Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 28: The other side of the city master

Unlike the three Bangta City owners who have experienced the same before, the new Bangna City City Lord Caneno Kamadou does not need Xu to often take the initiative to go to the city government to seek, but in his three months of office. During the time, he will often find Xu to meet him.

In the words of Kamadou telling Xu Yi privately, this is because the magic industry represented by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is the most important pillar industry of Bangta City. As the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, Xu is naturally the most in need of him. Get close to the object.

He said so, and he did the same.

In these three months, he not only often actively seeks to meet with Xu, but also feels very polite to Xu every time he meets. It is not like the normal attitude of a distinguished urban master to an ordinary businessman.

In addition, in many public occasions, he often commented that Xu is also the “business leader” of Bangta City, claiming that the development of Bangta City is entirely in the hands of Xu Yi, who only plays an auxiliary role. .

This statement has not been opposed by anyone, because the role of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is obvious to all, and this has almost become a fact recognized by everyone in Bangta City.

However, Xu has never insisted on this statement.

He is very clear that although the new Feishang Association has a very good development momentum, it has been set up for a short time. Compared with those old-fashioned chambers of commerce, it is still a bit worse in terms of its heritage.

For example, if Xu wants to expand the new Flyer Guards, he can only recruit some stragglers, and the old-fashioned Chamber of Commerce, which is backed by the Joseph family, like the Falcao Chamber of Commerce, only needs one sentence and can recruit at any time. A powerful guard of thousands.

And... the so-called abnormality must be a demon.

Kamadou is a city owner. However, he was too polite to behave too much. This is definitely not a normal phenomenon.

To know. The reform of the new commercial tax policy for the magic industry of the representatives of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce and the New Flying Chamber of Commerce was made by the owner of the city.

Xu also returned to the Stars Manor. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the main city of Kamadu, who was walking in the garden.

Upon seeing Xu Yi, the city of Kamadu immediately smiled and greeted him.

"Hui Huichang, you are really busy enough. Every time I want to come to the Stars Manor to find you, you don't have to stay at home for a while."

Xu also shrugged: "No way. There are too many things in the Chamber of Commerce. I want to go home and rest. It can only be very late. It is very likely that I will simply rest in the rainy valley. Don't go home. When you come here to find me, the city owner is naturally going to fight."

The owner of Kamadu smiled and said: "This is not right. When Mrs. Steele is here, Xu is the president. You often go home. It is difficult that Mrs. Steele is not here, and President Xu will not go home. Reasons? Or to say... Xu Huichang, you are looking for a new lover, while your wife is not there?"

Xu also rolled his eyes: "I don't even dare to look for a lover, you see. Steele still has an eyeliner to monitor me here."

After all, Xu also pointed to the side of the side of the tea. Lisi, who was stayed by Steele to take care of Xu Yi: "Li Si, go prepare for lunch. Now it's just the right time. After a while, stay in the city to eat."

Lisi just agreed, and the Lord of Camadou swayed again and again: "No, no, the hostess is not at home, I will not bother, and at noon I still have a lunch with President Cruise. Long, let the beautiful maid lady go to move two stools out, we will sit in this garden and talk about things."

"Can they have an appointment with President Cruise?"

Xu Yi took a look at the main city of Kamadu, but did not ask much, let Lisi move two stools and a small table according to the instructions of the Lord of Camadou, and then prepare tea cakes, and then turn to look at Kadu. Macheng Lord, wait for him to speak.

The main city of Kamadu paused and looked around the garden. Suddenly, he shook his head with a sigh of relief: "Hui Huichang, there is no hostess in a manor, it is very different. I remember coming for the first time. At this time, the garden was neatly packed, and the flowers and plants were very brightly open. Now... don’t you think it’s a bit messy?”

When I heard that the city of Kamadu had to bring in Steele every time, Xu also sneered in his heart, but his face kept smiling: "The master of the city said very much. I am a person who never cares about these things. Til is not there, naturally no one is going to take care of it. And now there is only one person in the manor, and she has been working hard for my daily life, but she can't take care of it."

"Well... I can understand this. But Xu, the wife of Mrs. Steele has been away for a month, she is not going to come back?" asked the owner of Kamadu.

Xu also shook his head: "This is... she is having fun in the Principality of Stading, and Fryia is also very comfortable with the environment. Since they like it, then I have to play there for a while, I will not remind. They are back."

"Is it?" The main city of Kamadu looked at Xu Yi with a deep impression and smiled. He did not continue to ask this question.

After chatting for a few more times, Lisi moved all the tables and chairs, and the two sat down in the garden.

Today the sun is not too strong, there is a slight breeze, sitting in the garden is very comfortable.

After chatting with the tea for a few words, the owner of Kamadu suddenly put down the teacup in his hand and corrected his face.

