Max Leveled Boss is Forced to be Pampered by Others

Chapter 102

Obviously comforting Chi Wan.

But they didn\'t expect that Chi Wan\'s mood became more depressed after hearing this sentence.

I just feel that I am despised.

But the mistake did happen. There was no way to avoid it. Chi Wan had to bite her teeth and hold her breath back. Only then did she raise her head again, sweep her eyes around, and then look pitifully at the nearest classmate: "where is my sister?"

Chi Wei and Chi Wan are sisters. Everyone at school knows very well, but

After hearing this, everyone seemed to be reminded and looked around. Unfortunately, they didn\'t see Chi Wei\'s figure for a long time.

Everyone\'s mood also unconsciously became subtle: no matter what the relationship is, it is their own sister. Her sister is injured. How can this sister be so incompetent and completely ignore it? It seems that Chi Wan has been allowed to live and die.

Some people were already unhappy about this matter, and now they were directly angry.

Without thinking about it, he directly left, walked with the wind, found Chi Wei and blocked him in front of the other party. His eyes were filled with disgust and incomprehension: "Chi Wei, Wan Wan was injured. Why are you still here alone?"

The implication is, don\'t take care of your sister quickly.

The pool of values of something in the mental calculation laboratory is not:

Chi Wan fell down. What does it have to do with her?

If you don\'t understand, ask.

Chi didn\'t blink. He soon raised his eyes and looked at the boy with some angry eyes. His face was inexplicable: "where should I be?"

Although it was a question, Chi didn\'t speak in a light voice and couldn\'t hear any emotion. It seemed that it had nothing to do with her, which made the boy even more angry.

"When you are injured in your leg and the school doctor hasn\'t come in time, it\'s easy to be mentally fragile. As Wan Wan\'s sister, of course, you should accompany her and help her immediately, rather than just stand by!"


This sentence was sonorous and powerful, cadenced, and immediately attracted the eyes of countless people. They all nodded one after another and expressed incomparable agreement with this view.

The pond didn\'t have a meal.

Half a minute later, he nodded.

"I see."

The little girl\'s thoughtful appearance has faded away from the inaccessibility in normal days. On the contrary, she looks good and clever. After one look, she can\'t help her inner desire for protection.

However, Chi Wei\'s heart is like this:

——It was to let her join Chi Wan\'s bones.

It\'s all small things.

It\'s just... Her technique is cruel.

Although the action is neat and the recovery speed is amazing than usual, most people swear after trying once that they will never let Chi miss another bone in their lifetime.

She happened to be a little handyman, so she took Chi Wan as a hobby.

Thinking of this, the smile on the little girl\'s face could not help but be real.

Somehow, while leading the way, the boy\'s heart tensed unconsciously. He always felt that something difficult to control would happen next.


The school doctor still couldn\'t come.

Chi Wan has stepped down slowly with the help of her classmates. She is going to find a seat to sit first. Unexpectedly, she sees Chi Wei coming face to face with a lazy look.

It\'s Chi Wei again.

Chi Wan was almost conditioned when she heard the man\'s name now.