Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 160: The goal is the sea of ​​stars (the seventh volume is finished)

It must be said that it is a very difficult thing to popularize astronomical geography knowledge for unfounded people.

Xu also said that he was on the stage for a long time. The reporters on the stage and the ordinary people on the scene were all dull and confused. It didn't look like they understood it.

Of course, Xu also did not expect them to understand now. The reason why he said so many things is nothing more than giving these people a basic concept.

After half an hour, Xu also stopped his explanation.

The audience was silent for a while, and the reporter of the Bangta Daily suddenly stood up.

"Hui Huichang, you..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he closed his mouth again and looked hesitant.

Xu also smiled and nodded at him: "I don't understand anything, even if I say hello."

The reporter hesitated for a while, then he shook his head gently, as if he had made a great determination, he asked: "Mr. Xu, you said that we are stepping on a planet under our feet, and the sun above the head is also a A bigger planet, and the planet under our feet should be rotated around the sun, and then the stars in the night sky are also huge fireballs like the sun. I don’t understand these things, but I think you said It still makes sense. Just... just where do you know these things?"

This question instantly caught the attention of everyone in the audience.

Yes, the things that Xu also said just now sounded so powerful that everyone opened their eyes and realized that the world in which they lived turned out to be such a magical and colorful world, but Xu is also How do you know?

"If I said that I had inadvertently obtained an ancient inheritance and gained this knowledge, do you believe it?" Xu also smiled and asked.

The reporter of the Bangta Daily and other reporters from the audience, as well as the ordinary civilians around him, all looked at Xu Yi and looked at the expression "You are teasing me."

If there is any ancient inheritance, it is impossible to have a trace of it on the mainland of Sainz.

Besides, why did Xu never mention it before, but said it in one breath?

Xu also did not expect others to believe in this explanation, and did not wait for someone to ask. He continued directly: "How can I get this knowledge, I can't disclose it, but I can assure you that this knowledge is true. It can be tested."

Everyone in the audience looked at each other and no one raised any objections.

With Xu’s current status, he has no need to make such jokes.

And his description is indeed very attractive, and people's views on the whole world have completely changed.

If the world is as vast as Xu said, there is even a universe on top of them that does not see the margins. This is how exciting it is.

"Mr. Xu, you suddenly mentioned these things... What is the relationship with the goal you just mentioned?" A reporter suddenly asked.

After everyone stunned, they immediately reacted.

Yeah, Xu Yidong pulled the West for a long time, but what does this have to do with the theme he said?

"Of course there is a relationship." Xu also laughed. “Everyone thinks about it. Twenty years ago, people’s understanding of the world was only on the mainland of Sainz. They believed that the world is just an endless sea of ​​endlessness except for the mainland of Sainz. But since we are new After the Flying Ocean Fleet proved that the other continents in the rumor did exist, people discovered that the world is much larger than we think."

"Next, I will prove to everyone that we are indeed a ball under our feet, and there are several continents on this ball, each with different life and civilization."

"When we have enough knowledge of the planet under our feet, what I want to do is to lead everyone to know the starry sky above my head. I want everyone to know that outside this planet under our feet. There is also a vast and numerous world waiting for us to explore."

The crowd lifted their sights into the sky with Xu. But you can only see the blue sky that has become blue because of the fine weather. Don't say that you can see the endless universe hidden by the sky, even a star can't see it.

The reporters of the major newspapers found that they have been unable to keep up with Xu’s ideas.

He said it for a long time. What do you want to say?

Xu also looked up at the sky again for a while, and then slowly lowered his head and looked at the reporters who had more than a thousand newspapers in the audience. They looked at the ordinary civilians who were confused and looked at them. Surprised to look at his Heinze, took a deep breath. Spread your hands.

"The world is so big, we have to squeeze in this small place on the mainland of Sainz. In order to fight for a little bit of interest, do you think... does this make sense?"

The reporters in the audience stayed for a long while and smiled bitterly.

