Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 1: I can not be reconciled

It was the early summer of June, when the streets of Doral City were exposed to bright sunlight, which revealed uncontrollable heat.

Lu Xi'an looked down at his resume, and a drop of sweat slipped from his forehead to his chin, and then dripped directly on his resume, just in the words of "Philips College", the fonts were infiltrated somewhat blurred.

Gazing at the placard on the resume for a while, Lucian couldn't help but smile.

In order to allow them to enter Philip College, their parents almost spent the last ten years of their home deposits.

After that, in order to pay for his tuition fees of more than 50 gold coins per year at Philip College, as well as the same high living expenses and other miscellaneous expenses, parents are early and greedy, and work hard every day.

What he did was to hope that he would find a good job after graduating from Phillips College.

But now that he is about to graduate from Phillips College, he ran alone to the city of Doral to find a job, and found a way out after graduation, only to find that he could not find a job that satisfied him.

Not finding a job.

Nearly every graduate of the faculty of magical industry, such as Lucian, is a sought-after buyer. After he took the resume in three days, he immediately received a warm invitation from more than a dozen chambers of commerce. .

However, the work provided by these chambers of commerce is not satisfactory, because almost all of these jobs are directly into the factory, responsible for the work of the magic array.

In Lucian's view, this kind of work can be done by a magician who has some control over magic. It can't reflect his special features.

The most ideal job in Lucian's mind, of course, is to enter the Magic Research Institute of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. Like the distinguished researchers, study the most cutting-edge magic technology every day and get in touch with the most advanced magic machinery.

Only in this way can he be worthy of his five years of study at Phillips College.

Of course, Lucian is also very clear that the Magic Research Institute of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is the most advanced magic research organization on the mainland of Sainz. At his current level, it is not enough.

But can't join the Magic Research Institute of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, at least to join the research institutes of several other large chambers of commerce?

So these Tianlu Xi'an first sprinkled resumes everywhere, and found that this method does not work. I concentrated my attention on the famous big chambers of commerce and specifically sought employment from these big chambers of commerce.

However, even if these big chambers of commerce have vacancies in the Magic Institute, they need to be recruited, and the requirements are very high. They don’t even look at Lu Xi’an who just graduated from college.

Moreover, Lu Xi'an is not a high-school student who graduated from the top college of Xinfei College, and naturally will not attract attention. So he has nothing to gain these days.

"No more work, this time it will come."

Lucian sighed and reached out and touched his pocket, only to find that there were only two gold coins and more than ten silver coins.

The money may have been spent in the small mountain village of his hometown for some time, but in the provincial capital of the southern capital of the city of Doral, it is said that the most prosperous city in the southern part of the empire can never stand for a few days.

"Two days! If I can't find a suitable job in two days, I will recognize the most boring work in the factory." Lu Xi'an bite his teeth and made up his mind.

If possible, he would like to find it if he can't find it. It’s a big deal to return to Phillips College for further study.

Anyway, his performance in the college has been good. The instructor once told him that as long as he is willing to study for a few more years and get the high-level certificate of Phillips College, he can pick a large-scale chamber of commerce and even go to the institute. The Magic Research Institute of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is not impossible.

But the reality is that Lu Xi'an can't make this choice.

The reason is very simple, no money.

Phillips College's advanced refresher courses require higher tuition and living expenses than regular courses. It is already very difficult for Lu Xi'an to provide him with a person to complete the general course. Of course, he has no ability to continue to study for him.

What's more, Lu Xi'an's younger brother is already ten years old this year, and he should also enter the junior college to study the age of those basic courses. It also costs money.

When Lu Xi'an is out to work now, he can not only save a lot of tuition fees he spends, but also earn more money to help his younger brother go to school, and reduce the burden on his parents. No matter how you look, it is a much better choice.

In addition, although the parents did not mean that, but Lu Xi’an himself really hopes that the 12-year-old sister can also enter the college, instead of the ordinary rural girls, they will find someone to marry at a certain age, and then they will be dull. Spend this life.

These things all cost money, so Lu Xi'an can't continue his studies. You can only find a job immediately after graduation this year.

Although the work of drawing the magic array on the assembly line in the factory is boring, it is still much higher than the income of ordinary workers.

