Make France Great Again

Chapter 502: French Tribute System

After reading the battle report of the Admiralty, Jerome Bonaparte suddenly felt a sense of acceleration in the world. Originally, the "communication" between France and the Tokugawa shogunate had to wait until after the Black Ship Incident. On a whim, the Tokugawa shogunate was invaded by Marquis Alai, and even the poor Satsuma domain was unlucky along with it.

Marquis Alai (Jérôme Bonaparte guessed that Marquis Alai may have listened to some half-understood missionaries and regarded Japan as a German state, and the Tokugawa shogunate was equivalent to the German Confederation), who destroyed the maritime military power of the Satsuma domain. The Austrian Empire, the Satsuma Domain was regarded as a small kingdom under the German Confederation.) The Satsuma Domain was sent to conduct friendly and cordial exchanges with the Satsuma Domain lord. Finally, under the large-caliber naval guns of the French fleet, the Satsuma Domain humiliated and surrendered to the French Empire. And compensation to the French Empire 50,000 pounds.

Then the French fleet went to the Ryukyu Kingdom contentedly, forcing the Ryukyu Kingdom to switch mission in the same way.

The King of the Ryukyu Kingdom also humiliatingly agreed to the French Empire switch.

It only took a year for the French fleet to go to the Far East to destroy a country that was somewhat independent and sovereign, and two countries (Tokugawa Shogunate, Ryukyu Kingdom) that were beaten by the way.

If there is notoriety in this world, then Jerome Bonaparte has reason to believe that the notoriety of the French Empire in the Far East may be comparable to that of the Russian Empire.

However, Jerome Bonaparte himself is not a person who cares much about notoriety.

Under the power of imperialism, those who obey me live and those who oppose me perish.

It was hoped that the great powers would come forward against the French Empire for a country that had little to do with their interests.

It would be better to count on God to drop a thunderbolt on Jerome Bonaparte\'s head and kill Jerome Bonaparte, the guy who tampered with the historical process.

Since God did not choose to destroy him directly in the flesh, then he must find some more fun for the world, and by the way, imprint the traces he left on this world.

Thinking of this, Jerome Bonaparte felt that it was necessary for him to introduce to the Marquis of Allais in the Far East, the tributary system in the Far East.

This is a completely different thing from the Westphalian system. Any Europeans who rigidly apply the Westphalian system to the tributary system will only get a result that is far from reality.

In the whole of France, there is no one who understands the workings of this system better than Jerome Bonaparte, and even those missionaries who live in the Far East have no comparable local knowledge to Jerome Bonaparte.

If possible, Jérôme Bonaparte is going to build a special tribute system in line with the national conditions of the Near East and France on the basis of the original in the Near East.

The Hawaiian Kingdom, Ryukyu Kingdom, and even Annam will become the vassal states of the French Empire (also called vassal states).

This kind of vassal state has certain sovereignty, and when the French Empire needs them, it can send troops together with the French Empire to jointly undertake the defense of the Far East.

Of course, the benefits of the French Empire in the Far East will also be distributed to its vassal states in recognition of their contributions to the French Empire.

As soon as he said it, Jérôme Bonaparte took out the letter paper from the drawer and wrote quickly, and wrote thousands of words about the tributary system in East Asia. At the same time, he proposed to Marquis Allais to use the ecological niche of the French Empire. To fill the ecological niche of a certain eastern empire, this can not only ensure that those countries that were originally in the tributary system will not have conflicting emotions, but also use the power of these countries to further expand the sphere of influence of the French Empire in the Far East.

At the end of the article, Jerome Bonaparte even quoted some views of the post-colonial era and said to the Marquis of Allais: "The French Empire should use its strong culture and economy to exert influence on certain border countries, not Not the abuse of force. The result of abuse of force to maintain colonies will only lead us to throw effective forces into a rambunctious war of security that will bring down a country. We should pay those who live in the wild (now popular in Europe to those in Europe) The World Island Theory) to help them enter the ranks of civilization. At the same time, we support some people in their country to become France\'s most loyal partners. We should help them build railways, telegraphs, and help them rectify the financial industry... When France\'s economy After being deeply bound with them, a huge interest group will be born, and this interest group will become our best helper in controlling this country."

After Jerome Bonaparte wrote the last sentence, he read the article he wrote from top to bottom. When he was burdened with cultivating "loyal partners", he couldn\'t help swallowing and his body trembled involuntarily. for a moment.