"Mr. Xu, I am coming to see you today, but I am still coming for the last time. I want to ask, how are you thinking about it?"

"This is why..." Xu also made a dilemma. "I have told the city owner that you have been in the last time, and cooperated with the Kingdom Magic Research Institute. This is a big event related to the overall development of our Chamber of Commerce. Even if I am the president, it is impossible for one person to be the master. So... Now this matter is still being discussed inside the Chamber of Commerce, and there is no answer yet."

"There will be a long time to see you, is there any possibility to pass?" The city of Kamadu stared at Xu Yi, with a hint of persecution in his expression. "Or, what is your attitude towards this cooperation? What is your influence in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. I don't think I need to say more. As long as you can agree. I think this thing has Great hope for success."

"My own... Of course, I agree very much in principle." Xu Yiyang called a haha. "Working with the Kingdom's Magic Research Institute. Joint research and development of magical machinery, whether it is for our new Flyer or the whole kingdom, is very beneficial, how can I object?"

"Hui Huichang, you are a wise and far-sighted person. Of course, you know the pros and cons." Kamadu City nodded. "According to the instructions of His Majesty the King, as long as your new Flying Chamber of Commerce promises this cooperation, then the Kingdom Magic Research Institute Any resources can be mobilized by your Chamber of Commerce. That is to say, the distinguished magicians of the Kingdom Magic Research Institute. Your new Flying Chamber of Commerce can directly ask them to do any research for you. I think... with so many powerful magic With the assistance of the division, your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce will definitely achieve better results than before."

"Well, I am convinced of this." Xu also smiled and nodded. "But the master of the city, you should also be aware that this is a big deal, so I hope that you can give us more time to think about it?"

Seeing the expression on Xu Yi’s face, the Lord of Kamadu thought about it and nodded gently: “Well, I can understand your concerns. But President Xu, I hope that you can think about it as soon as possible. Reply to me. King Your Majesty has given you and your new Flying Chamber of Commerce enough patience, I hope you will not let him down."

"Sure." Xu also smiled. Can't see any reluctance.

President Kamadou looked at Xu Yi deeply and re-opened the teacup. After taking a sip, he seemed to carelessly: "Yes, Xu Huichang, I heard that your Chamber of Commerce has recently shipped to Severs City. A new batch of military magic machinery?"

Xu Yi did not have any unexpected expressions. He said calmly: "Well, this is the military supplies for the Third Army of the garrison. It was prepared in accordance with the instructions of the thirteenth king."

"I know. But... Xu will be long, and the next supply will stop. It will be a good way to transport ordinary civilian supplies to the city of Serval, but these military magic machines should not be sent." Ducheng’s main man waved his hand.

"Why?" Xu also gave a slight glimpse. "This is the command of His Majesty the 13th King. I just do it according to the wishes of his old man."

Hearing Xu also always hangs "the thirteen kings of the thirteenth", and the Lord of Camadu can't help but frown.

"The situation in the kingdom is different now. Of course, we can no longer act in accordance with the previous orders. Remember, any military supplies in the kingdom must be supervised by the Ministry of the King and approved before they can be shipped. This also includes Do you understand the military supplies that were shipped to the Principality of Constantine?"

"This is the red* naked warning?"

Xu Yizhen took advantage of the awkward city of Kamadu. He thought that if other people in Bangta City saw the tone and demeanor of the city of Kamadu now, they would not think of this newcomer again. Does the city owner have special privileges for Xu?

After a moment of contemplation, Xu also asked: "So the master of the city, ordinary household magic machinery? The various home magic machines that our Chamber of Commerce sold to other countries were also trade privilege obtained under the approval of His Majesty King XIII. Is it still necessary to recover now?"

The Lord of Kamadu shook his head: "This is not necessary. After all, ordinary home magic machinery does not involve the security of the kingdom. However, for these goods sold to other countries, the kingdom now has new regulations."

"Oh? The urban master may wish to speak and listen?"

"According to the instructions of His Majesty the King, the goods sold to other countries and regions must be adjusted accordingly. As for the specific adjustment plan... If nothing unexpected, it should be announced at the end of this month. Your new Flying Chamber of Commerce is our Bangta In the city, the Chamber of Commerce, which involves the most foreign trade, you are best prepared."

"Oh?" Xu also laughed in his heart and asked: "So, is this adjustment raised, or is it lowered?"

"There is no exact news yet, you will not guess if you will be president." The city of Kamadu shook his head. After a pause, he went on and continued: "But please also ask the president to remember, any tax adjustment. It is for the strength of the entire Lampari Kingdom, so I hope that you can understand any decision made by His Majesty the King."

Xu also sneered in his heart, still smiling on the surface, nodded gently.

"I understand." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!