Martial Immortal Inheritance System

Chapter 954

"But I have a question. Where are the 100 martial saints?"

In a big tavern, a drinker couldn\'t help asking, "doesn\'t the world of Wuxian add up to only forty wusheng?"

"It\'s said that it\'s the martial saint of the previous generation. A few days ago, he was woken up by the bully and signed a contract one by one. It\'s really a good play this time!"

Another drinker said with a smile, "I\'m going to Xianzou county now to occupy a good position!"

Someone asked, "there is still half a year left. What are you doing there? I heard that it has been blocked!"

"I said, take a good place. I\'ll set up a tent and squat on the outer circle. I won\'t go anywhere for the next six months. I\'ll keep it there!"

The former drinker said, "the battle of wusheng can be seen in your lifetime. Even if you die, you will be willing!"

"That\'s true. If we go together, we must occupy a place!"

Many wine drinkers stood up. Some of them heard that Daoxi could die in the morning, while others wanted to improve their realm by watching the battle of Wu Sheng!

This is no joke. Watching high-level combat is always a good way to break through the bottleneck.

Just then, a group of Mohist people suddenly walked up with a lot of things. The leading Mohist shouted, "boss, we\'re going to do an experiment in your tavern. The people above should have told you?"

"Said, said, has been waiting for you!"

The tavern owner hurried to meet him. This tavern is called a tavern. It is a chain tavern operated by Yuanshen. It has branches in many places.

"OK, let\'s start!"

Mohist people said: "this technology is not perfect. You should always test it for half a year. You should be mentally prepared!"

The tavern owner nodded again and again: "I know, it has been explained."

"That\'s good!"

The Mohist people nodded and began to decorate on the wall in the corner. The warriors looked for a while and couldn\'t understand what they were doing. Why did they hang a stone on the wall?

A warrior took a glass of wine and went to a Mohist. He handed the wine and said, "brother, what are you installing?"

The people of Mohism were thirsty. They took a satisfied drink directly from the wine cup and said, "you know the world\'s first martial Saint meeting in half a year?"

The warrior smiled and said, "of course I know. If you hadn\'t come, I would have gone to Xianzou county with my tent on my back!"

"Hey, we came just in time!"

The Mohist smiled and said, "do you know there is a shadow stone in the world?"

The warrior shook his head blankly: "right shadow stone? I really don\'t know this!"

"Well, I know that the shadow stone is a very rare stone. It appears in pairs. The picture reflected on the stone will be fed back to another stone!"

An old man came over and said, "this kind of shadow stone is usually used to send emergency messages. It is said that it is effective as long as it is in the Wuxian world."

The former martial artist was surprised and asked, "is there such a good thing? Why haven\'t I heard of it?"

"Because this thing is very rare, it is estimated that there are only a few pairs in the world, in the hands of royalty, strategists and other holy places!"

The old man said: "the shadow stone and photo stone were not rare thousands of years ago, but now, each is the supreme treasure!"

"Yes, times have changed. The common things have now become treasures!"

The Mohist sighed, then put down his glass, pointed to the big transparent stone in front of him and said, "this is the imitation of shadow stone..."

The old man was speechless: "you scared me. I thought there was such a big shadow stone!"

"If there is such a big shadow stone, it must be stolen here!"

The Mohist smiled and said, "the imitation of this pair of shadow stones was studied by the Mohist under the bully Zhang Yunhao. It can feed back the real picture of shadow stones, and more than one to one, one to many!"

After a pause, in the curious eyes of the people, the Mohist continued: "we installed it here to broadcast the wusheng war in Xianzou County, that is to say, when you are here, you can also see the wusheng battle!"

The warriors exclaimed: "what, you can see the battle of wusheng here?"

"Yes, you can see it here!"

The Mohist nodded and said, "however, we can\'t feel the breath, we can only see the picture. In addition, we are studying the sound problem. We should be able to find it out within half a year. We are the orthodox Mohist and won\'t lose to the Mohist under the little overlord!"

Another Mohist said, "of course we won\'t lose. Wu Sheng even presided over it!"

A warrior couldn\'t help asking, "if it can be realized, it\'s convenient. Do you have this pair of shadow stones everywhere?"

"Now only a few pubs are experimented. When the technology is mature, it will be popularized to pubs and some squares in most big cities!"

The Mohist said, "of course, this is something in the future. Now we have to adjust this first. Don\'t say it, let\'s continue to work!"