For the Marquis of Allais... no, it should be said that the characteristic tributary system built for the French Empire is essentially what France did to certain countries in West Africa after World War II.

As long as the currencies of countries in the Far East are linked to the French Empire, they will never be able to get rid of the French Empire\'s control.

It is easy to cultivate a large interest group, but it is difficult to eradicate a large interest group, especially when the interest group involves a country\'s monetary and financial system.

"I hope you will like the gift I specially prepared for you!" Jerome Bonaparte whispered softly.

Jérôme Bonaparte put the letter on a specially made letterhead, and then called Mocar, the head of the royal family.

"Your Majesty!" Mercury said respectfully to Jerome Bonaparte.

"You personally take this letter to the hands of Admiral Dick, and let him deliver it as quickly as possible to Marquis Allais, the commander of the Far East Fleet!" Jerome Bonaparte put the letter The battle report with the Admiralty was handed to Mokar, and he said to Mokar solemnly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Mokar also showed Zhuang Su\'s expression.

Since His Majesty asked him to bypass the secretary\'s office to deliver the letter in person, this letter must be very important, and Mokar must deal with this errand with 12 points of spirit.

After Mocart left, Jerome Bonaparte suddenly remembered something important. Not only did he bring a big green hat to Marquis Allais (although Marquis Allais might not care about this matter, he even felt To the honor), and let his wife bear him a child.

And he was still working in the saddle for his empire. This inexplicable buttery wind made Jerome Bonaparte wonder if he was living in a crazy world.

The poor Marquis of Allais is the hero, and Jerome Bonaparte himself is Yellow Hair.

Gradually Jerome Bonaparte\'s mind appeared in the mind of some ** plots of the previous life. The heroine and the yellow hair of the ** gradually turned into Marquis Allais and his wife, as well as Jerome Bonaparte. bar.

Madam, if you want your husband to keep this hard-earned job, you know what to do...

Jerome Bonaparte, whose thinking was gradually deviating from the right track, shook his head slightly and said to himself: "Work! Work!"

Just as Jerome Bonaparte was about to pick up the next government work report to annotate, there was a knock on the door.

"So come back and return to life?" Jerome Bonaparte murmured in a low voice, and then responded to the door: "Please come in!"

It was not Mokar who entered the room, but Marcel Yaluger, the director of the National Intelligence Service.

"Your Majesty!" Marcel Yeruger stood straight in front of Jerome Bonaparte and said to Jerome Bonaparte with a serious face.

"Sit down!" Jerome Bonaparte invited Marcel Yeruger to sit down.

"Yes!" Marcel Yeruger responded with a sonorous voice, then slowly walked towards Jerome Bonaparte and sat opposite Jerome Bonaparte.

"How\'s it going?" Jerome Bonaparte crossed his hands on his chest, leaning back slightly, and asked Marcel Yale in an unrestrained posture.

"The first criminal who planned to subvert the empire has hurriedly returned to his hometown and unfortunately fell off the carriage and died, and the remaining accomplices have also been sent abroad together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Marcel Yeruger reported to Jerome Bonaparte.

"You\'re doing a great job!" Jerome Bonaparte gave Marcel Yale a thumbs up, then took out a French bank check for 100,000 francs from the drawer and placed it in Marcel Yale In front of Grid: "This is what you deserve!"

Marcel Yeruger took Jerome Bonaparte\'s bill without hesitation, and then took out a letter from his inner pocket and placed it in front of Jerome Bonaparte.

"This is?" Jerome Bonaparte looked at Marcel Yeruger with a puzzled expression.

"Your Majesty, this is a letter from our intelligence personnel deployed in the Far East!" Marcel Yeruger replied to Jerome Bonaparte opened the envelope and folded it The neat letter was spread out, and the content of the letter was that the intelligence personnel sent by Marcel Yarug to go to the Far East to sell arms in the Far East happened as missionaries in the Far East.

In order to find suitable arms buyers, the intelligence officers in the letter even joined an organization called the Vatican on Earth (Taiping Heavenly Kingdom) and got acquainted with Xiuquan, the leader of this Spartan rebellion. Hong and two deputy leaders Xiuqing . Yang and Yunshan. Feng.

After some close contact with the intelligence personnel that this force is full of vitality, they are fully capable of defeating the rotten army that had been defeated by the British kingdom.

The intelligence officers adhering to the interests of the French Empire believed that France should try to send personnel to make contact with this force to gain an advantage in the war.


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