Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 26: Bunta City with a prosperous surface

Xu also turned his head and smiled slightly: "You are now seeing it instead of the King, and it is not the same?"

"Maybe..." Sevigny chuckled and nodded.

Three months later, at this time, Sevigny was not like the one that had just received the news of the death of Lampari XIII. The sorrow was greater than the death of his heart, and his face regained his usual peaceful smile. And compared to before, her current smile seems to be more sincere and gentle, and people look more gracious.

Thinking of what Sevigny did during this time, Xu also couldn’t help but give birth to a hint of admiration.

Being able to stay calm and strong in the face of great changes, and be able to stick to their own ideas without being tempted by enormous power, I am afraid that few people in the world can match her with determination.

"Speaking of it, you still only call the father and the king to kneel down." Servini glanced at the shuttle ship on the Sandy River, and suddenly stopped. "Big brother has not done anything to you and the new Feishang Chamber after he succeeded to the throne. Are you still reluctant to accept him?"

"I can't talk about accepting and accepting." Xu also shook his head. "This is just a habit. I have only seen one King in my life. As for His Royal Highness Prince Eric... I have never seen it before, so I am not used to changing the name of him. Besides, I am just a Ordinary little businessman, what do I think of him, and it doesn’t affect anything."

"Xu Yi, your old mistakes have been committed." Servini showed a slightly playful smile, and reached out and pointed a little. "You don't always look at yourself so much. You said that you are just an ordinary small businessman? I am afraid there will be no second person besides you in the whole kingdom. If a person who can influence more than half of the city's decision-making is only a person." Small businessman, what other businessmen in the kingdom are?"

"His Royal Highness. You should not make fun of me." Xu also smiled and shook his head. "Which cities are making decisions just because they can make more financial revenues. It doesn't matter to me. If you fall into the eyes of His Royal Highness Prince Eric, then I might be unlucky."

"This is another old problem for you." Sevigny grinned. "Every time you say something insincere, you will use the honorific name for me. Don't worry, Big Brother, he promised to treat you and the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce. From now on, he did. You see, Big Brother has inherited the throne. Month, this is not always the case with you and the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. So in fact, you can be bold enough to continue to develop the new Flying Chamber of Commerce as before."

Xu also took a look at Servini: "Are you coming to be a lobbyist to His Royal Highness Prince Erik?"

"No. I came to be a lobbyist for the entire Lampari Kingdom." Severini shook his head and his expression became solemn. "Xu, please don't abandon the Lampari Kingdom?"

Xu Yi silently said, "I never said that I want to give up the Kingdom of Lampari."

"But you just did it." Servini is right. "In the past three months, you have not not expanded the base of the new Feishang Association in the rainy valley according to the plan you have told me before, but also moved all the personnel facilities in the rain valley. According to me. As you know, the Magic Research Institute and the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce have now been relocated to the base of your Chamber of Commerce in the Principality of Constantine?"

Xu also had no expression, but did not deny: "Where did you know from?"

"Do you think that such a big movement. Is it possible to pass everyone?" Servini asked unreasonably. "Besides, Steele and your daughter, Freya, were also sent to the Principality of Constantine. You do this. Don't you want to leave the Kingdom of Lampari?"

"You think more." Xu also smiled and smiled. "The climate in the Principality of Stading is better than here. I sent Stil and Frya just to make them more comfortable."

"Don't lie to me." Servini stared at Xu Yi, and his tone was firm. "Xu Yi, I have been with you for so long, how can I not see the thoughts in your heart. You clearly have already made plans, and have begun to implement them step by step. In fact, seriously, you have been in you for two years. When I first went to the Principality of Stading, I already had this plan, right?"

The gaze of Servini was silent for a while, and Xu also sighed softly: "This is just leaving a back road for yourself. Your Royal Highness, three months ago, you are not still reminding me to prepare in advance. Is it now blaming me, why is this?"

Servini’s face passed a trace of sorrow and bite his teeth gently. He continued: “I understand your approach. But Xu also... can you not have more patience? Give more confidence to the older brother, at least see him. Really want to target you and the new flying business meeting, is it not good to make a decision?"

"It’s too late at that time." Xu also snorted softly. "Let me have more patience and confidence? Servini, if you take over as the throne, I can give you absolutely enough patience and confidence, as for His Royal Highness Prince Eric...hehe..."

