Martial Immortal Inheritance System

Chapter 953

Under the gaze of the martial saints, the ranking on the martial arts stele soon appeared, but the result was quite unexpected!

First place: wusheng!

Second place: Black Star wusheng (sleeping)!

Third place: Jue Tian Wu Sheng (sleeping)!

Fourth: Golden wusheng (sleeping)!

Fifth place: black sky wusheng (sleeping)!


Ninth place: Wu Sheng of life and death!

No. 10: ten thousand Buddha wusheng!


No. 100: overlord Wuwang - this martial saint has special items that can interfere with the stone tablet ranking, so this ranking does not represent the real ranking!

"The wusheng of the secret of heaven is the first? Is he so strong?"

"The key point is not here. The key point should not be why there are 100 martial saints. We only have 40 together?"

"Yes, why are there so many martial saints? What\'s the matter with the extra 60, and they are so strong?"

"What does sleeping mean?"

The martial saints looked at each other. Zhang Yunhao snorted and said, "don\'t act. Martial saints never appear for no reason. I\'m young and don\'t know, but you must know!"

The recognized martial saints smiled awkwardly. The Seven Star martial Saint said, "in that case, I won\'t hide it any more. The black star martial saint is the martial saint of the generation in the Tao Pavilion. However, I didn\'t expect him to be so strong and rank second!"

Zhang Yunhao was a little surprised: "the previous generation, could he live so long?"

"He can\'t live that long. He\'s still alive because he sleeps in an ice coffin!"

The Seven Star wusheng shook his head and said, "other sleeping wusheng should be the same!"

Zhang Yunhao asked with great interest, "what\'s the frozen coffin?"

"Thousands of years ago, Wu immortals studied many ways to prolong life. After all, their descendants and disciples will die without eternal life!"

The seven star Wu Sheng said, "the frozen coffin is one of the products!"

"It\'s understandable, just as the star Wuxian wants the disciples to live forever!"

Zhang Yunhao nodded: "Seven Star wusheng, can you introduce this frozen coffin in detail?"

The seven star Wu Sheng said with a smile, "of course. In fact, most of the holy places have frozen coffins. It\'s not a big secret!"

The martial saint of the salt gang shouted, "we don\'t have the salt gang. I don\'t know any of them!"

"That\'s because the establishment time of your salt gang is too short. Unlike us, they are basically inherited from thousands of years ago!"

Lingyun Wu Sheng disdained to say: "speaking of, the previous generation of Salt Gang Wu Sheng is really a legend. He made Wu Sheng from scratch and established a holy land. Unfortunately, there are no successors!"

"There is no successor!"

The martial saints nodded one after another. The martial saints of the salt gang gnawed their teeth. When I become a martial immortal, I will make you look good!

"Let\'s get back to the point!"

The Seven Star wusheng said: "the frozen coffin is a special immortal thing studied by the frozen Wuxian. It is refined from the cold ice of ten thousand years at both poles. People sleeping in the frozen coffin will be frozen, and the passing speed of life will be greatly reduced!"

"People who can only live another year can live another 100 years after lying in the frozen coffin. Of course, without any consciousness, it is no different from death."

"In fact, all the frozen coffins we have are imitations. They are half immortals. There is only one real frozen coffin. It can keep the people in it from losing their vitality and live as long as possible."

"The purpose of freezing Wuxian is to freeze the later people first, and then slowly study the methods to prolong their life. Unfortunately, before she studies it, all Wuxian disappear at the same time!"

"Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the major holy places obtained these frozen coffins while exploring a secret place. After a great war, they robbed one or two of them and use them now!"

"All the martial saints in our holy land will sleep in the frozen coffin when they have only one or two years left. They are not for resurrection, but to leave a killer mace for the holy land."

The Seven Star wusheng continued: "once the Holy Land encounters any incomparable disaster, the frozen coffin will be opened, and the wusheng inside will come out to help us resist the enemy together!"

"I see. My plan is cheap. These martial saints!"

Zhang Yunhao smiled at the speech: "if they can become the first in the world, they can become Wuxian and live forever!"

The martial saint of the salt gang looked ugly and said, "in other words, we have 60 more opponents, which is still very difficult to deal with?"

"It\'s hard!"

The Seven Star wusheng nodded and said, "as long as we wusheng are not dead, there will be no decline in combat effectiveness and Qi and blood. In other words, the strength of those 60 predecessors is at the peak."

