Make France Great Again

Chapter 503: Far East Branch established

"Have you read the contents of the letter?"

Jerome Bonaparte raised his head and tapped lightly on the table with his right hand rhythmically asking Marcel Yale.

"Your Majesty, I have already checked it before I come!" Marcel Yarug responded with a sonorous voice.

"Then what do you think of this matter?" Jerome Bonaparte did not express his attitude immediately, but asked Marcel Yeruger for his opinion.

"The information given in the letter is too little, and I still can\'t judge whether this uprising army can win... No, it should be said that I still don\'t know whether this Spartan uprising army can survive the siege of the Eastern Empire. Come down! Or this rebel army has been annihilated by the government forces on the way to this letter!" Marcel Yeruger cautiously responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

"So, do you think that our army should give priority to the government forces of the Eastern Empire?" Jerome Bonaparte asked Marcel Yeruger briskly.

To Jerome Bonaparte\'s surprise, Marcel Yeruger also disagreed with placing all his bets on the Eastern Empire government forces.

"I think the Empire should secretly support the rebel army while subsidizing the Eastern Empire government army!" Marcel Yaluger put forward his own views.

"Then you\'re not afraid that the government army of the Eastern Empire knows that we are secretly financing the rebel army, and thus protests to our ambassador?" Jerome Bonaparte asked Marcel Yeruger with a smile.

No one knows better than Jerome Bonaparte the nature of the Eastern Empire\'s bullying and fear of hardship, and it is a fool\'s errand to expect them to attack the French Empire, the first in the army and the second in Europe, for this matter.

Furthermore, there are only a handful of people in the Eastern Empire who have an understanding of the international situation and diplomacy of Europe, and there is not a single person who can sort out the complicated diplomatic relations of the European continent.

The reason why Jerome Bonaparte asked this question was mainly to investigate the extent to which Marcel Yeruger knew about the Eastern Empire.

After all, it has been a long time since the last "spot check".

"According to the information collected by the subordinates, the ancient Eastern Empire was defeated by the British Kingdom in 1840 and was forced to sign a treaty. The ruler of this country did not realize that he had to integrate into the international community, and still held on to his complacence. The attitude of dealing with all foreign things! Even if they know that the empire is funding this rebel army, they will only pretend to know nothing! The empire built by the Tartars is just a colonial empire disguised as a great feudal empire. Even if the rulers of the empire pretend to be integrated into them, the entrenched Tatar clique in the colonial empire still cannot change its cruel nature. Their subjects are either forced by coercion or obey their beliefs (here Marcel. Yaleger saw the Confucian feudal ritual system as something similar to Christianity) had to serve them.

I once heard a veteran of the British war against the Eastern Empire say that the slave-owner soldiers (the Eight Banners) of the Eastern Empire were to prevent possible sneak attacks after the defeat. Before they were defeated, they slaughtered the surrounding villages that might have rebelled. "Marcel Yeruger responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Very good!" Jerome Bonaparte nodded with satisfaction. It seems that Marcel Yeruger not only understood the content of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the Eastern Empire (before Marcel Yeruger also thought that Daqingguo was a A kingdom similar to the Kingdom of Prussia, and now his evaluation of it has been reduced to the column of slavery empire), and also find another way to learn about that empire.

Afterwards, Jerome Bonaparte ordered Marcel Yeruger to transport the 100,000 mtl1842 and hundreds of small Napoleon cannons accumulated in the warehouse as soon as possible to the Far East, where the National Intelligence Service organized personnel to sell them.

"Your Majesty, the Eastern Empire\'s finances may not be able to support a large-scale dress-up! After all, they are still agricultural empires!" Marcel Yeruger responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

"It\'s easy! The Banque de France is about to open a branch in the Far East! If the Eastern Empire needs it, they can use the customs as collateral in exchange for a loan!" Jerome Bonaparte responded to Marcel Yarouger .

"I\'m afraid they won\'t pay in this way unless they have to! Although they are a colonial empire, their rulers still pay more attention to territorial issues." Roma Bonaparte replied.

"Then you will sell the equipment to the rebels at a low price, and let them deal a heavy blow to the government troops!" Jerome Bonaparte said indifferently: "In a huge empire, there must be all kinds of Ambitioners! If the government army is not willing to accept us, then we can sell all the weapons and equipment to the careerists! What does the life and death of the Eastern Empire have to do with us!”

