May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 310 - Chapter 310, contract 25

Chapter 310: Chapter 310, contract 25

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

When Qin Sheng's car slowed to a stop, a familiar villa rose in front of her.

She got out of the car and walked to the villa's iron gate. She raised her hand and pressed the gate bell.

The voice of the maid came from inside, "Who is it?"

"Tell the lady of the house that Qin Sheng is here," Qin Sheng said loudly.

Obviously, her words shocked the maid. Everyone knew that Qin Sheng had gone missing...

"You... you just wait there..." The maid hung up the phone and ran to report.

Not long after, He Fen hurriedly walked out of the villa's door and came to the iron gate of the courtyard.

Her eyes were filled with hatred as they landed on Qin Sheng's face. She lowered her voice and said, "We didn't expose you as the bomber, but you admitted it yourself? Why don't you run away before I call the police?"

Qin Sheng laughed softly. "Grandma, are you afraid that I'll be caught, or that I'll come back and inherit the Qin family's property? So what if I'm caught? Can the evidence you provided back then prove that I planted the bomb?

"As long as I find a witness, the evidence won't be able to be used against me. And then I will recover my name, and inherit the property!"

He Fen's face twitched. Qin Sheng hit the nail on the head... "What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. I'm coming home. As Uncle's fiancé, it's time for me to come home. Grandma isn't afraid of me coming back, right?" Qin Sheng asked.

"No, no! Why would I be afraid of you coming back? However, even if you're Gong Mochen's girlfriend, you should still live in his villa. There's no place for you here!" He Fen said.

"But I want to live here... What can you do to me? Open the door, or I'll teach you a lesson! My grandfather doesn't know about the letter you gave me yesterday, right? Unfortunately, I still remember his phone number." Qin Sheng laughed mockingly.

Looking at He Fen's pale face, she felt really good. As expected, she guessed it right. Her grandfather didn't know about the letter at all!

He Fen's lips trembled. She braced herself and ordered the servants to open the gate for Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng walked into the villa as if she owned it. She ignored He Fen behind her and walked straight into the living room.

In the living room, Qin Ze was drinking tea when the girl suddenly appeared. She didn't seem to shock him. He watched as Qin Sheng walked in.

"You're home? Sit down." He raised his hand and gestured for Qin Sheng to sit down.

Qin Sheng sat next to Qin Ze. "I've come home to see Grandpa. Is Grandpa healthy?"

Qin Ze gave He Fen a look and asked her to leave.

He Fen walked out of the living room with a serious expression on her face. She didn't dare to disobey Qin Ze's order.

Qin Ze watched the door of the living room close and said, "I've disappointed your other Grandpa. I'm still healthy. I should be able to live for another ten to twenty years."

"You have to live a long life. I still need to take my property," Qin Sheng said.

"I'm afraid it's not just property, right? There are also lives?" Qin Ze said coldly.

Qin Sheng's eyes narrowed. "I want to know, how did my father die?"

Qin Ze's turbid eyes froze. His grip on the crutch's carved dragon handle tightened. "Will you believe what I say?"

"If you don't say it, how do you know I won't believe it? On the day I was born, my father died in a car accident. I don't believe in such a coincidence!" Qin Sheng said.

"Of course it's no coincidence... Your father died an unnatural death! It was your grandfather's men who killed your father!" Qin Ze's voice came from his old deep throat. He forcefully slammed his crutch into the ground.

Qin Sheng was stunned. "Impossible! My grandfather wouldn't kill my father!"

The image of her grandfather appeared in her mind. How could such an amiable person kill his daughter's husband?

"Why wouldn't your grandfather's men kill him? He was the one who wanted to separate your father and your mother! Who do you think forced your mother to become a woman of a nightclub?" Qin Ze asked in return.

Qin Sheng's nerves tensed up. He Fen and Qin Zixian had always called her mother a woman of a nightclub, a prostitute. Later, when she returned to the Yun family, she knew that wasn't the case. Her mother was the miss of the Yun family, and her status was extremely noble She was certain that everything He Fen and Qin Zixian had said back then was a lie!

They had made up such a lie just to humiliate her!

Obviously, things had gone beyond her expectations. Even Qin Ze had said that her mother was a woman of a nightclub.

"Are you saying that my grandfather forced my mother to go to work in a nightclub?"

Qin Ze nodded. "In order to break up your father and mother, your grandfather used this method to sever the relationship between them. He brought your mother to a nightclub and said that he would rather have his daughter ridden by ten thousand people than given to the son of the Qin Family!"

Qin Sheng felt as if her brain was about to explode. Her mother was forced into the nightclub by her other grandfather!

"Why? Why did my grandfather treat my mother like this?"

Qin Ze sighed softly. "Because the Qin family and the Yun family have a feud. The two of us have never interacted with each other. However, your mother pestered my son and caused his death!

"On the day my son died, I sent people to investigate the scene. Someone saw your grandfather's people arrive. Other than your grandfather, who else would wish for my son to die? Only he would wish for that," Qin Ze said.

Qin Sheng felt suffocated. She really couldn't find a second person who had wanted her father dead. The person who killed her father couldn't have been someone from the Qin family. She had been despised by Qin Ze since she was young because her father had died because of her... It was clear that Qin Ze loved his eldest son dearly!

She inserted her hand into her long hair. Thinking that her grandfather was the mastermind behind her father's death, she found it difficult to breathe.

Qin Ze looked at his granddaughter. "I know why Yun Duan sent you here. Back then, he said that as long as there was one person left in the Yun family, he wouldn't let the Qin family off.

"However, the person who killed your father was Yun Duan, not the Qin family. If you want to investigate your father and avenge him, you should go and kill Yun Duan!"

He bang his crutch on the ground again. The resentment that had accumulated in his heart for more than twenty years was vented on his crutch.

Qin Sheng bit her lips. How was she going to kill her grandfather?

"I will find out if it was my grandfather who killed my father!" She still didn't believe that her grandfather would do such a thing.

"Okay, you have time to find out. I've not seen you in many years, so why don't you have dinner with me?" Qin Ze asked.

Qin Sheng didn't refuse. She was going to stay here permanently when she came back, whether it was for her property or to avenge her father.

In Qin Zixian's room, He Fen looked at Qin Zixian who was standing on the ground and was shocked. "Why are you standing up?"

Qin Zixian snorted. "Third Brother broke off the engagement with me. It's meaningless for me to pretend to be lame. I heard from the maid that Qin Sheng came back?"

"Yes, she came for the property. We have to find a way to stop her from inheriting the property!" He Fen said.

"Go and expose her. After all, the police think she is the monster who set the bomb! I guarantee that she will be sent to prison. So what if she gets the property? What can she do in prison?" Qin Zixian said sinisterly.