Zhang Yunhao nodded: "it\'s normal. Keeping them is to make them work hard. If their strength is not enough, what\'s the point of freezing them?"

"That\'s the reason!"

Seven star Wu Sheng said, "bully, you don\'t seem to worry?"

"Worry? I\'m not worried, but I\'m happy!"

Zhang Yunhao laughed: "the more martial saints, the better. Our enemy Shura is far stronger than us."

The Lord of gambler\'s cabinet smiled and said, "little overlord, you are very confident!"

Zhang Yunhao said, "of course, I\'m the first in the world. It must be him!"

Lingyun wusheng sneered: "then why don\'t you dare to remove the things that hide the ranking?"

"Leave some mystery, I\'m afraid to scare you!"

Zhang Yunhao smiled. Then he said, "I don\'t mind these 60 elders participating in the war, but they must sign a contract. No one can be an exception."

The Lord of zhanmo sect said, "it\'s natural. We discussed it before."

Zhang Yunhao said, "let\'s look for them one by one according to the distance. How about you? Anyway, you have to wake them up."

The martial saint of divine sword thought for a moment and said, "yes, but you can\'t enter our sect. We\'ll take the elder martial Saint out to sign a contract!"


Zhang Yunhao nodded and said, "let\'s start. Er, I met an old friend. You go first and I\'ll come right away."

"OK, the first stop is Shendao holy land, which is nearest to here."

The martial saints had no opinion and flew towards the holy land of divine sabre. Zhang Yunhao took a look at the martial arts stone tablet and narrowed his eyes: "is the martial saint the best in the world? It seems that the martial immortal behind him has given him a lot of benefits!"

Zhang Yunhao had a fight with Tianji wusheng. He knew the strength of Tianji wusheng - although it was the top three, it was not the first level. Now it suddenly became the first. There must be a problem.

No wonder Tianji wusheng promised the world\'s first martial arts association so readily. It turned out that he had confidence in his strength!

"No matter what hang Wuxian gives you behind your back, you won\'t be my opponent. I, Zhang Yunhao, is the strongest!"

Zhang Yunhao shook his head and went straight to the two people in the distance. He didn\'t lie before. He did meet an acquaintance and had an unexpected harvest. His promise for many years can be completed today!

Seeing Zhang Yunhao coming, the martial artists in the distance are very excited. You know, Zhang Yunhao is the idol of many martial artists - he has become a martial saint in his early twenties, which can be called a miracle!

Zhang Yunhao ignored other martial artists. He said to a woman in purple, "ah Zi, haven\'t seen you for a long time?"

"Yes, bully, long time no see!"

Murong Zi said hello to Zhang Yunhao with a complex look. Once upon a time, they had little difference, but now, it was heaven and earth!

Murong Zi has worked hard enough over the years, but he is still stuck in the great master and can\'t break through. Zhang Yunhao is already a noble martial saint. He must bow his head to show respect to him.

Next to Murong Zi was a young man. He was very excited to see Zhang Yunhao. He was so excited that his face turned red and his whole body trembled.

It is worth mentioning that this young man is a man of heaven. At his age, he can be called a genius for such cultivation. Of course, he is nothing compared with Zhang Yunhao.

The young man said to Zhang Yunhao excitedly, "bully, I admire you very much. You are the idol of all our country warriors!"

Zhang Yunhao raised his eyebrows: "country warrior?"

"Stone breaks the sky, shut up!"

Murong Zi was in a hurry. She hurriedly said, "don\'t be angry, little overlord..."

"Xiao Zi, in your eyes, am I so easily angry?"

Zhang Yunhao smiled. When he saw the people around him looking here curiously, he waved his hand and took them to an empty platform. Then he said, "ah Zi, there\'s something big today. I won\'t talk to you about the past. Come to the palace in a few days. Let\'s have a good drink!"

"OK! I will visit you then!"

Murong Zi nodded, but seemed a little stiff. After all, Zhang Yunhao\'s status is much higher than her.

"Visit? Do you need to be so polite with me? You must be drunk and let your prototype leak!"

Zhang Yunhao shook his head. Then he turned his head and looked at the stone breaking sky and said, "I\'ve been looking for you for several years!"

Stone broke the sky with a blank face: "looking for me? Bully, why are you looking for me?"

"Because you are the reincarnation of the enlightenment tree."