The warriors retreated and stopped pestering the Mohists, but their eyes still didn\'t leave the shadow stone. Their eyes were full of curiosity!

A warrior said, "in this way, we don\'t have to go to Wizard of Oz county. We can see it here!"

"No, this thing can\'t feel the breath. I\'m still going to Wizard of Oz County!"

The warrior shook his head before. He threw a ingot of gold on the table and shouted, "waiter, I\'ll pay for the wine of the masters of Mohism. Ladies and gentlemen, I\'m leaving!"

"Let\'s go!"

Everyone hugged their fists and watched the warrior leave, and then continued to discuss the martial Saint war six months later!

"You say, who will win?"

This question is the most lively topic in the Wuxian world. Almost all martial artists are discussing it. In the Imperial Palace, sun wusheng is also talking to Zhang Yunhao about it: "little overlord, according to our survey, almost no one thinks you can win. Now the biggest hot topic is the Tianji wusheng!"

"I didn\'t expect that the old wusheng had such strong strength and ranked first."

The Dragon wusheng said angrily that it is worth mentioning that he is only in the bottom level of more than 70. In fact, if it was not for the special power of dragon Qi, he could not even rank more than 70!

What makes Shenlong wusheng more depressed is that their royal family did not sleep wusheng. After all, there are only so many dragon Qi, which can not maintain two wusheng at all!

"It\'s normal for people to have Wuxian behind them!"

Zhang Yunhao said lightly, "but you don\'t have to worry. Some time ago, he was just badly hurt by me!"

"Bully, don\'t fool us there. Your state was abnormal."

Sun wusheng sneered that few people know about the star world, but Sun wusheng\'s separation heard some from the evil separation, so it\'s very clear.

"When I go through the customs, that state may become my normal state!"

Zhang Yunhao smiled and said, "if you don\'t say that, sun wusheng and the doctrine of the mean wusheng are almost ready. There is still half a year left. You can improve yourself as soon as possible. Whether you win or lose is in one fell swoop!"


Sun wusheng and the doctrine of the mean wusheng nodded. They can\'t put all the pressure on the bully. They should work hard themselves!

Speaking of it, the little bully is really powerful. One idea has reversed the situation of the Wuxian world. With this world\'s first martial arts club, no matter who wins, the Wuxian world can preserve the greatest vitality!

Dragon wusheng was very dissatisfied: "what about me, I don\'t need to work hard?"

"It\'s no use trying again!"

Zhang Yunhao waved his hand and said, "I have a task for you!"

Dragon wusheng was impatient: "our royal family still has a lot of treasures. If I use them all, my strength will be greatly improved!"

"What\'s the use of promoting a martial saint in that way? Besides, even if you can really improve, you can\'t be the first in the world!"

Zhang Yunhao looked disdainful. He said, "next, you need to help me place tens of thousands of Yuan gods in the star world. I want you to arrange them to work in various state capitals. Only in this way can we master the world!"

The doctrine of the mean Wu Sheng said: "other holy places will not be allowed? In fact, we have lost control of each other except Gyeonggi!"

"That\'s because your strength is not enough. Now there are tens of thousands of Yuan gods, and those martial saints can\'t fight. Who can stop us from controlling the place?"

Zhang Yunhao said, "that\'s tens of thousands of Yuan gods. There\'s also a quick martial saint. Er, it\'s more humiliating than the Dragon martial saint. You won\'t participate in the world\'s first martial arts meeting!"

Dragon wusheng was furious: "am I so ashamed?"

Everyone ignored the Dragon wusheng, and the golden mean wusheng said, "bully, are you afraid of the Holy Land rebound?"

"I\'m not afraid. My goal is not to take the opportunity to dominate the world. It\'s meaningless. My goal is to twist the Wuxian empire into a rope in advance. In this way, when the victory or defeat is one point in half a year, the Wuxian world will be fully capable and ready for war."

Zhang Yunhao said: "in short, this is just the preparation for the war. The martial saints can see this and won\'t do anything."

The doctrine of the mean Wu Sheng understood: "in short, these yuan gods are not to grab interests, but to get familiar with and control the place?"


Zhang Yunhao nodded and then said, "in addition, it is also a suppression of the situation. As soon as the world\'s first martial arts meeting comes out, plus the demon gate can also participate, many things will happen in the world. These yuan gods enter the place, which can ensure that civilians and martial arts will not be affected!"

The doctrine of the mean Wu Sheng laughed: "bully, I didn\'t choose the wrong person. You\'re still the same you before."

