Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 2: news

No matter how envious, it can't solve the stomach problem. ¥f,

Lu Xi'an looked at the illusion for a while, and just found a position to sit down and ordered the cheapest one.

Waiting for the gap in the plain, he continued to watch the news played in the magic phantom projector.

After the newsletter was broadcasted, the picture on the illusion turned, but there was a picture at height.

Below the picture is a city that is vast and looks very majestic.

Lucian recognized it at a glance, and the city is the city of Wimbledon, the capital of the Candela Empire.

Regarding the great capital of the empire, Lucian has not seen it in person yet, but it is often seen in various illusion news, and naturally it is very familiar.

I will be familiar with the place I have never been to, and it is something that Lu Xi’an’s parents had never dared to think about.

Take Lu Xi’an’s parents as an example. They have been to the farthest place in their life, that is, the third largest city in the province, about 50 kilometers away from his hometown. Don’t say that you have been to Wimbledon. Even the provincial capital has never been there.

If there is no change in the world, they will only be like Lu Xi’an’s grandparents, who have never left their hometown for the rest of their lives, and have little knowledge of the outside world.

However, the new Feishang Association invented the magic signal transmission network and the magic phantom projector. The New Moon Chamber of Commerce has produced various magic illusion programs, which makes them who have not left their hometown for a lifetime, and can understand this without leaving home. world.

It is also because of watching the programs about "education" that Lu Xi'an's parents made up their minds. There is no way to add a new home magic machine every year like a neighbor's home. The days have passed a lot. Also send Lu Xi'an to Philip College to study.

Therefore, Lu Xi'an has been very grateful to the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and the New Moon Chamber of Commerce, which gave him the opportunity to leave the secluded mountain village in his hometown, to see the world outside and to have a chance to change his life.

The picture on the illusion shows a picture of Wimbledon overlooking the sky, and a voice-over is also heard.

"The Imperial Royal Guard has publicly displayed a number of new small magic attack boats that they have purchased from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. It is reported that these small magic attack boats were developed by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce three years ago and represent the most advanced technology. The magical airship. It has an ultra-high speed of more than 400 kilometers per hour, and it also has extremely flexible handling and good firepower. After the new small magic attack boats are equipped, the air force of the Imperial Royal Guard is undoubtedly A significant improvement has been achieved. This is to improve the security of Wimbledon and defend..."

There was a burst of cheers in the noodle restaurant.

Lucian was shocked and glanced at the noodle restaurant and found that both the owner of the noodle restaurant and the people who were dining, at this time, looked at the magical illusion projector on the wall, full of excitement.

"Haha, that's great! With this stuff, the Royal Guards are much better than before."

"Yes. I have heard of this stuff. It is said that it is the most advanced magic airship of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. It flies very fast. If you blink it, you can't even see the shadow."

“Really? But the news says that its firepower is just good, I’m afraid...”

"Stupid you, how can the news completely tell the truth. This is related to the high degree of confidentiality of our imperial power, can you let people know?"

"Well, it’s right. If you say that..."


Listening to the opinions of the people around, Lu Xi'an twitched his mouth and revealed a bitter smile.

These guys don’t understand anything at all. What excitement is there?

The news has clearly stated clearly that these small magic attack boats were successfully developed by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce three years ago.

In the past three years, even if the new Feishang Chamber has not completed the research and development of a new generation of magic airships, there will definitely be technology that will definitely overcome these small magical attack boats.

Besides, these things are not the latest technology and the most powerful fighting stuff in the aggressive magic airship mastered by the new Feishang Association. Like those who are known as the strongest air combat power, the new Feishang will never sell the Raytheon heavy-duty magical combat. The boat is the real air overlord.

According to the ministry, in the internal drill of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, the woven Raytheon heavy-duty magic combat boat can control the airpower very easily, and any other type of combat magic airship has nothing to do with it.

Therefore, as long as other forces do not have the same air power as the Raytheon heavy-duty magic combat boat, then the new Feishang Association will inevitably master the air superiority forever.

Now everyone on this continent knows that in the new war mode, mastering the air superiority is equal to mastering the initiative, and plays a vital role in determining the outcome of the war.

Of course, these are only in the imagination and exercises.

In fact, on the current mainland of Sainz, there is no country or party that will have a head and rushed to do the right thing with the new Feishang Association, or even fight.

Because this is completely self-seeking.

So Lu Xi'an looked at these people because the Royal Guard was equipped with a small number of small magic attack boats, and he was so excited that it was quite speechless.

