Max Leveled Boss is Forced to be Pampered by Others

Chapter 103

I soon remembered that I asked Chi Weilai to come.

Chi Wan soon recovered her composure, but on the surface she was still a little sorry. Finally, she looked at Chi Wei wrongfully and innocently: "sister, you\'re finally here..."

This tone sounds especially missing. I don\'t know. I really think the two sisters are in deep love.

Chi didn\'t nod.

Just as Chi Wan was about to say something, he said solemnly, "I heard you want me to help you with your bone?"

There was still no emotion in his voice, but he was stunned by Chi Wan, who was still sad.

What kind of bone.

What bone?

Before Chi Wan could think about it, he followed Chi Wei\'s eyes and saw his leg. It was still swollen and red. At first glance, it needed to be dealt with.

Chi not only took a faint look, he could almost be sure.

In fact, he had guessed very well before. Chi Wan\'s falling posture, coupled with the rise in the back, was obviously a simple bone dislocation. Just take it back.

But I have to rest later.

Thinking, Chi Weidu has put on his gloves slowly.

Chi Wancai gradually understood the meaning of the other party. If it wasn\'t for the severe leg pain, I\'m afraid she would stand up on the spot, and then quickly waved her hand: "no..."

Are you kidding?

Chi Wei thinks she knows some big people. Is she really as powerful as those big people?

Elderberry, what if you break her?

In a short moment, Chi Wan understood.

——This vicious sister must be waiting for an opportunity to revenge!

By such a interruption, Chi Wan even forgot her original intention and quickly refused. Her eyes were moist and she had some unspeakable grievances.

"Sister, as long as you accompany me, it\'s enough."

Pool not:

Chi Wei took another look at Chi Wan\'s ankle.

Maybe the first injury was not very serious, but Chi Wan tried to get up and continue dancing after the injury, so the dislocation is actually a little severe and challenging, which makes Chi Wei\'s hand ready to move.

"Really, no need?" the little girl tilted her head slightly, and her tone was still very serious. She could see that she really wanted to start.

Chi Wan got goose bumps again and quickly shook his head. He didn\'t dare to let Chi fail.

I used to think that this sister didn\'t talk much, but she had a deep mind, but now she has been refreshed again. Where is the deep mind of this sister? It\'s clearly vicious!

I actually want to start while she is ill

Chi Wan moved his lips and was still thinking about how to continue to refuse, but he found that Chi Wei had faintly moved his eyes after being rejected again, and some regretted to take all his eyes back.

The students around me looked confused.

This pool is not, it really looks a little abnormal

Although it looks good, it\'s true, but every move is too evil. Now I still want to try to connect bones to others. Can I mess with this kind of thing?

The school doctor came too slowly.


All the wonderful moments ahead were ruined because of the final failure.

The scoring teachers were also quite ruthless, because the last wrestling, although they expressed concern for Chi Wan, they didn\'t blink and directly put Chi Wan in the last place.