Although Jérôme Bonaparte\'s words may sound cruel, it is the only possible way to save a nation that will suffer for more than 80 years.

Rather than maintaining a doomed colonial empire, it is better to directly destroy the colonial empire.

After the collapse of the colonial empire, a large number of careerists will inevitably emerge.

They will gradually become stronger in the fight against each other, until the strongest one emerges.

And the period when they competed for the strongest, happened to be a gap period when the European powers could not project enough troops to Asia on a large scale.

The integrated Eastern Empire is bound to be several times stronger now.

By that time, Jerome Bonaparte and Victoria would have to consider improving their relationship with the Eastern Empire.

This is also the last kindness that Jerome Bonaparte himself left to the Eastern Empire.

Show the heart of the Bodhisattva with the fury of thunder.


"Yes! Your Majesty!" Marcel Yeruger nodded at Jerome Bonaparte.

"Okay! Go get ready!" Jerome Bonaparte waved to Marcel Yeruger and said.

When Marcel Yeruger left the room and walked down the stairs, he happened to meet Mokar in the corridor. The two smiled at each other and left.

"Your Majesty, I have followed your instructions to deliver the letter to Minister Dick!" Morcal, who entered the room, reported to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Well done!" Jerome Bonaparte complimented Mocar as usual, and then ordered Mocar to call Isaac Perel, president of the Banque de France, to his office.

Mocart led the way out again, and Jerome Bonaparte reviewed the documents with his head down.

After a while, Mocar led Isaac Perel to Jerome Bonaparte\'s study.

"Your Majesty!" The big banker Isaac Perel respectfully saluted Jerome Bonaparte.

Jerome Bonaparte put down the pen in his hand and stretched out his hand to invite Isaac Perel to sit on the sofa, Mocar also left the study wisely and closed the door.

The two sitting on the sofa began to chat. Jerome Bonaparte first asked Isaac Perel about the recent financial situation of the Industrial Bank of Paris and the situation of the gold mine.

Isaac Perel told Gérault Bonaparte that the financial situation of the Industrial Bank is basically in good condition. The Industrial Bank, with its abundant capital, has been attracting Parisian retail investors to put money into their banks.

In addition, the Industrial Bank promises that every customer who puts money in the bank to buy shares of the bank will receive 5% interest every year, which means that it only takes 15 years to double the assets. (4% for Banque de France)

At present, the Industrial Bank of Paris is discussing with the municipal government of the Seine department about the renovation of Paris, including hotels, drinking water, public carriages and other issues.

When it comes to drinking water, Jerome Bonaparte emphasizes to Isaac Perel.

Since high-ranking Haussmann contracted the drinking water of Paris to Isaac Perel, he must take care of the safety of drinking water in Paris.

Vibrio cholerae is something to be reckoned with.

"Cholera?" Isaac Perel looked at Jerome Bonaparte suspiciously: "Your Majesty, do you mean cholera is in the water?"

"After research, Vibrio cholerae is transmitted through water as a medium!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Isaac Perel: "So the water sent to Paris must be disinfected to a certain extent!"

After listening to Jerome Bonaparte\'s words, Isaac Perel suddenly felt as if he had received an unfortunate project.

If cholera occurs in the water project invested by Isaac Perel, then he is afraid that he will not be torn to shreds by the Parisian dignitaries.

"Your Majesty, how should I prevent it!" Issac Perel asked Jerome Bonaparte with a humbly learning attitude.

"This question, you\'d better ask Louis Pasteur! He is a professor who specializes in this cholera, and he will definitely give you a solution!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Isaac Perel. , and then added: "That\'s right! Remember to give people a certain reward as a thank you!"

"Definitely! Definitely!" Isaac Perel nodded, UU reading had already kept the name Louis Pasteur in his heart.

"Stop talking about this! Let\'s talk about gold mines!" Jerome Bonaparte changed the subject and said to Isaac Perel.


Isaac Perel told Jérôme Bonaparte that their company in California is now gradually withdrawing, and it is expected that the withdrawal will be completed soon.

Gold obtained in California is also gradually being released into the international market.

With the impact of a large amount of gold on the market, the price of gold is also falling at a constant speed.


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