I have to admit that the world described by Xu also is very beautiful, and his questioning is very powerful, but for the people on the mainland of Sainz, especially those who are in charge of the vast majority of resources on the mainland of Sainz For us, what Xu said is meaningless.

Yes, this world is not only the mainland of Sainz, not even the one under the foot, but what about them?

What they can control now is the resources on the mainland of Sainz.

With the human technology on the mainland of Sainz, there is no other country or organization that can go to the legendary New World except for the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. How can we get the resources on the mainland?

Xu also smiled on the stage, and his expression was clear.

"In order to allow people on the mainland of Sainz to recognize the true face of the planet under our feet, I am here to announce one thing. After the scheduled round-the-world voyage, our new flyer will be open to all countries and organizations. And the individual fully open the technology related to magic ships. Our new flyers invite everyone to go to the new continent on this planet and invite everyone to explore the planet under their feet."

The noise of the audience suddenly calmed down, and the entire city square instantly became a dead silence.

However, this death only lasted for only a few seconds, and there was a deafening noise.

The civilians on the crowd did not respond much, but the reporters of the major newspapers all showed a very shocked expression.

If the various technologies owned by the new Feishang Association are the ones that most other countries and organizations are concerned about and eager to obtain, and they must be related to military magic machinery, then the second place is definitely the magic ship related technology.

When the New Flying Chamber of Commerce announced the discovery of the New World, the entire Sainz mainland was a sensation.

Everyone hopes to be able to explore the New World. However, apart from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, no one has a ship that can be used for ocean navigation. Therefore, everyone can only look at the new Feishang Association for exploration and development.

Now Xu also actually announced that the new Feishang Association will disclose the magic-ship-related technology. Doesn't that mean that other countries and organizations other than the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, or even individuals, can have the opportunity to organize the ocean fleet and board another continent?

This press conference has been held until now, and it can be said that a real news has finally emerged. All the reporters immediately raised their hands after the initial shock, or simply stood up and asked directly.

Xu also smiled and coped with the various questions raised by these reporters about the technology related to the opening of magic ships, while silently vomiting in his heart.

Losing myself for a long time, I spent half a day feeling. As a result, these guys still didn’t know each other and didn’t have any interest in the new world they described. They were just so enthusiastic about the technology that was about to be published.

However, this is no stranger to them. After all, people in the audience do not come across like this, and they have mastered the whole set of knowledge brought by the earth.

Their understanding of the world, before the emergence of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, can only be confined to the small mainland of Sainz.

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce can discover that the New World does exist and it is already a great shock to them.

Now let them immediately accept the new worldview that Xu also instills in them, which is obviously too difficult for them.

Xu is not too disappointed with this.

These reporters in the audience are just the megaphone that he deliberately found, responsible for transmitting the concepts he said today.

As long as people all over the continent know what Xu said and slowly accept it, then Xu’s goal today is half.

I believe that after knowing what Xu also said, on the mainland of Sainz, there will be some far-sighted people who understand Xu’s intentions and work hard according to Xu’s expectations.

After the reporters asked about the various issues related to the transfer of magical ship-related technology, after the stage gradually recovered, Xu also glanced at it and smiled and said: "You, I think that since I have said so much to everyone, Everyone must have understood something, what is our goal?"

The reporters looked at each other and there was a trace of uncertainty in their expressions.

They may be able to guess what Xu wants to say, but no one dares to believe it.

"Our goal is actually very simple, that is, this piece of stars on the top of the sea!" Xu Yiyi pointed to the sky, throwing the ground and sound. "Now, we can only be forced to be confined to the planet under our feet, but one day, we will certainly break through the sky above our heads and enter the boundless universe!"

The reporters looked at Xu Yi dumbly and didn't know what to do.

It is said that the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is a madman, but no matter how crazy the guy is, will he not say such a completely unrealistic goal like him?

Breaking through the sky above the head? Entering the boundless universe?

The sky doesn't know how far it is, so Xu is far from the goal he said, and he doesn't know how far it is...

(The seventh volume "Our goal is the stars of the sea" end) (~^~)