen had asked him to pick up Qin Sheng's clothes.

It seemed that the man's spirit was much better than yesterday.

"Uncle, are you feeling better?" he asked in surprise. He saw Gong Mochen sitting on the sofa. However, when he looked more closely at the man's complexion, he noticed that his face didn't have any color, especially under the sun. His thin lips were as pale as a piece of paper.

"No, his body is severely ischemic, and the poison is only temporarily reduced," Ye Wei said.

Ha Siqi's brows were pressed down. "Uncle, I think that you're afraid of Qin Sheng seeing you die. You can break up with her, but there's no need to hurt her so much.

"Yesterday, she couldn't take it anymore. She's only eighteen. Why can't you just break up with her? Or you could just let her know your situation? I think it's less painful than letting her think that you cheated on her."

Ha Siqi voiced his thoughts. He didn't understand why Gong Mochen had to be so decisive.

"If you want Qin Sheng to live, then do as I say!" Gong Mochen said.

No one understood his girl better than him. If Qin Sheng was aware that he was going to die, he knew she wouldn't be able to carry on. The day he died was the day she died. He knew in his heart that he was her everything.

If it was just a breakup, then Qin Sheng wouldn't stop loving him. Ta Luosi's scheme would succeed. Thinking of Ta Luosi, his heart felt suffocated. He couldn't let Qin Sheng fall for that man's trick!

And the only way to ensure that didn't happen was to make Qin Sheng hate him!

That way, Qin Sheng wouldn't fall for the trap and would forget about him. Then, she could start a new life, a life without him.

Until the matter was settled, no one could understand, or even guess, Ta Luosi's scheme. They had to be careful here.

Ha Siqi's words choked Gong Mochen, until he couldn't say a word. Ye Wei called the maid and took out three evening gowns.

"These are the evening gowns for Qin Sheng; you can take them back with you," Ye Wei said.

Ha Siqi felt gloomy and he didn't look at the clothes. He wanted Qin Sheng to live well, and for this, he had to listen to Gong Mochen's arrangements.

He took the clothes and drove back to his home.

"Oh my God! How can there be such beautiful clothes?"

Qin Sheng was caught off guard by Ha Siqi's mother's scream. She turned and saw the three evening gowns hanging on the mannequins.

One looked like it was made of silver silk, shining with pale light. Another looked like it was made of gold, shimmering with a golden glow. And the last looked like it was made of crystal, faintly emitting fluorescent light.

When she was young, she would sit on Gong Mochen's lap every night and let him tell her fairy tales. In the story, the princess had these three evening gowns. At the end of the story, the princess wore these three gowns and found her beloved prince.

"Uncle, I want those evening gowns."

"Okay, when you get engaged, I'll buy them for you."

"Uncle, will you be my prince?"

The man's lips curved into a charming smile. "You will always be my princess."

The memory flashed through her mind. She would always be his princess... He was really marrying her off like a princess, but he was not her prince...

It seemed that he finally had an answer to the question she had asked back then.

"Qin Sheng, what's wrong? Don't you like the dresses? If you don't like them, I'll go buy some new ones right now." Ha Siqi was surprised to see the wounded look in the girl's eyes.

In an instant, Qin Sheng banished all the emotions in her eyes. "Where did you buy this dress?"

"Well, they were custom-made in Europe. Do you like them?" Ha Siqi forced the corners of his lips into a smile, but he didn't tell her where he bought them from.

"How much?" Qin Sheng continued to ask.

"Err, five million for one. No, it should be ten million for one! No, I remember wrongly. Three pieces for fifty million!"

Ha Siqi finally confirmed a number. He didn't really understand women's evening gowns. How much did such evening gowns cost? He didn't need to think to know that the price would definitely make people speechless. He was afraid that the difference in price would be too big, and Qin Sheng would be suspicious.

Fortunately, Qin Sheng didn't ask further. She just smiled. "I made you spend money."

"It's nothing. It's good that you like it." Ha Siqi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Fortunately, Qin Sheng didn't suspect anything.

Qin Sheng asked the maid to send the evening gown to her room. She didn't ask any more questions because there was no need to ask anymore.

She turned around and walked to the room. Suddenly, she thought of something. "Are there three boxes of jewelry?"

Ha Siqi quickly said, "Yes, yes, there are three boxes!"

The three boxes came with the clothes and he'd almost forgotten them.

He picked up the three boxes and handed them to the servants, asking them to send them to Qin Sheng's room.

Qin Sheng picked out the silver evening dress and opened the silver box. Inside were diamond and crystal hair clips and a star-shaped necklace. She put on the jewelry, put on the evening dress, and walked out of the room.

Ha Siqi was amazed by the girl's beauty. She stood there, looking like a star.

"Wow, my daughter-in-law is the prettiest! Let's go to the hotel quickly! It's almost time!" Ha Siqi's mother urged.

She was very satisfied with this daughter-in-law. Not only was she beautiful, but she had also brought so much dowry with her. She was sure that Qin Sheng would have children with Ha Siqi in the future.

And if Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi had children, all the property would be given to her grandchildren! She couldn't stop thinking about how wonderful it would be.

Qin Sheng followed Ha Siqi into the car and they drove straight to the hotel's banquet hall.

In the grand banquet hall, the guests came one after another. Qin Sheng's engagement involved the Qin family and the Ha family, which became the most important event in the country. The dignitaries and media all came to attend the banquet too.

Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi stood at the entrance of the banquet hall to welcome the guests.

A luxury car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Gong Mochen and his female companion, Ye Wei, got out of the car and instantly became the focus of the spotlight and the reporters' interviews.

The bodyguards formed a human wall on both sides, blocking all the people who wanted to interview them. Ye Wei's arm was holding Gong Mochen's arm. Only she knew that she was keeping him steady.

Gong Mochen walked into the hotel and immediately saw the dazzling girl. The light shone on her body, emitting a silver glow. She was very beautiful...

"Uncle, will you be my prince?"

"You will always be my princess."

The memory rushed into Qin Sheng's mind as she watched the two people walking over...