For example, Lu Xi'an's parents are currently the simplest ordinary workers in a home magic machinery factory in a small town near their hometown. They can get about ten gold coins per month, up to fifteen gold coins.

And the five magic technicians in the factory who are responsible for drawing the magic array will get a minimum of 30 gold coins per month, and other treatments will be much better.

Lucian’s current thinking is that if he can’t find a suitable job in the last two days, he will simply return to Phillips College to complete the final graduation and then apply to the factory.

Before his parents had told his situation to the owner of the factory, the boss was very interested in Lu Xi'an, and immediately started the starting salary of a twenty-month hardware coin. As long as Lu Xi'an promised, he could go to work at any time.

But... is it really decided like this?

Lucian looked up and narrowed her eyes, looking at the bright sun in the sky, and she was unwilling to pass.

He was very hard at school every year at Philippe College. He didn’t dare to waste even a minute. He even refused to express his confession by two female students. Is it because he returned to his hometown after graduation? For a lifetime?

"I can not be reconciled!"

Lucian squeezed his fist hard and took a deep breath.

Although he only left himself for two days, he would never give up so easily.

He is already more fortunate than many people, has enough enlightened parents, prefers to work hard for him to finish college, so why not be lucky now and find a satisfactory job in the last two days?

As long as you perform better when you apply for yourself, you will fully show your excellence in the college. Certainly the Chamber of Commerce will appreciate yourself!

Lucian took a deep breath and cleaned up the frustration and loss in her mind, renewed her spirits, lowered her head and prepared to move on.

However, he just bowed his head and suddenly saw a group of people in front of him hitting him.

Unprepared, Lu Xi'an had no time to escape, and he could only open his body as much as possible.


The two men slammed their shoulders together and the man took two steps, which stabilized his body.

Lu Xi'an fixed his eyes and found that this suddenly hit a small middle-aged man who seemed to be hit by him. He didn't straighten up for a long time.

He just wanted to apologize, but the man turned his head and glanced at Lucian.

"Kid, you have no long eyes? How to walk?"

Lucian believed that she was walking on her head and was wrong. She could only smile apologetically and did not refute.

The man swept up and looked at Lucian. It seemed that Lu Xi’an was taller and stronger than him, and he snorted again and turned away.

Lucian reluctantly smiled, thinking that today's luck is not so good.

Just at this moment, his stomach made a soft whistle.

This is because he didn’t even eat breakfast today. He was busy in the morning to go to the Chamber of Commerce to apply for a job, so that he is not hungry now.

Lu Xi'an licked his stomach and looked around. He chose a corner restaurant that looked like the store was clean and the grades were obviously not high.

"Three days ago, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute announced that they had made a major breakthrough in the research and development of the magic signal transmission mode. According to the situation announced by Dean Evita, the new Feishang Association is very likely to truly break through the magic signal transmission. The distance limit is limited to achieve unlimited access. If this is achieved, it will mean that the entire magic signal network on the mainland has entered a new stage. In this regard, leaders of many countries and many chambers of commerce have expressed... ”

As soon as I walked into the noodle restaurant, the sound from a small home magic phantom projector on the wall attracted Lu Xi'an's attention.

Looking at the illusion of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce, the Institute of Magic Research, Ivetta Dean, let the beautiful figure of Lu Xi’an’s heart, Lu Xi’an’s heart gave birth to a strong joy.

God is on! The Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute actually wants to realize the magic signal transmission infinite distance!

If this is true, it will have a significant impact on the magic industry on the entire continent.

As this newsletter says, this means that the entire magic signal network on the mainland will undergo earth-shaking changes and move into a new phase!

Lu Xi'an major in Philip College is the magic signal transmission, which has always been very concerned about this information.

He knows that these years, the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute and many other countries and chambers of commerce are studying this technology, but in the end it was preliminarily studied by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, this is not an accident.

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has a very strong foundation in the magic industry and the study of magical science theory. If it wasn’t for them to study first, it would be strange.

Looking at the illusion of Dean Evetta, facing a lot of reporters talking about it, the temperament of warm and noble appearance, Lu Xi'an heart secretly admired.

"If one day, I can reach the status of Dean Evita, then I am willing to die..." (~^~)