Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 15: Clean up the orc family

Stil smiled as he saw Camilla's great magician walking into the house with anger.

"Grandpa is really, how old is it, but more and more like a child?"

Xu Yi looked helpless: "Yeah. When he opposed the magic machinery, he was so stubborn. As a result, he changed his attitude and said that he is more active than anyone else. The more magical the car, the more he is. More than anyone else. And he actually... actually still driving! Magic car, our standard speed can only allow speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour, he actually feels that the speed of 60 kilometers per hour is slow!"

Stille smiled and said: "Who makes him a great magician? With his magical power, if you rely on wind magic flying, the speed will not be lower than the speed of 60 kilometers per hour, of course, it will feel slow. And his strength is so strong, and he doesn't have to worry about the dangers of others."

"Hey, people of this age, and learning the stimuli like young people, really can't understand." Xu also snorted softly.

Steele couldn't help but laugh and ordered a little forehead.

"Guang said that grandfather is like a child, what about you? It is only in the early thirties, but it is not very interesting like an old man. Actually, I like to see you before. The spirit is always very passionate."

Xu Yi lightly sighed: "This is no way. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is not the small and insignificant Chamber of Commerce. I am not a small person who will not pay attention to it. No matter what you do, you need to think more about it. Naturally, it will appear. I’m a bit old. Actually, I don’t want to do this. But for many people to think about it, I have to do this. Do you say yes? Baby daughter?”

"Don't take your daughter as an excuse." Steele gave him a blank look. I sat back on the reclining chair and patted the position around me. I said to Xu Yi: "Come, just when you are back, I will talk to you about something."

Xu also handed over the sleeping daughter to Lisi, who was unceremoniously huddled with Steele.

"Let's say, is it something related to the orc?"

"Yeah." Steele nodded lightly, his eyebrows wrinkled. "I heard that you are planning to form an expedition with President Cruise to clean up the orc family on the black rice wasteland?"

"I have this plan." Xu also nodded. "Recently, our bases on the black rice wasteland are often harassed by the orc races, and many times there are obvious conspiracy and organization. In order to solve the worries of the future, and for the sake of future cleanliness and the safety of the workers, we decided to go to those orcs. The family shows their strength and makes them feel scrupulous. They will not dare to make a living in the future."

"So...what are you going to do this time?" Steele asked again.

Xu also glanced at her and thought about it and asked: "Is this question you asked instead of the orc?"

"Well. This news has now been uploaded in the black rice wilderness. All the orcs on the black rice wasteland are a little uneasy. The orc girls in our new moon club are also very worried, fearing that their tribes are also In your target of attack, so many people ask me to ask you. In addition, many orc tribes associated with me on the black rice wasteland also want to know some specific situations, so that they can cope."

Xu Yiwei smiled: "What? Now they know that they are afraid? Don't worry. As long as it is a human being friendly to us, of course, it will not be in our clean-up target. This action is mainly for shock, not It will really be so big. After all, our roots in the black rice wilderness are not so deep."

Steele indulged for a moment and nodded slightly.

"Well, I probably got it. I will tell the orcs on the black rice wasteland."

"When you tell them these words, you may as well tell them that the sole purpose of our chambers of commerce is to make money. As long as the orcs do not stop us from making money, then we have absolutely no interest in who to target. In the end, as long as they Working with us honestly, everyone can get the benefits, why do you have to toss?"

"You can say nothing to me if you say this." Steele shrugged. "The orc tribes that have a relationship with me are both willing to be friendly with us. Those orcs who will run to harass and even attack the base are afraid that they will not listen to you."

"Some words, let the orcs go and tell their compatriots that it is much better than what I said." When it came here, Xu also suddenly turned his eyes and said: "I will tell them another sentence. If I was found to have links with the orc tribe and the orcs who harassed and attacked our base, but don't blame me."

Steele looked at Xu Yi, who had a very serious expression, and he was puzzled.

"Xu, why do you pay so much attention to the orcs on the black rice wasteland? If you are really dissatisfied with them, even if you don't contact them, don't you hire the orc workers?"

Xu also sighed: "I don't have the strength to eliminate the orc family on the black rice wasteland, and I don't want to do it even if I have enough strength, because the scene I most want to see is that all races on the mainland of Sainz work together. Study magic machinery."