"But I think Big Brother has done a very good job in the three months since he took over the throne. At least he is not as worried as you were before. Once he is on the throne, will he and you and the new flyers do not?" Severini still refuses to give up persuasion.

"Is it?" Xu also asked a question. After seeing Sevigny for a while, he suddenly asked: "His Royal Highness, I heard that you have been living in your own territory after you have handed over all your duties. Have you never left?"

"Yes." Servini nodded gently. "This is also to make the big brother feel at ease. This time I will see you, or I will leave the territory for the first time in a few months."

"Is your Excellency Erik please ask me to persuade me?" Xu also asked.

"No, this is my own decision. Big Brother just told me the situation." Sevigny replied.

"There is no difference between him and him." Xu also shrugged. "It seems that His Royal Highness Prince Eric is quite familiar with your character. Well, no matter what reason you came to see me, but you have been living in your own territory for a few months. Compared to the situation outside. Don't understand."

"How? Is there any abnormal situation?" Servini had some doubts. "I didn't see any special abnormal changes on this road. Instead, I came to Bangta City. I saw that Bangta City became more prosperous than before. It made me very happy."

"Of course, I can't see it on the surface. As for the fact... I will give you an example. Servini, do you know that the Chamber of Commerce policy in Bangta City has been adjusted recently?"

“Adjusting the business tax?” Servini frowned slightly. “How to adjust? Is it lower or higher?”

"What do you think?" Xu also sneered. "Only six days ago, the city government announced the latest Bangta City business tax collection standards. According to this standard, the Chamber of Commerce for the production of magic machinery, including our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, will be classified as a new industry and enjoy new business. Tax standards. Specifically, it is necessary to levy additional magic machinery special protection tax, ranging from 5% to 8%."

“Extra tax?” Servini frowned a little deeper. “The previous business tax remains the same?”

“No. The previous business tax has also increased. Take our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce as an example. Because our new Feishang Chamber reported an annual income of more than 5 million gold coins, it belongs to the first income chamber, and the business tax rate will be unified from the previous 43% increased to 56%. Directly increased by 13%."

“13%?” Servini suddenly lost. “How can I improve so much at once? Plus that extra tax, will it increase by nearly 20%?”

"In the case of our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, it is not nearly 20%, but more than that." Xu also sneered. "Of course, apart from opening our new flyers, other chambers of commerce are not the main magic machinery, so the tax rate is not high. The most Amley Chamber of Commerce is only about 17%. ”

"This is crazy!" Hearing the data given by Xu, Severini's pretty face immediately sank. "It’s so much better at once. How much profit can you still have?"

"His Royal Highness, if I tell you, our new flyer will follow this business tax standard. This year's full-year profit may eventually be cut off by more than half. Do you believe it or not?" Xu also asked with a smirk.

Severini silently nodded, and then nodded.

"If this is the case, then why is the current Bangta City even more prosperous than before? You see, there are all kinds of goods that are transported everywhere, and most of them are all kinds of magic machinery. Why? ”

"It's very simple, because the profit margin is too low. If you don't do a little bit of selling things, you can't make any money at all. Even the basic operation of maintaining the Chamber of Commerce is very problematic." Xu also sighed. "Sevenini, when I was wandering around the city, didn't you find that all the faces on the faces were much less than before?"

Sevigny recalled what he had seen before and when Xu also took a magic car to travel around in Bangta City, and found that Xu was right.

Bangta City does look more prosperous and cargo transportation is more busy, but people’s faces are not as full of smiles as they are nervous but satisfying, but they are all dignified and frowning. Tight lock, you can see that the pressure is great at first glance.

"The Chamber of Commerce does not make money, and naturally it will find ways to save costs. The most important part of the cost is the wages of the workers." Xu also continued to explain. “In the last month, there were fifteen workers’ riots in the factories of the major chambers of commerce in Bangta City, all in order to protest against the wage cuts.”

Severini looked at the old Bangta City in the distance, silently.

“The workers are not satisfied. In fact, many merchants in the city are even more dissatisfied. There are already many chambers of commerce that are also producing magical machinery. They complained to me that they are going to be unable to support it.” Xu Yi’s face is also the same. good looking. "I can't do anything about it, I can only advise them to continue."

"That... can you hold on?" Servini asked hesitantly.

Xu also sneered a little: "What do you think?"

Sevigny once again looked at the city of Bangta at the far end of the horizon, and fell into meditation. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!