Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 27: Butcher knife lifted

When His Royal Highness Prince Eric took over as the king, a lot of people in Bangta City were a little scared.

His Royal Highness Servini is the owner of the city of Bangta, so the city of Bangta is almost the back garden of Severini, her loyal supporter and backing.

Now that His Royal Highness Prince Eric has succeeded in taking over the throne, then according to the usual practice, it is clear that the previous situation will be liquidated, so that the city, such as Bangta City, who clearly expressed its support for His Royal Highness Servini will inevitably be targeted by His Royal Highness Prince Erik. .

Among all the chambers of commerce in Bangta City, the most worrying thing is naturally the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

The relationship between the New Flying Chamber of Commerce and His Royal Highness Servini is the most intimate in the city of Bangta. The president Xu is also an extremely staunch supporter of His Royal Highness Servini, and has repeatedly rejected the Royal Highness of Prince Erik. The recruitment has almost completely broken with Prince Eric before.

For everyone's point of view, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is undoubtedly the thorn in the eyes of His Royal Highness Prince Eric. Once he succeeds in inheriting the throne, the New Flying Chamber of Commerce will never escape the bad luck of being liquidated.

It is precisely because of this worry that even Xu also had to make a plan ahead, and was forced to stop the development plan of the Rain Valley, and transferred some of the most valuable resources of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to the base of the Principality of Constantine. Go, beware of the embarrassment of His Royal Highness Prince Erik.

But the facts are beyond everyone's expectations.

After His Royal Highness Prince Eric successfully landed on the throne, he did not take any excessive action against Bangta City. Not only did he not take the new Feishang Association as soon as everyone expected, but even made a special statement. Deliberately commended the new Feishang for its outstanding contribution to the development of Bangta City. Almost everyone was shocked by the chin.

And the new city owner of the city of Bunta, who succeeded Sevigny, is the king of Eric... well. It should now be called King Eric’s personally appointed. After coming to Bangta City, he showed a very friendly attitude towards Xu Yi and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. There is no such thing as Count Stark as the city owner. For the new flying business association.

In addition, the new city owner also said that he would continue to support the development of the magic industry in Bangta City, and it will itch the good foundation laid by His Royal Highness Princess Sevigny, and develop Bangta City into a new type of prosperity that will become the model of the entire Lampari Kingdom. city.

Everyone was confused by the attitude of King Eric and the new city owner.

His Majesty King Eric... What the **** is thinking?

For this question. King Eric made a clear statement during a special interview with the Lampari Weekly.

In this interview, he claimed that he was only an ordinary prince. Because he was competing for the throne with His Royal Highness Servini, he would naturally regard the new supporter of the Savigny as an enemy. Of course, he hoped to be targeted everywhere.

However, once he reached the throne and began to think about the problem from a king's point of view, he discovered the great role played by the magic industry represented by the new Feishang Association for the development of the Kingdom of Lampari.

Since he is already the king of this kingdom, the first consideration is of course the development of the entire kingdom.

The New Flyer Chamber of Commerce and the Magic Industry are good for the Kingdom. Of course, he must support the continued development of the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce and the Magic Industry. It is not uncommon to change the attitude towards the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

Through this interview, King Erik’s statement made everyone realize.

have to say. This explanation given by His Majesty King Eric is exceptionally reasonable.

He is already a King, and naturally he can't look so narrow. No matter what you do, you need to consider the interests of the entire kingdom.

It is said that... After the interview was published and published in the country through the "Lampari Weekly", the voices of the kingdom under the kingdom against the reign of His Royal Highness Prince Eric suddenly disappeared. The reputation of King Eric is An unprecedented increase has been achieved throughout the kingdom.

Even in the city of Bangta, which was most worried about King Eric, there have been many voices supporting the new King.

For a time, the situation in the entire Lampari Kingdom seemed to be what Severni had said before Xu.

Only when the throne is smoothly and smoothly handed over will the Kingdom of Lampari obtain the most stable and good development situation.

Seeing the situation of Bangta City and the whole kingdom with my own eyes, even Xu has also been shaken for a while.

However... the facts show that everyone is too happy, especially Xu Yi.

A month after His Royal Highness Prince Eric boarded the throne, he did not look at it a little bit at a glance, but when he looked closely, it was all news that was unfavorable to the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

First of all, the factories of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce in other cities in the Kingdom began to be inspected by the local capitals.

Nominally, this is because His Majesty the King cares about the development of the magic industry, so he must first take the most representative New Flying Chamber of Commerce as the object of investigation.