Even if the Royal Guard's combat power, even the entire Candela's squadron's combat power has been greatly improved, but to the empire of the big men are ten courage, do they dare to casually fight with the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce?

You said that you can not challenge the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, but go to war with other countries?

Don't be kidding. Since the ten-year-old president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, Xu also published the famous Bangta Declaration in Bangta City, the goal is to go to the sea of ​​stars, thus confirming that the purpose of the Sainz mainland in the future is to develop magic. After the industrial industry, no country still wants to start a war.

The first reason is that once a country wants to do this, the new Flyer Guard will directly intervene and will not allow the war to expand.

The second reason is that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will open up a large number of related technologies in the magic industry. And work hard to help all countries on the mainland develop a critical period of the magic industry. If there is another country that ran irrationally to wage war. It is bound to be eliminated by this era and eventually lags far behind other countries.

No country dares to take the risk, even the Candela Empire does not dare.

Therefore, the Royal Guard suddenly announced the news of a small number of small magic attack boats. In many people's view, it has enhanced the strength of the Royal Guard and the combat strength of the Emperor's team. However, there is a certain degree in the situation of the mainland magic industry in Lu Xi'an. It seems that the people who know it can only be used to maintain stability within the empire.

After all, it was mentioned in the news some time ago that there were several riots inside the empire, which attracted the attention of the Imperial Parliament.

The Royal Guard announced the news. Maybe it is to shock these rioters.

When the people around were still talking about it, the boss of the noodle restaurant didn't stop the work in his hands, and soon he sent Lu Xi'an's bowl of plain noodles.

Lu Xi'an was already very hungry at this time, and he did not pay attention to the people around him who were very ridiculous in his speech.

While eating, he also looked up from time to time to see what the magic phantom projector played, listening to the sound inside.

After broadcasting some news of the current events, it was followed by some livelihood news.

These people's livelihood news Lu Xi'an is generally not very concerned, because most of them have little to do with him. He also has no interest in this area.

However, when playing entertainment news, he couldn't help but look up and watch for a while. Because in this part of the entertainment news, there is his favorite elf star Miss Li Noya.

Looking up at the magical illusion that looks beautiful, the temperament is noble and reveals a touch of lightness, as if it is not like the world's Li Noah, Lu Xi'an could not help but reveal a hint of intoxication.

There are many stars that the New Moon Chamber of Commerce has won through various magical illusion entertainment programs, but Lu Xi’an did not care about such so-called celebrities who have nothing to do with his life. Only when he saw this Miss Linoa, it was like a sudden move. His heart, let him can not help but also pay attention.

It’s just that Lu Xi’an’s heart is very clear. He’s too far away from Miss Linoa’s world. It’s possible that there won’t be any intersection in this life, so he can only look at her through the magical illusion and feel satisfied. It is.

When the news about Miss Linoya had passed, Lu Xian returned to God and looked down and found that the uncle who was sitting across from him was looking at himself with a smile on his face. He couldn’t help but look red, and quickly bowed his head and sipped. Come face to face.

Because I was anxious to eat, I didn't notice that the noodle soup was very hot. I suddenly let him smash it up, and a sip of water sprayed on the table. It looked like it was awkward.

Lucian finally eased down and found that she had already been covered with noodle soup. The table was even more messy, and her face was even more blushing.

The opposite uncle didn't care much. He just shook his head and smiled softly. He took a piece of cloth and handed it to Lucian.

Lucian quickly thanked and dealt with the mess on the table.

"Look at your appearance, should you still be a student in the college?" After Lu Xi'an sat down again, the uncle asked with a smile.

"Well? How do you see it?" Lu Xi'an was amazed.

Uncle laughed and said: "It’s much easier to see things when it’s going through. It’s not unusual. ‘

After the talk, the uncle actually went down to eat noodles and did not continue to speak.

Lucian scratched his head and was unclear.

Because of the small accident just now, Lu Xi’an found that he had no way to eat this bowl of noodles. He had to call the boss to prepare for the checkout.

"This guest, Shenghui fifteen silver coins, thank you."

The boss and his smiling face fell into Lu Xi'an's eyes, but he couldn't help but cursing his heart.

However, it is just a bowl of plain noodles. Actually, it is necessary to have fifteen silver coins. It is simply too crowded.

The same bowl of noodles, in his hometown, only need two silver coins at most!

But thinking of this is the city of Doral, Lucian can only helplessly sigh and reach out to explore the pocket.

Then his face changed dramatically. (To be continued...)