May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 113 - Chapter 113: This is the safest place

Chapter 113: Chapter 113: This is the safest place

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The photo was clearly taken through a glass window on the door of a stairwell. The angle of the photo was bad, and the image wasn't clear. Only two people could be vaguely seen standing on the stairs: a man and a woman.

However, even though the man's face was not clearly photographed, it was still eye-catching because of the silver mask on his face.

And the shape of the woman was quite distinct.

The man was holding a few blue folders, and the woman was reaching out to take them.

It was obvious that Cheng Yi had gone to the place where Lin Ying had arranged to meet him earlier, and had accidentally captured the scene of Lin Ying and the man in the mask.

Gong Mochen's eyes focused on the man in the silver mask, his eyes as cold as the deepest sea.

A moment later, he nodded. He signaled Nie Feng to turn off his phone.

"President, it seems that this man in the silver mask is the one who wanted to harm Miss Qin. But how did he know that Cheng Yi had this photo?" Nie Feng said.

"Other than Cheng Yi saying it himself, there is no other possibility. He realized what he had taken and wanted to find out how much evidence he had on that man. Therefore, he got greedy and wanted to use the photo to blackmail him.

"He knew that Yan Fei and Qin Yunting were in cahoots with this man, so he found one of them. He probably didn't expect that he would lose his life because of this photo." Gong Mochen analyzed the cause and effect of the whole incident.

"I see. He didn't get the money, but he had his life taken away. I will send more people to keep an eye on Qin Yunting and Yan Fei. I will definitely find out where this man in the silver mask lives," Nie Feng said.

Gong Mochen nodded. "Do it."

Although he knew that person wouldn't appear next to Yan Fei or Qin Yunting again, he still asked Nie Feng to send more people. Even if it was a one in ten thousand chance, he would still try.

Nie Feng followed the order and walked out of the office. Sergeant Ma happened to walk in with Ye Wei after Nie Feng left.

"President Gong, Miss Ye is here," Sergeant Ma said.

"I'll talk to her alone." Gong Mochen raised his hand to tell Sergeant Ma to go.

"This is against the rules," Sergeant Ma said. Then he saw the man's cold eyes and immediately changed his words. "But President Gong's request is within the rules. I'll go out and you guys can talk."

Sergeant Ma quickly walked out of the office. Gong Mochen's eyes were too cold and he was so scared that he didn't dare to say a word.

Ye Wei watched Sergeant Ma walk out. Only then did she relax and fall onto the sofa.

"I really got rid of that medicine. I flushed it down the toilet. You have to believe me!" She looked at the man helplessly.

"I believe you. This time, it was His Highness Yu who deliberately messed with you. That's why he put the medicine in your bag," Gong Mochen said.

"He's able to do such things?" Ye Wei was surprised.

Now she believed what her contact had said was true. Every person who approached His Highness Yu to discover his identity died miserably in the end.

"He doesn't have such a great ability, but Li Ang does. Think about it, who approached you in the banquet hall?" Gong Mochen asked.

Ye Wei thought carefully. "No, I've been secretly following His Highness Yu, but no one approached me... not that I recall."

"Qin Zixian's test came back. It's aconite poisoning, and the medicine in your purse was also aconite. If you ask me that's suspicious enough," Gong Mochen said.

Ye Wei suddenly thought of something. "There was some special ingredients in the aconitum that I purified. It wasn't pure aconitum. I added aconite extract. The aconitum that I purified had strong medicinal strength, but my mixture had a different composition to the one that was put in my bag, I'm sure of it. If Qin Zixian had been poisoned with that she wouldn't have been poisoned for so long."

The aconitum that had been planted in her bag was harmful to her.

"I'll get Nie Feng to investigate. You stay here for a few days. This is the safest place for you," Gong Mochen said.

Ye Wei nodded. Gong Mochen called Superintendent Ma to come and take Ye Wei away.

He couldn't tell Superintendent Ma that there were no aconite in the medicine. He could only get Nie Feng to inform the hospital to conduct a more detailed examination.

When Gong Mochen arrived at the hospital, the sound of a woman crying could be heard from the ward. He strode into the ward.

When He Fen saw that Gong Mochen had arrived, she cried even harder. "Mochen, look at how that Ye Wei has harmed your sister. That Ye Wei must die!"

Qin Zixian pulled He Fen's hand. Her eyes were pitiful. "Mom, forget it. At least she never lost her conscience and saved me."

He Fen's eyes widened. "My daughter, you're too kind, that's why someone dared to poison you! Who does that Ye Wei think she is, daring to lay a hand on you? If she doesn't die, I'm not sure what I'll do!"

She had always thought that Qin Sheng was Qin Zixian's love rival, but who knew that another Ye Wei would appear?

Gong Mochen's face was gloomy and he didn't say anything, quietly listening to the mother and daughter's words.

Qin Zixian realized that the man's demeanour wasn't right, so she quickly changed the topic. "Mom, don't be so arbitrary. Maybe it wasn't Ye Wei?"

He Fen shook Qin Zixian's hand. "Didn't the doctor already test you? Why are you so stupid to justify that woman at a time like this?"

"The doctor will find out if Ye Wei put the poison in her," Gong Mochen said coldly.

Nie Feng walked into the room and said, "President, the tests have all been done. There was indeed aconite in the fourth miss' blood, but there was no aconite in the medicine found in Ye Wei's bag."

He Fen didn't understand. "What do you mean?''

"What I mean is that the poison wasn't put in by Miss Ye. Because the two poisons are different," Nie Feng told He Fen clearly.

He Fen's face froze. "If it wasn't her, who else could it be? I don't think Zixian ate the poison, did she? I must find the person who attempted to murder my daughter!"

"Well, I think Zixian is fine now. You stay with her in the hospital for a few more days to recover. I'll go back to investigate the case." Gong Mochen strode out of the ward.

Qin Zixian pounded the bed angrily. "Mom, you're too direct. Look, you've driven Third Brother away in anger!"

"Silly girl, how can I not be like this? Isn't it enough to have Qin Sheng to fight with over that man? And now Ye Wei is in the picture! Do you still want to be Gong Mochen's wife?" He Fen said.

Qin Zixian pursed her lips. "Third Brother went abroad for a year and came back with a Ye Wei. I don't feel that this Ye Wei and Third Brother have a simple relationship. There's more too it, I'm certain."

"Regardless of whether Ye Wei was the one who poisoned you or not, we still need to lock her in jail!" He Fen said.

Qin Zixian nodded. This was a good way to eliminate a love rival.


In the Qin family's old mansion, Gong Mochen walked up the stairs and knocked on Li Ang's door.

Li Ang opened the door and leaned against it, looking at the man with a bewitching expression. "Hey, President Gong, did you knock on the wrong door? Where's Qin Sheng's door? If you want to find a man to be in a couple with, I suggest you go to the gigolo shop. I'm a straight man!"

Gong Mochen kicked Li Ang back. Li Ang darted away and Gong Mochen walked into the room.

"Don't give me that nonsense. Did you ask someone to put the poison in Ye Wei's bag? Hand over the person who did it!"