Zhang Yunhao said that he got the enlightenment tree at the heaven banquet, but there was only a body. The soul of the enlightenment tree was reincarnated. In order to help his reincarnation, the enlightenment tree also condensed a seed for Zhang Yunhao to give to each other.

Because Zhang Yunhao has never been in the Wuxian world, he has not completed this task until now!

"I am the reincarnation of a tree?"

Stone is stunned. Isn\'t that incredible? Murong Zi couldn\'t help looking at the stone breaking the sky. Is this the reason why the boy is always stupid?

"Here\'s the thing!"

Zhang Yunhao briefly introduced the matter, and then took out the seed. Before he could do anything, the seed flew into stone\'s body, and stone\'s eyes suddenly became empty and confused.

"It seems to be beginning to merge!"

Zhang Yunhao said: "speaking of it, this child is also unlucky. With his talent, Wuxian doesn\'t say, wusheng is still very promising. Unfortunately, he doesn\'t have so much time for him!"

Murong Zi didn\'t understand: "bully, what do you mean you don\'t have so much time?"

Zhang Yunhao shook his head and didn\'t answer. He said, "the ninth reincarnation, this is his last life. Look at his fortune. Ah Zi, I have to go to the holy land of divine sword. I won\'t tell you more. By the way, here you are. I\'ll go first. Remember to come to me!"

Zhang Yunhao threw a wine glass to Murong Zi, and then disappeared in a blink.

"You are still the same as before and have not changed. The problem is, I\'m just a great master and I\'m not qualified to be your friend!"

Murong Zi\'s face was a little bitter. She shook her head and looked at the wine glass in her hand. There was a glass of wine sealed inside, a glass of wine that looked like a dream. She didn\'t know what it was!

"Sister Murong, that\'s dengtian wine!"

At this time, the stone beside him suddenly opened his mouth: "after you drink, you can basically break through heaven and man!"

"Heaven wine?"

Murong Zi\'s hand trembled and the wine glass almost fell to the ground. Is this the wine that all ordinary martial arts people dream of?

Shi Shatian nodded: "yes, dengtian wine should be out of print now! It seems that the bully is really nice to you!"

"The bully has a heart!"

Murong Zi sighed. She turned her head and looked at stone breaking the sky. She was a little surprised and asked, "how do you feel different? The whole person seems to have grown up and become more stable!"

"That seed gave me not only strength, but also some memories. My memories of the first nine lifetimes are not complete, but only part."

Shi Shatian said: "I have experienced nine generations to break through the Wuxian. In this life, I must not fail again, because I can no longer reincarnate!"

Before Murong Zi could say anything, Shi banged his fist and said, "sister Murong, I need to go to a place to practice and strive for the last chance to say goodbye."

Murong Zi didn\'t stop stone from breaking the sky. She said, "go and be careful yourself!"

"Well, I\'ll come back to you soon."

Stone nodded, turned and jumped off the platform to pursue his dream.

The ninth incarnation is for this moment. The enlightenment tree is the same as the heart dream. They are all seekers of the Tao!

Moreover, there is a long hidden idea in Shi Shatian\'s heart, that is, defeat the bully Zhang Yunhao!

It\'s true that Shi Shatian worships Zhang Yunhao very much, but there is no conflict between worshipping and surpassing each other. Moreover, only when he surpasses the bully can he be favored by Murong Zi.

"It\'s getting farther and farther away from them, and all I can do is work hard."

Murong Zirong shook his head and drank the heaven wine on his hand. Let\'s start from breaking through heaven and man. A heaven and man should be able to say more in front of the bully?


The world\'s first martial arts Conference!

The name spread all over the Wuxian world with a super sensational news!

Half a year later, a hundred martial saints will compete in the top 100 counties. The winner will become the master of the world of Wuxian!

This news really makes the whole world boiling. Countless martial artists talk about it one after another. For most people, it\'s excitement, relaxation and expectation!

Excited and looking forward to, you can see more than one martial Saint fighting, a full hundred. For a martial artist, there is no happier thing in the world!

As for relaxation, it is because there is no need to fight again. The tension that the world will soon have a big war disappears in an instant!

No matter which martial Saint wins, there is no need to fight again!

As for who is the master of the world, the martial artists naturally have expectations in their hearts. However, even if the expectations in their hearts fail, they will not oppose the winner, because the winner is the strongest person in the world!

The strongest person in the world is certainly qualified to be the leader of the world, just like the former Wulin alliance leader!

Wu Zhe\'s idea is so simple!