Martial Immortal Inheritance System

Chapter 955

When Zhang Yunhao was busy building the world\'s first martial arts conference, Wuxian world welcomed two guests and an "old" man!

Ruthless sword Ling Feng, sword master a Ruo, and Zhang Yunhao\'s niece and granddaughter Zhang Luoying!

"Is this the fairyland? I do feel a little different, but I can\'t tell what\'s different."

Zhang Luoying was quite excited. She said, "the vitality of heaven and earth here doesn\'t seem to be stronger than that of the star world!"

"The difference is not the resentment of heaven and earth, but the origin of the world and the capacity of the world!"

A Ruo opened his hand and said with an intoxicated face, "there are no restrictions in this world. It can not only achieve martial saints, but also achieve martial immortals. I should have come here long ago. I wasted too much time in the star world."

Ling Feng said, "I think it won\'t be long before you can break through to wusheng!"

"It won\'t take long. I\'m a martial Saint now!"

A Ruo smiled, and the whole person was completely different in a moment. At the same time, there was another person on the stone tablet of wusheng list: the 101st, sword master!

If she is the last one now, it doesn\'t mean that she is really so weak. She just doesn\'t know her strength. After being familiar, her strength will rise sharply!

In addition, aro himself is a descendant of the Wuxian world and a wusheng who has achieved in the Wuxian world. Naturally, he will appear on the wusheng list!

Ling Feng said, "Congratulations!"

Zhang Luoying said with admiration: "sister aro, you\'re great!"

"You are not bad. You are willing to give up the strength of the star emperor and start from scratch!"

A Ruo smiled and said, "you two, say goodbye. I want to travel around and fulfill my promise to the bully. I owe him a holy land!"

Ling Feng hugged his fist: "see you at the world\'s first martial arts meeting. At that time, I will officially defeat you!"

"If you have the ability, just try it!"

Aro giggled, stepped out and disappeared. Zhang Luoying looked at aro\'s disappearance with envy and said to Lingfeng, "brother Lingfeng, where are we going next?"

"I\'m going to practice. Do you want to go with me?"

Ling Feng glanced at Zhang Luoying and asked. He knew what Zhang Yunhao meant by throwing Zhang Luoying beside him. The problem was that he couldn\'t refuse because he couldn\'t beat Zhang Yunhao now.

"Go, although I want to visit the Wuxian world more, cultivation is more important!"

Zhang Luoying said that brother Lingfeng is a figure who wants to become a Wuxian. If he doesn\'t have enough strength, how can he deserve brother Lingfeng?

"Then go to the holy land of divine sword with me. It is my home and the place where I am promoted to wusheng. I will become the new Lord of the Holy Land!"

Ling Feng said, "if you don\'t have enough skills, we won\'t transmit it. Go slowly!"

"Thank you, brother Lingfeng!"

Zhang Luoying said happily. She didn\'t mention that she had space for Xianwen!

In fact, Zhang Luoying\'s space fairy text can\'t hide from Ling Feng. He deliberately didn\'t say it. The once ruthless knife has already become an affectionate knife. However, his love will only be to a few people!

"Maybe I really want to be the nephew, grandson and son-in-law of the bully. I always feel a big loss!"

Ling Feng shook his head and took Zhang Luoying slowly to the holy land of divine sword. For him, this is not a waste of time, because his Dao has already reached the level of accommodating everything around him.

Everything in the world can be used as a sword. Everything you see on this road will become the foundation of Lingfeng Dao path!


Youming blood sea, Xinmeng told the blood sea magic fairy, that is, sister ghost, about the world\'s first martial arts conference, and then said, "Lord magic fairy, I want you to control the time and help me cultivate."

"The bully is really a bully. He can always have unexpected ideas! Just like that bastard!"

Sister GUI\'s voice suddenly became extremely angry, and the whole sea of blood boiled. Countless screams gathered together, which was creepy!

Sister ghost said, "with the ability of the little overlord, you who just broke through the martial saint are by no means his opponent, even if you control the time to help you cultivate!"

"Can\'t I catch up with the bully in a hundred years?"

It\'s not enough that she would rather sacrifice a hundred years of life in order to be the first in the world?

"You can\'t shut up the strong!"

Sister ghost said, "martial arts are made by fighting!"

Xinmeng refused: "is the bully still closed?"

"You have no comparability with the bully!"

