May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 163 - Chapter 163, we get married

Chapter 163: Chapter 163, we get married

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"I told you to get out!"

The man's cold voice was clear.

Qin Sheng's eyes were wide open as she looked at Gong Mochen in shock.

The two of them stared at each other deeply. Water gradually wavered across Qin Sheng's eyes. She was hoping to conceal all the emotions in her eyes, but was struggling to do so.

Ten seconds later, Qin Sheng finally realized that she was the one who the man was talking to!

The sharp pain swept through her heart. Gong Mochen asked her to get out and not Ye Wei!

"You want me to get out?" she asked unwillingly.

A single word escaped from the corner of the man's lips, "Yes."

Ye Wei could see the wounded expression on Qin Sheng's face. "Mochen, let her have breakfast with us!"

Ye Wei couldn't bear it any longer. How much endurance could an 18-year-old girl have? She thought that Qin Sheng wouldn't be able to take it.

Qin Sheng turned her head and glared at Ye Wei. "It's not your place to speak about my uncle and me!"

Love was always a matter between two people. There was no place for a third person, and the third person didn't have the right to speak either.

She didn't need Ye Wei to say anything for her. That undoubtedly proved that Ye Wei's weight in the man's heart was heavier than hers!

She ran towards the man and sat on him coquettishly. As if she was declaring her sovereignty, she hooked her arm around his neck. "Uncle, I don't want to leave. You said you would love me for the rest of my life!"

She buried her head in the man's arms. This was her warm nest, the place where she had grown up.

Gong Mochen hid the emotions in his eyes. "I've loved you for eighteen years. I've given you everything that I needed to give you. Isn't that enough? I just want to start my own life."

His voice was a little staccato, but he spoke very slowly. Word by word, he covered up his stiff pronunciation.

Every word that the man uttered was like a dagger stabbing into Qin Sheng's heart. The sharp pain made her heart twitch.

She sat up straight in the man's arms. "Your own life? Didn't you say that we would get married after I take the college entrance exam?"

She stared at the man with her big eyes. It wasn't for anything else, but just staring like this could make her stop crying.

"I said it before. I just want you to study in peace. Otherwise, how could you get into such a good school? I've arranged Ha Siqi to marry you. What else are you not satisfied with?" Gong Mochen's cold voice came out from the corner of his mouth.

His arms were hanging low, and his hands were clenched into fists. He wanted to hug her so much, but if he was soft-hearted, all his efforts would be wasted. Moreover, Qin Sheng would no longer believe that he had fallen in love with someone else.

Still not satisfied... The man's words flashed through Qin Sheng's mind again and again. It was as if she was a person who didn't know how to be satisfied. Regarding the arrangements that the man had given her, she shamelessly wanted more.

"I don't want any of that! I only want you. Can you do it?" She threw herself into the man's arms again.

She could lose everything, but she couldn't lose this man.

"I can give you anything, but I want to live my own life," Gong Mochen said coldly. He paused for a moment and then added, "And in my life, I want Ye Wei."

Qin Sheng felt that all the blood in her body was about to coagulate, and she even forgot to breathe. He gave her everything he could, but he couldn't give her what she truly wanted. And now, he wanted to live his life with his Ye Wei!

"Mochen, you've hurt Qin Sheng. She's still young. Let me talk to her." Ye Wei walked over.

The woman's words finally brought Qin Sheng back to her senses. She raised her eyes and looked at the woman standing in front of her.

She had never felt that a person could be so hypocritical. Suddenly, fire burst out from the bottom of her heart. This woman had stolen her man!

She raised her hand and slapped Ye Wei's face. "I don't need you to pity me! My uncle is mine, don't even think about taking him away!"

The crisp sound of the slap echoed through the office. Her hair, which was tied up at the back of her head, fell down, and a red palm mark appeared on her fair skin.

"Ye Wei!"

Without waiting for the woman to speak, Gong Mochen called out. His hand reached out towards Ye Wei, as if he wanted to comfort her.

Ye Wei reached out and held the man's hand. "I'm fine, really. You don't have to worry about me. I know that she's young and insensible. She's just angry!"

Qin Sheng's heart was stifled. Her gaze was locked on the two people's tightly held hands. It was as if she was the third party that had barged into their world!

"Ye Wei, thank you for your hard work. Qin Sheng isn't sensible. Please bear with me," Gong Mochen said to Ye Wei. He turned to look at Qin Sheng. "Have you had enough? I'm still unmarried at twenty-eight. Do you really want me to take care of you for the rest of your life?"

The man's eyes were cold and distant. Qin Sheng could feel the distance. Even if she was sitting on his lap, it was like she could never touch him again.

"Uncle, I'll be obedient. Don't abandon me!" She put down all her dignity to get Gong Mochen back. This was the first time in her life that she had asked for help.

"Everyone has their own life. Even your parents can't stay with you forever, can they?" Gong Mochen's voice became softer and softer. The severe ischemia he was suffering from meant he couldn't say so much.

Qin Sheng's heart seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss. "So my parents left me, and now you want to leave me too?"

"I've always treated you as my daughter. We're too different in age," Gong Mochen said with difficulty.

This reason was really incredible. Qin Sheng wanted to cry, but she found that she couldn't cry anymore. This was far more resolute than him disliking her, because this was the only thing she couldn't change.

Ye Wei's gaze landed on Qin Sheng's legs. "Can you get up? Even if you cling to him, do you think you can stay like this for the rest of your life?"

Ye Wei knew that her words were hurtful, but she was afraid that the man's weak body wouldn't be able to hold on.

"Get up. I don't want Ye Wei to misunderstand our relationship," Gong Mochen said in an attempt to end their interaction.

And this last cut became the last straw that crushed Qin Sheng. She bounced up from the man's legs as if she had touched poison.

Ye Wei and Gong Mochen were truly in love, and she was the one who was trying to cling to the man.

She stood rooted to the ground and looked at the man in front of her. His and Ye Wei's hands were still held together.

"Gong Mochen, let me ask you one more time. Out of Ye Wei and I, who do you want?"

"Ye Wei." Gong Mochen took a deep breath. It was only two words, but it left him feeling powerless.

How long did it take Qin Sheng to digest his words? She didn't know, but she only knew that her tears kept rolling down from her eyes. Even if she didn't blink, the tears just flowed silently. It was as if she was an expressionless doll.

"Qin Sheng, even if I beg you, will you let go of Mochen?" Ye Wei suddenly knelt down to Qin Sheng's level.

Qin Sheng's nerves seemed to have been burnt to a crisp. All the nerves in her body interpreted the word 'pain' and spread to her limbs and bones.

Ye Wei was begging her to let go of Gong Mochen. It was as if she had become the most detestable mistress in the world.

Her lips trembled...