Martial Immortal Inheritance System

Chapter 952

Hearing Zhang Yunhao\'s words, all the martial saints looked at Xinmeng with a cold face and didn\'t speak. However, Zhang Yunhao was right. Before the transformation of the blood sea demon fairy is completed, it won\'t attack the Wuxian world!

Because the blood sea demon fairy wants to finish his work in the first battle, and the Shura family is not ready for an all-round war. It takes a lot of time to dispatch troops and logistics.

"Then half a year!"

Sun wusheng thought and nodded. Other wusheng also agreed. Tianji wusheng asked, "where to fight?"

"It can\'t be Wuxian City!"

Lingyun wusheng shouted that Wuxian City is the place where the Dragon veins converge. Zhang Yunhao has too much advantage here.

"Why can\'t it be Wuxian City? There are arrays here to protect the surrounding areas and won\'t cause too much damage."

The Dragon wusheng said discontentedly, "if you change to other places, you may tear down the Wuxian world!"

This is the truth. The combat effectiveness of wusheng is too terrible, which is one of the reasons why wusheng rarely fought in the past.

The blood devil Wu Sheng sneered, "do you want to cheat? Hum, dragon Wu Sheng, even if you cheat, you\'re just a waste!"

The Dragon wusheng was furious. He was about to say something. Zhang Yunhao waved his hand and said, "we can\'t fight in Wuxian City. It\'s too dangerous. Let\'s go to Xianzou County!"

"Wizard of Oz county?"

The martial saints recalled and said, "the fairy county where the demons and immortals are fighting to make a big lake and rules remain?"

Xinmeng asked, "as far as I know, bully, you seem to have been a county magistrate there?"

"Yes, I was a county magistrate there!"

Zhang Yunhao nodded and said, "although there are rules for Wuxian to stay in Xianzou County, they can\'t affect our wusheng. Moreover, these rules can suppress the aftereffects of our battle. They are the most appropriate place to fight."

The seven star Wu Sheng asked, "the problem is, there are many people living in it?"

"Just move it all away."

Zhang Yunhao said, "half a year is enough. We are martial saints. The challenge arena is not suitable for us. Let\'s use the whole wizard County as the challenge arena. In addition, we can arrange some surveillance arrays so that others can see the battle scene!"

The Wu Sheng of Tianji asked, "let others see us fighting? What\'s the point?"

"When the new king ascends the throne, he will naturally attract the attention of the world and convince all his subjects!"

Zhang Yunhao said: "after watching our battle, they will naturally support the strongest people. After all, everyone is a martial artist. At the same time, it is also to prevent cheating. If the name is not right, it is not easy to get it by cheating."

Zhang Yunhao said, "next, it\'s the Dragon Gas witness!"

Zhang Yunhao stamped with his big foot. A golden dragon full of endless majesty flew out of the ground and looked at the martial saints without expression.

"Dragon God, please witness this contract!"

Zhang Yunhao shouted to the dragon. This is the Dragon God transformed by the underground dragon Qi. He controls all the Dragon Qi in the world. However, he has no self, but is just a puppet of the royal family.

The Dragon God didn\'t talk nonsense. He directly spewed out a mouthful of dragon gas and fell on the blood contract. The blood contract immediately added a layer of golden yellow, which was very dazzling!

"In the name of dragon Qi, those who witness this contract and betray this contract will be punished by dragon Qi!"

The Dragon God left a word, turned into golden light and dissipated in the hall.

Zhang Yunhao nodded with satisfaction and said to the martial saints, "gentlemen, the contract is officially completed. I\'ll be responsible for keeping it. Is there no problem?"

"No problem!"

The martial saints had no objection. Zhang Yunhao came up with this idea. He was also the Regent of the imperial court and was responsible for keeping the contract.

"Bully, see you in half a year. I will kill you and rebuild heaven!"

Tianji wusheng glanced at Zhang Yunhao and turned to leave. Although your eyes flickered, you wusheng didn\'t stop. After all, the contract has been signed!

"Bully, I\'ll see you in half a year!"

My dream left a word and left with the blood demon wusheng and the Lord of Shura sect.

"Go fast one by one!"

Zhang Yunhao smiled and said, "everyone, come with me to unseal the stone tablet of martial arts. All the remaining martial saints should sign this contract!"

"This is nature!"

The martial saints nodded and flew in the direction of the martial arts stele!

As in the past, there are countless people waiting for or copying the list, but compared with the past, today we seem a little absent-minded!

"I don\'t know what\'s going on in the palace. Has the bully mastered the power of the imperial court?"

"It doesn\'t matter whether there is, because after today, the court will be destroyed. Even the little overlord can\'t turn the sky."

"It\'s true. After all, all holy places want to destroy the imperial court and establish the Wuxian empire for thousands of years. It\'s coming to an end today."

"The Wuxian Empire should have ended long ago. It has been supported by the prestige of Wuxian emperor, but now, even the prestige of Wuxian emperor can\'t be covered."

"Maybe the bully can do another miracle?"

"Hard, hard, hard!"

People shook their heads one after another. Obviously they didn\'t believe it. At this time, the huge pressure came from a distance. All the fighters trembled together and bowed their heads involuntarily!

They are not qualified to see the situation in the sky, because the martial saint has come. It is not a martial saint, but dozens of martial saints.

Soon, the dozens of martial saints fell to the ground. Zhang Yunhao gently waved his sleeve, sent all the people around him away from the square, and then said to the martial saints: "unseal!"


The martial saints didn\'t talk nonsense. Qi Qi sent his strength to the martial arts stone tablet recording the ranking of martial saints. The seal inside was quickly broken. The martial arts stone tablet was a bright masterpiece, and one name after another began to appear on it!

All the martial saints opened their eyes. They wanted to know how many places they ranked?