But in fact, during the investigation, the new Feishang Association set up factories in various places with many magic machine tools, and even the entire production line was directly removed in the name of the investigation, even some workers and engineers in the factory. Was taken away in the name of assisting the investigation.

Although these people have been released later, the magic machine tools and so on are gone.

Then, there is a special Magic Industry Management Agency established under the Kingdom Council.

As the name implies, this is specifically used to manage the various chambers of commerce involved in the magic industry in the Kingdom of Lampari.

First and foremost, naturally it is the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

According to the regulations of the Magic Industry Management Agency, as long as it is a Chamber of Commerce involving the magic industry, it must accept the unified management of the Magic Industry Agency.

The so-called management requires that all chambers of commerce related to the magic industry should unconditionally cooperate with the work of the Magic Industry Management Agency. For example, the management office requires all chambers of commerce involved in the magic industry to have the certificate issued by the management department before they can start production.

In this certificate, the management department has set up a corresponding certificate for different magic machines.

Therefore, the new Feishang Association, which currently produces a total of more than one hundred types of magic machinery, has to apply for more than one hundred certificates.

And every time you apply for a certificate, the procedure is complicated. Therefore, the various fees paid are equally expensive.

Take the magic refrigerator production certificate as an example. Want to be approved successfully. If you do it, you will need to pay three hundred gold coins.

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has passed all the certificates for all kinds of magic machinery, so the cost is more than 40,000 gold coins.

As for the gray expenditure that is inevitable in the process of applying for approval, it is no less than this number.

In other words, it is because of the requirement of the certificate that the new Feishang Association has spent more than 80,000 gold coins.

The time limit for the certificate is only one year...

If it is said that spending tens of thousands of gold coins per year does not have much impact on the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, then another regulation of the Administration is completely unacceptable.

In order to support the development of the magic industry in the whole kingdom, the Magic Industry Management Agency requires the new flyer to open its own unique technology to other magical industry chambers in the kingdom. To help other magic industry chambers grow and develop.

This request was rejected by Xu.

Moreover, when the Magic Industry Management Agency asked other magic industry associations in the kingdom, it also received opposition from most chambers of commerce.

Almost all chambers of commerce agree that such a rule is completely contrary to the most basic business principles.

If the Administration enforces it, it will destroy the irons of all Chambers of Commerce in the Kingdom of Lampari.

For the sake of the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce, no Chamber of Commerce dared to support this decision of the Administration.

Because the opposition is too fierce, the management office will only give up.

However, through this matter, Xu also completely recognized the true thoughts of King Eric.

He didn't want to deal with the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce. On the contrary, he really wanted to.

It may be because of concerns about the agreement with Servini, perhaps because of the fact that he has just stepped onto the throne. Need to keep some face, maybe someone gave him advice. Let him not be so direct... It can be said that it is not so ugly to eat.

In short, he is now adopting a chronic, seemingly soft, and less noticeable approach to the magic industry represented by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce and the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

Xu also guessed his true thoughts.

As a king, he certainly hopes to firmly grasp the magic industry, something that has had a profound influence on the entire Lampari kingdom.

After that, the new city owner's commercial tax reform in Bangta City, in fact, in Xu Yi's view, is already a performance he can't wait for.

This business tax reform is like an unobstructed, red-naked bare-faced butcher's knife for the magic industry represented by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, with the intention of cutting a large chunk of this fatter fat now. Come and fill the stubborn aristocrats behind him who supported him on the throne.

Every time I think about this reform of the business tax policy, Xu can't help but sneer in my heart.

With the support of the nobles, His Royal Highness Prince Eric finally got his way to the throne, but how could these nobles support him without compensation?

How much they pay, these greedy aristocrats will naturally want to get several times, or even dozens of times, from him.

It was already evident that the Duke of Stark was the Prime Minister of the Kingdom and he personally served as the Director of the Magic Industry Management Agency.

Only these are the speculations of Xu Yi, but they cannot be elaborated with Servini.

Looking at Severny in contemplation, Xu also sighed in his heart.

He didn't know how much Sevigny knew about these situations.

If she knows a series of practices by His Royal Highness Prince Erik, will she regret that she would rather live up to the expectations of countless others and give up the battle for the throne?

A young man wearing a uniform of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce suddenly ran from a distance, panting in front of Xu Yi, and woke up with Xu Yi and Servini who were deeply pondered.

"Is there anything?" Xu also wondered, but he confessed that he had nothing to do to bother him and Severini's private conversation.

"Will... the president, the city of Kamadu... the big man of the city is coming." The young man replied with a gasp.

"Oh? The Lord of the City is coming again?" Xu also blinked and turned to smile at Servini. "His Royal Highness, is there any interest in watching a good show?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!