"As for giving up the black rice wasteland... then it can't be done. According to the dwarves' detection, the various metal veins underneath the black rice wasteland are extremely rich. To be straightforward, there is simply a treasure house. Do you want to I looked at a treasure house, but gave it up?"

Steele thought for a moment with his head: "Well, since you have already considered it clearly, then I have nothing to say. I will pass on these words to the orcs. I hope they are not so stupid." ”

After discussing this matter, Xu also asked Steele about some things about the New Moon Song and Dance Troupe.

Avril's orc girls are now continuing to learn about human culture under the arrangement of Steele, so that they can more easily integrate into the human society.

At the same time, their singing and dancing performance training has not stopped for a while, and now these orc girls are full of time every day.

And they are also working very hard. According to Steele. They all cherish this opportunity to learn new things. Many orc girls don’t forget to study even during breaks.

Avril Lavigne sang the scorpion in order to practice the song, which made Steele force her to rest.

When I heard these news, Xu was in a good mood.

When I was in Anweimar, it was the right decision to bring them back with tougher means.

I believe that after they have experienced this kind of training before the debut of the celebrity, they will be amazed when they appear again in front of human beings.

"Well, let's talk about it first. I am going to take a shower. I will come next to my Royal Highness, I have to prepare."

As Xu looked toward the house, Steele began to smile and waved. When Xu disappeared into the door, she suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but change her face.

But after a while, she seemed to think of something suddenly, with a slight smile on her face.

Xu also naturally couldn't see the change of Steele's expression. Before seeing Sampson, he was working with Camby and others to study some mechanical problems about the magic car. Get a grease.

I didn't have time to clean it in the rainy valley, so I couldn't easily go back to the Stars Manor. He certainly hopes to clean up before seeing Servini.

When I walked to the bathroom, Ma Li faded the clothes and opened the bathroom door. Xu also suddenly stopped.

After a while, Xu also turned around in a whirlwind and looked at him with a sigh of relief: "Lisi, why are you taking a shower? I didn't hear the movement. Steele is really, don't sue..."

Halfway through, Xu also suddenly felt a soft body behind him, and a pair of arms hugged him tightly, while clearly feeling the softness of the two groups and the two bumps.

" are you coming to me?" Lisi behind her did not seem to hear what Xu said, but with a trembling in her tone, but full of surprises.

Lisi was hugged tightly, and Xu was a little stiff.

After a while, he barely calmed down and gave a soft cough. He said: "That... Lisi, I am not... I just came to take a shower, I don't know if you are inside. Sorry, I accidentally bumped into it. ......"

"No, master, you don't have to say sorry to me. I am yours, you just want to see it, you can watch it at any time!" Lisi said as she loosened Xu and went to Xu.

Watching Lisi unscrupulously show his naked body in front of him, Xu also wants to remove his eyes, and his thoughts turn around, but he did not move it away. Instead, he swept up and down and looked at it.

Seeing Xu’s reaction, Lisi smiled happily and opened her arms. Although her face was reddish, she was full of happy smiles.

"Master, look good?"

"Good-looking." Xu also nodded. "But if you are still naked like this, you will catch a cold if you don't."

"Ah?" Hearing this sentence, Li Si’s little face was full of disappointment and he lowered his head. "Master, you... are you still unwilling to ask me? You have already been with Linda... and she is like that, but still don't want me... Don't you like me?"

Xu also shook his head and walked forward, holding Li Si's chin and lifting her face.

Looking at the tears that Lisi had already filled in her eyes, Xu also raised her hand and took a lot of pictures on her towering buttocks.

Lisi looked at Xu Yi with a look of horror.

"Okay, let's put on the clothes first. I will meet with the royal lady in a while, even if I want you to be not now." Xu also smiled and leaned close to Lisi's ear, whispering: "I come to my room at night." No, no."

Lisi slammed her eyes and looked at Xu Yi with an expression of disbelief.

After a while, two lines of tears came out, but her face was full of joy and a happy smile.

Looking at the reaction of Li Si’s surprise, Xu also sighed in the heart.

From the moment he accepted Linda, he was destined to accept Liz.

Otherwise, Lisi would never have been able to stay in this home again.

Both of them have already been approved by Steele, and they are willing to do so, so Xu also accepts that they do not have any psychological burden.

"I am like this... is it considered to be the harem?" Xu couldn't help thinking. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!