Ghost elder sister sneered: "the bully created the body to repair this road. There are no checkpoints in front of him. In addition, he has excellent talent and Ruyi fairy pen. Even if he is only closed, he can still make rapid progress. Can you?"

"I can\'t!"

Xinmeng shook his head: "Lord magic fairy, what should I do? As long as I can defeat the bully, I am willing to give everything. Of course, I can\'t sacrifice the future. I want to be a magic fairy!"

"Since you have such ambition, I will help you!"

Sister ghost said, "have you ever heard of short life skill?"

Xinmeng shook his head: "short life skill? I haven\'t heard of it. The name is so strange!"

"The name is really strange, but it is worthy of the name. This is a saint level martial arts with shorter life span as you cultivate!"

Elder sister GUI said, "but this martial arts has an advantage. The cultivation speed is very fast! The closer to death, the faster the cultivation speed!"

Xinmeng asked, "Lord magic fairy, do you want me to practice short life skill?"

"No, to be exact, what I want you to practice is Shura\'s final formula!"

Elder sister GUI said, "that\'s my immortal level martial arts transformed from short-lived martial arts. It\'s more cruel than short-lived martial arts. After you practice, you only have three years. If you can\'t achieve Wuxian within three years, you\'ll die!"

Sister GUI then said, "but correspondingly, in three years, you will make rapid progress, and your talent will be greatly improved. The more you live, the greater the increase. In short, it is to fully concentrate the future in three years and bloom the most dazzling brilliance!"

"Only three years?"

Xinmeng frowned a little. She was not worried about Shouyuan. She was just worried about whether she could break into Wuxian within three years.

The dream is the reincarnation of demons. She has tasted it for a long time. For her, it doesn\'t make any sense. All she wants is to achieve Wuxian!

"Yes, you can only live for three years! In fact, you can\'t even live for three years!"

Elder sister ghost said, "after you practice this skill, I will send you to the deep place of Shura secret territory and let you shut up inside. It will cost you two years of life. Then, when you leave the customs, I will let the martial saint of Shura fight with you in turn to improve your strength."

Sister GUI finally said, "that is to say, after practicing this skill, you only have a life span of less than one year. If you can\'t break through the Wuxian in one year, you will die, completely!"

"Really... Good!"

Xinmeng not only wasn\'t frightened, but also smiled. She said, "I believe that with so much effort, I will defeat Zhang Yunhao and become a Wuxian."

"The former is 50% possible. As for the latter, it depends on whether my plan goes smoothly. As I said before, the road of Wuxian has been cut off!"

Sister ghost said, "however, as long as I can destroy the Wuxian world and kill the Wuxian emperor, this road will be continued!"

Xinmeng bowed his head and said, "fifty percent is possible. That\'s enough. Lord magic fairy, please ask me about Shura\'s formula!"

"Well, I really didn\'t read you wrong. Go and practice well. I\'m waiting for you to defeat the bully for me and become the master of the Wuxian world. In that case, it will be much easier for me to destroy the Wuxian world!"

Sister GUI laughed, and the sea of blood where Xinmeng was located suddenly sank, wrapped Xinmeng, and her cultivation officially began!

Xinmeng is a real warrior!


This is an unknown strange secret place. This secret place is very empty and has nothing else. There are only nine vermilion coffins in a circle. No one has come to this secret place all the time, but today, there was an accident and a young man came in!

This young man is the reincarnation of the enlightenment tree, stone breaking the sky!

"Finally here, eight previous lives, plus the enlightenment tree!"

Shi Shatian\'s hand touched the nine coffins one by one. There lay the body of his ninth generation - the first coffin was empty, because the enlightenment tree was in Zhang Yunhao\'s hand and didn\'t die!

The first eight generations of Shi Shatian didn\'t have the memory of the enlightenment tree, but they would suddenly wake up before they died and try their best to transfer the body to the coffin!

The enlightenment tree is not stupid. It can even be said to be the smartest plant. It expected early that it might not be able to achieve Wuxian all the time, so it left behind.

Eight corpses of previous lives, plus nine immortal coffins that have already been arranged in the array, are the backhand of the enlightenment tree!

Yes, these nine coffins are all immortal level, which is a treatment that even Wu Xian hasn\'t enjoyed, because Wu Xian won\'t prepare such things for themselves at all, and they won\'t die!

"Chaos Rising coffin array, I didn\'t expect to come to this step in the end!"

