Max Leveled Boss is Forced to be Pampered by Others

Chapter 101

For a moment, the whole audience held their breath.

I never expected that such an accident would happen at the last minute.

Chi Wan himself didn\'t think of it.

It was not until the burning pain came from her ankle that she vaguely understood that things were bad.

Chi Wan\'s original proud smile also froze, and finally disappeared. All her complaints were put on Chi Wei: in previous years, the difficulty of her rhythmic gymnastics was not low, but it was successfully completed every time, and she was amazed and cheered by a group of people. This time, it should be the same.

It must be Chi Wei.

It was Chi Wei\'s appearance that made her have an accident.

The originally dexterous girl fell to the ground in an instant. Because of the pain, her eyebrows frowned tightly. She tried to get up, but found that her left foot was painful.

The originally beautiful skirt has become messy, not only without the gorgeous, but also with a sense of depression.

Chi Wan is unwilling to give up this dance.

This is the last year of senior three. She wants to leave the best impression on everyone.

Bite your teeth.

Chi Wan finally stood up in pain, just like the mermaid princess. Every step seemed to walk on the tip of the knife. She broke out a cold sweat in pain. Perhaps the only difference from the mermaid was that the mermaid stopped biting her teeth, and Chi Wan soon fell to the ground again.

This time, everyone responded one after another.

Especially the students in class three.

Someone began to grumble: "it\'s over. I thought Chi Wan was in our class. Even if others can\'t, we can at least win a gold medal in rhythmic gymnastics. Now it\'s estimated that there\'s no more..."

The first half of Chi Wan\'s performance was really wonderful.

If the follow-up ended perfectly, it would naturally be possible to sling all the contestants, but they made mistakes in the last link and fell to the ground.

Then no matter how wonderful the first half of Chi Wan is, it can only be wasted in the end.

Thinking about here, the students are all quiet.

On the contrary, the boys who have always been secretly in love with Chi Wan took the lead and frowned fiercely: "what do you mean? Is the medal important? What we should care about most now is how Wan Wan\'s feet are! I see her in pain..."

That\'s right.

Although Chi Wan has tried to control her expression in public, it is still difficult to hide the pain in her face. Even her lip color is slightly white, obviously enduring great pain.

The people who were still struggling with medals were silent in an instant.

Everyone rushed in the direction of Chi Wan.

They made no secret of their concern.

"Wan Wan, are you okay?"

"You look very painful. It doesn\'t matter. The school doctor is on his way and will come to show you your feet soon. You can bear it first..."


The Song Ci on one side also slowly recovered from his dream. For a moment, his eyes looking at Chi Wan were not so gentle, but he took symbolic steps to take care of him: "wait for the school doctor, don\'t move first."

Chi Wan hung her head and tried not to make herself more impolite. Under the comfort of a group of people, she finally spoke slowly: "what to do, our medals..."

At this point, she is still thinking about the medal.

The students were even more moved: "it doesn\'t matter, the medal is not so important, as long as wanwan you\'re all right!"