Make France Great Again

Chapter 501: Open the door! Welcome to the powerhouse!

"Deepening our relationship? Your Majesty, our previous relationship has already reached this point, how do we need to deepen it!" Queen Augusta responded to Jerome Bonaparte in a sarcastic tone: "Don\'t you think that Take action on two pregnant women!"

Although the light in the room was so dim that Jerome Bonaparte could not see the expression of Queen Augusta clearly, but from the words of Queen Augusta, Jerome Bonaparte could hear it. , Augusta still complains about Jerome Bonaparte.

"Actually...actually I\'m here to apologize!" Jerome Bonaparte touched his nose and explained to Queen Augusta: "I really and...(Jerome Bonaparte paused) For a moment, glance at the Marquise of Allais who is curled up under the covers) She sleeps with...if you knew..."

"If you know, what are you going to do?" Queen Augusta continued to rebuke Jerome Bonaparte indifferently.

"That...that...I\'ll go first! Let\'s talk next time!" Seeing that he was about to get into a deadlock, Jerome Bonaparte immediately pulled away. When he walked to the gate to leave Augusta\'s room, he turned to face him Augusta said: "Augusta..."

"What? Your Majesty, are you planning to stay overnight? There are no extra beds here!" Augusta\'s resentful voice reached Jerome Bonaparte\'s ear.

"I\'m sorry! I\'m not a good husband!" After Jerome Bonaparte apologized to Augusta, he left the room without turning his head.

The room fell silent again, and after a while, a soft sob appeared in the room, and the owner of the voice was Queen Augusta.

The Marquise de Allais, who was sleeping beside the Queen Augusta, heard the short sobbing of the queen, and suddenly felt that she was the worst woman in the world. Let such a kind queen... (From this point of view, Jerome . Bonaparte\'s moral gilt for Queen Augusta is still relatively successful)

"His Royal Highness, I\'m really sorry!" The Marchioness of Allais apologized to Queen Augusta in a low voice, "I will leave France early tomorrow morning and disappear in front of Your Majesty forever."

After speaking, the Marquise of Allais was about to get up and leave the Tuileries Palace and return to her place called home.

"No! You can\'t go!" Augusta grabbed the Marquise Allais by the arm and wouldn\'t let her go.

"His Royal Highness, I am a sinful woman! My existence will only disturb the happy life of you and His Majesty the Emperor!" Marquis Allais responded to Queen Augusta: "Please let me leave here and leave France. Bar!"

"After you leave, will the emperor become single-minded?" Queen Augusta sighed and shook her head. "No! He won\'t! He will continue to go to various social places to find his favorite. prey!"

"Your Majesty, he should not be such a person!" The Marquise of Allais tried to maintain the reputation of Jerome Bonaparte.

"I know he\'s not like that!" Queen Augusta wiped the tears from her eyes and analyzed calmly: "But if Paris needs him to be like that, he will be like that. He once I have been told that Paris is an open and inclusive city, and the monarch who can control the city must be in line with the attributes of the city itself. Therefore, he must always stand at the forefront of the times and lead the trend , rather than letting the tide move forward.”

Lover culture is an indispensable product of the whole of Paris. Behind every person who is famous in Paris will have two or three lovers to push them forward.

The people of Paris are also happy to see the lace news of many successful people, which they can use to talk about.

The once unfortunate monarch Louis XVI was criticized by the people of Paris for his weakness because he only loved the Queen of Cakes.

On the contrary, Louis XV, who led to the high debts of France and planted the seeds of the destruction of the Bourbon Dynasty, has only the story of him and Madame de Ponduba.

This is Paris, always at the forefront of the times.

A Paris that neither monarch nor religion can completely tame.

"After you leave! The emperor will definitely let others enter the Tuileries Palace in order to fill the vacancy left after you left!" Queen Augusta responded in a melancholy tone, "In this case, I will re-enter the Tuileries Palace again. Familiar with my "new opponent"!"

"His Royal Highness!" Marquise Allai lowered her voice, and at this moment she felt a little sympathetic to the queen.

"Actually, our majesty is much better than the monarchs of other countries! My father, my brothers, surrounded by many ladies!" : "Since I chose to marry him, then I should have had something like this happen. But...but..."

Queen Augusta sobbed again, and the Marquise of Allai took Queen Augusta by the hand and did not speak.

On the other hand, Jerome Bonaparte, who hurried out of Augusta\'s room, looked at the seemingly endless corridor in front of him, not knowing where to go for a while.

never mind! Just find a bedroom to deal with it!

Just as Jerome Bonaparte was about to find a bedroom to deal with the night, the door to the left of Jerome Bonaparte opened.

Jerome Bonaparte glanced at it subconsciously, and Virnia, who was wrapped in Lev\'s dress coat, appeared in front of Jerome Bonaparte with his head poking out.

"Your Majesty!" Virnia saluted Jerome Bonaparte, and Lev\'s dress looked unique on her.

"Huh? Why haven\'t you slept yet?" Jerome Bonaparte asked Vernia.

"Aren\'t you the same!" Vernia responded to Jerome Bonaparte, and then sent an invitation to Jerome Bonaparte: "Would you like to enter the seat!"