Shi Shatian shook his head and took out a jade pendant from his arms. It was an immortal treasure prepared by the enlightenment tree for his reincarnation. As a result, the first generation was killed in his twenties because of this immortal treasure. It was sad to think about it.

After that, the immortal treasure has been circulating in different hands. Because others can\'t use it, gradually, the immortal treasure was regarded as waste. It took several days to get the immortal treasure back through induction!

"The predecessor is a tree after all, not a person. Although he has a high IQ, he is inexperienced. The first life is actually the most likely to achieve Wuxian. After the failure of the first life, the following seven lives also failed together!"

Shi Shatian didn\'t waste time. He put the jade pendant in the array eye in the middle of the nine coffins, then lay in the only empty coffin and covered the coffin board!

As soon as the coffin plate was covered, the nine coffins suddenly flew up at the same time, and then turned quickly. They could hardly see the shadow of the coffin. When these coffins finally stopped, the nine coffins had merged into one!

Then, the coffin slowly fell to the eye of the array and did not move, and the breath inside was increasing at an amazing speed!

A month later, another person\'s name was added to the list of martial saints, the 103rd: breaking the sky martial saint!

Why 103 instead of 102? The reason is very simple. Ling Feng achieved wusheng, and as soon as he achieved it, he immediately came to 72, which made the Wuxian world a sensation again.

By the way, the Holy Land wusheng has come to the Wuxian world, but his name is not on the wusheng list. The reason is very simple. The wusheng list does not recognize the Holy Land wusheng at all!

How can Wu Shengbang recognize this kind of waste that is quick and has no potential? Not to mention, Wu Sheng in the holy land has already become a puppet of Zhang Yunhao!

Wu Sheng in the holy land is very angry about this. If he doesn\'t have enough strength, he wants to dismantle the damn Wu Sheng list. Even if Zhang Yunhao jokes about himself, what qualifications do you have to laugh at yourself when you break the list?

Discontent returns to discontent. The Holy Land wusheng can only honestly work for Zhang Yunhao, that is, cooperate with the Shenlong wusheng to gradually distribute tens of thousands of gods to the place.

This matter has caused many waves, but under the strong strength of Yuanshen and the indifference of major holy places, it has been successfully promoted. Now, the real power of Wuxian world is gradually in the hands of Zhang Yunhao!

Of course, as I said before, this is just to prepare for the future war, which has little to do with the world\'s first martial arts conference.

The holy places also know this, so they don\'t do much. Anyway, when they win, these yuan gods will become their possessions!

Now the martial arts saints only care about the world\'s first martial arts meeting. The news of martial arts saints competing with each other often comes out. Although the martial saints are careful, the movement of their battle is too big to hide from others!

For example, the strategist sun wusheng and the Confucian doctrine of the mean wusheng fought each other every day, and specially went to the palace to let Zhang Yunhao open the array, which made Zhang Yunhao angry.

Everyone is preparing for the world\'s first martial arts meeting, and the inclusion of three newcomers (ARO, Ling Feng and Shi Shatian) not only surprised the martial saints, but also made the yuan gods crazy.

Yes, the yuan gods are crazy. They want to break through the martial Saint at all costs. Only by achieving the martial saint can they participate in the world\'s first martial arts Conference!

Although the yuan gods know that even if they break through, they can\'t become the first in the world, they are still willing to work hard for it, because if they miss this time, they will have no chance in the future!

In a short period of more than a month, dozens of Yuan gods became possessed because they were too anxious. As for breaking through the martial saint, there were none except the previous three, which not only didn\'t scare the yuan gods, but made them more crazy, and there were many fights in the Jianghu!

Treasures, pills, materials, which can improve strength, have become popular goods. Countless people fight hard for these things in order to improve themselves faster!

Zhang Yunhao knew this, but he didn\'t stop it or ask tens of thousands of Yuan gods to do more. The reason is very simple. He wants to have more martial saints!

There will never be too many wusheng. The current madness and enthusiasm are what Zhang Yunhao needs and what the Wuxian world needs. One more wusheng will have more chances of winning.

"Mercy? How can a true ruler be kind?"

In a mysterious place, wusheng Tianji looked at the information in his hand and sneered. He knew that Zhang Yunhao had made a lot of efforts behind Yuanshen\'s madness. He just wanted to take this opportunity to let Yuanshen attack wusheng!

It is worth mentioning that although Tianji wusheng has a bad reputation, he still has a complete intelligence network. He can\'t hide anything from Wuxian world, because he is Tianji wusheng!