The Dragon Wu Sheng suddenly turned his eyes. The old goods actually praised the new owner in front of his own face. I really hate it!

Dragon wusheng complains himself: "pity me, dragon wusheng. I\'m reduced to someone who can step on it!"

Zhang Yunhao looked at the Dragon wusheng and said, "the Dragon wusheng, the place is stable, and the Dragon Spirit will increase greatly. At that time, your strength will advance by leaps and bounds. Whether you can seize the opportunity depends on your own!"

"Will my strength advance by leaps and bounds? Yes, the reason why I am so weak is that the Empire controls too few places. Now send the yuan God to control places, and my strength will soar!"

The Dragon Wu Sheng was stunned at first, and then was overjoyed. He said, "leave it to me. I will arrange the tens of thousands of Yuan gods!"

Zhang Yunhao said, "OK, I\'ll give it to you. In addition to tens of thousands of Yuan gods, there are tens of thousands of heaven and man. They have just come to the Wuxian world and need to adapt. It\'s troublesome for you."

The Dragon wusheng couldn\'t wait and said, "OK, when will they come?"

Zhang Yunhao said, "anytime, as long as we are ready!"

"Then I\'ll prepare now!"

The Dragon wusheng left excitedly. Zhang Yunhao and other three wusheng looked at his back and shook their heads at the same time.

Zhang Yunhao said, "emperor Wuxian is the master of dragon Qi, and the Dragon wusheng is just the servant of dragon Qi. Even if he is given enough dragon Qi, he can\'t be promoted to Wuxian."

"Indeed, such descendants are a disgrace to Emperor Wuxian!"

Sun wusheng agreed: "maybe he still wants to be the first in the world!"

"Whatever he wants!"

Zhang Yunhao never paid attention to the Dragon Warrior saint, because the Dragon Warrior saint has never been his opponent and is not qualified to be his opponent!

The doctrine of the mean wusheng reminded: "bully, Tianji wusheng and Xinmeng promised so happily. I\'m afraid there will be any calculation, so I can\'t help it!"

Zhang Yunhao said with a smile: "don\'t worry, I know everything well. Everything depends on strength!"

"Yes, everything depends on strength, bully. We\'re going back to practice!"

The golden mean wusheng and sun wusheng nodded and left. Zhang Yunhao sat in the empty hall, closed his eyes and felt the boiling power of wusheng in his body.

The stability of the world is not only good for the Dragon Warrior saint, but also for Zhang Yunhao, because he is a righteous warrior saint. Such a great thing of justice can make his strength advance by leaps and bounds and make him gain a lot of merit!

"I, noumenon, evil separation, Trinity, who can fight in the world?"

With a faint smile, Zhang Yunhao said to himself, "the overall situation has been settled. Can you let Zhang Yi come and help me? I also want to practice in isolation!"

Zhang Yunhao said, "Zhang Yi is dealing with the star world and the star world. It\'s not so fast. You continue to stay there!"

The good split sighed: "it\'s the only way. Zhang Jia wants to help the evil split destroy the Shura world and revive the stars and Wuxian. He\'s also not free!"

"When the Holy Land Wu Sheng passes, you will be a lot easier."

Zhang Yunhao said, "it\'s a pity that a thousand faces can only be divided into two parts, otherwise many things will be easy to do."

"After all, the biggest function of the thousand faced Magic face is transformation, not separation."

The kind-hearted man said, "speaking of it, we got the thousand faces in the fairy tale county. Now we go back to the fairy tale County for a decisive battle. It\'s really fate!"

"The thousand faced devil\'s face is not a good thing. If it is known, its reputation will stink!"

Zhang Yunhao said, "by the way, you should be responsible for the relocation of Xianzou county. After all, they are my people."

"Don\'t worry, there will be no problem."

The kind-hearted man nodded: "give it to me here. You concentrate on closing the door and resurrecting the star Wuxian. The star Wuxian may not be honest. You should be ready. Miao Xue is still in his hand!"

Zhang Yunhao asked, "haven\'t you asked what happened to the Seven Star wusheng Miao snow?"

"Yes, the Seven Star wusheng didn\'t answer."

The kind man said, "he said it was meant to be!"

"Is it meant to be? God talks!"

Zhang Yunhao shook his head and said, "see again then. In short, I will try my best to protect Miao Xue. If Xingchen Wuxian really has any thoughts, he will die again on the day of resurrection! I said!"