Jerome Bonaparte, who had no interest at first, entered Virnia\'s room by surprise.

At noon the next day, Jérôme Bonaparte, who got up from the bed, looked at the traces he had left after fighting all night yesterday. He couldn\'t help rubbing his chin, and then glanced at the naked Virnia rock beside him. shook his head.

This little girl was too bold yesterday!

Jerome Bonaparte lightly touched Vernia\'s milk-like cheek with his hand, then picked up the clothes scattered on the ground and put them on, kissed Vernia\'s forehead lightly, and left the room and went downstairs. .

Jerome Bonaparte, who came to the hall, happened to bump into Mocar, and he hurriedly asked Mocar to prepare some food.

"Your Majesty, Queen Augusta and the Marquise of Allais are having dinner in the restaurant!" Mercury responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Then take me there!" An embarrassed expression appeared on Jerome Bonaparte\'s face.

Under the leadership of Mocar, Jérôme Bonaparte entered the restaurant to meet the Queen Augusta and the Marquise of Allais.

After seeing Jerome Bonaparte, the Marquise Allais immediately stood up and saluted, and Augusta also slowly got up to greet Jerome Bonaparte.

"Um... Sit! Sit!" Jerome Bonaparte motioned for Augusta and the Marquise of Allais to sit down, and then chatted with Augusta and the Marchioness of Allais one after another.

"Your Majesty, how was your rest last night?" Queen Augusta asked Jerome Bonaparte.

"It\'s okay!" Jerome Bonaparte did not dare to tell Augusta that he was staying in the Vernia room.

"Oh!" Augusta seemed to intentionally let go of Jerome Bonaparte, she did not continue to struggle on this topic.

Jerome Bonaparte breathed a sigh of relief, but how did he know that Augusta was just preparing for the next attack.

After a while, Augusta spoke again: "Your Majesty, you are resting in Vernia\'s room, right!"

"Ah..." Jerome Bonaparte paused for a few seconds before denying: "No! Absolutely not!"

"Why didn\'t Vernia get up at this time?" Augusta asked Jerome Bonaparte with a half-smile.

"Maybe it\'s because that girl is more sleepy!" Jerome Bonaparte forcibly explained to Augusta, and then asked Augusta, "Would you like me to go take a look!"

"No!" Augusta shook his head and responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

In the next dining session, neither Jerome Bonaparte nor Augusta said a word.

After the meal, Jérôme Bonaparte returned to the study to handle government affairs, while Virnia and the Marquise de Allais went to the Women\'s Literature Salon held by Princess Mathilde.

Jerome Bonaparte, who returned to the study, accidentally saw the name of Marquis Allais when he was processing the documents submitted by the Navy Department.

This document was sent from the Far East by the Marquis of Allais, about four months ago.

The content of the document is as follows: With the joint efforts of the French Marine Corps and the Juaff Regiment, the French Imperial Navy occupied the Kingdom of Hawaii.

The Kingdom of Hawaii was forced to surrender to the French Empire, promised the Kingdom of Hawaii to become a subordinate vassal state of the French Empire, allowed it to garrison troops in the Kingdom of Hawaii, and compensated the French Empire for all losses in this battle about 30 million francs.

Of course, the extermination of the French Empire was opposed by the ambassador of the United States of America to Hawaii and the British Embassy in Hawaii.

Marquis Alai turned a deaf ear to this, and even thought about the American warships being replenished in Shanghai.

In order to teach the United States of America a lesson, Duke Allais dispatched his navy (4 steam battleships) to follow the American warships all the way to Japan.

Originally, the French and American armies reached a certain compromise in the Japanese waters. The American navy issued an order to bombard Edo in the Tokugawa shogunate. The ships outside the Edo port were directly destroyed by the French and American naval coalition fleets. Even the forts and residential areas outside the port have also become the targets of the combined fleet.

The Tokugawa shogunate had to send envoys to the French-American combined fleet to beg them not to bombard Edo again, and the shogunate could agree to all the conditions they made.

The French-American combined fleet, which received a reply from the Tokugawa shogunate, stopped the shelling. After a long bargain, the French-American combined fleet proposed more stringent conditions than the black ship incident in history.

The Tokugawa shogunate not only had to follow the original "Japan-US Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assistance", that is: Japan was forced to agree to open Shimoda (southeast of Shizuoka Prefecture, southwest of Tokyo) and Hakodate (now Hakodate, UU Reading com southwest of Hokkaido) two ports, where American ships can add coal to water and get supplies of food and other items. The treaty also allows the United States to station consulates in the two ports and enjoy most-favored-nation status.

It also pays compensation for the artillery shells lost by the French-American combined fleet in this war, and 100,000 pounds each for the United States and France.

In the face of the strong ships and cannons of the Western powers, the Tokugawa shogunate could only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs. They agreed to all the conditions of the French-American combined fleet.

After that, the American navy left the Tokugawa shogunate contentedly.

The Marquis Alai, who bullied the shogunate, ordered his troops to target the Satsuma Domain and issued an attack order. Under the attack of the French fleet, all the naval forces that destroyed the Satsuma Domain in one fell swoop were wiped out.


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