Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 16: Here you are the queen

Just after noon, a pale gold, sleek magic car drove into the Sanctuary Manor.

When the door was opened, Xu also came down from the co-pilot on the right, but from the left driver's seat, it was Servini.

After closing the door, Sevigny glanced at Xu's face and asked with some concern: "Hey, Xu also, how do you feel after sitting in my car? I only got a driver's license half a month ago." Do you feel worried?"

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "How come? You are a novice, but it is very stable, I have nothing to worry about. Besides, after sitting on the magic locomotive opened by Camilla Magi, I feel that any ride in the future I can't have any shocking reaction to the magic locomotive that people open."

Severini couldn’t help but smile.

How bad it is about the driving skills of Camilla's Great Sorcerer. She not only heard Xu also mentioned it several times, but also listened to Stil's several times, and often received a report about the Camilla Magi driving a magic locomotive. When I got here, I bumped into the various reports there and I was already very impressed.

Now I heard that Xu also said that her newbie technology is much better than Camilla's great magician. When Sevigny was funny, it was a bit strange.

It is said that the Camilla Magi is a character who can become a great magician. No matter which aspect he looks at, it should be an IQ that is far more than a normal talent. Why is it so bad to drive a magic locomotive?

"I also asked this question. I also pointed out how to drive the magic locomotive several times. The final conclusion is... This is really not related to IQ, completely related to personal character. Think about it, one has not even got a driver's license. Guy. I dare to add the power to the maximum when driving the magic locomotive for the first time, and still die without repentance, so that it can be blamed."

Seeing Xu Yi’s face helpless, Sevigny couldn’t help but laugh again.

Camilla Grand Sorcerer is both a respected master of the great magician and a grandfather of Steele. Anyway, Xu also has no way to take him. I must have suffered a lot in this matter.

"That wouldn't be too much. He said that he is also a great magician. It won't cause any accidents. At most, it will crash a few magic locomotives. I can afford it." Xu shrugged and looked. A magic car in between the two. Then asked: "So what about you? I have not asked you, how does it feel to drive this magic car?"

"Great!" Sevigny nodded with a smile and praised him bluntly: "I must say that riding this magic car is much more comfortable than riding a horse. I can hardly feel any bumps on the road, and The speed is fast and the operation is simple. Since I got it, I almost want to drive it around and run around."

"Yes? If you like it so much, then I think the King of the Kings should also like it." Xu also laughed. "Very well, if you take a few days to take a trip to the rainy valley, or tell me what special preferences your Majesty has, I will let them build according to His Majesty's preferences."

In fact, the two magic cars of Servini are tailor-made for the new company.

In addition to the color is unique to the pale gold. This magical car has also been deliberately modified according to the shape of Servini. It looks smaller than other magic cars that the new Flying Chamber has already produced. The lines are also softer. It looks round and lovely, and is more suitable for a young girl. drive.

Xu also did this, except that it was the flattering of Sevigny. It is also an attempt to open a women's market for magic cars.

You know, for those aristocrats and big businessmen who are really rich. Preparing a magic car for women at home is obviously not unacceptable.

"Well, I will give you a drawing in a few days." Servini nodded and responded. After hesitating, he said: "Xu, you are going to give the father a car. This is nothing, but you really Are you not going to give to my two brothers?"

"I still don't understand etiquette so much." Xu also shook his head. "Send me is to send, but the question is... are they willing to accept?"

Servini is silent.

If her second brother, His Royal Highness Prince Miham, might accept a gift from Xu, then her elder brother, Eric Eric, showed his attitude towards the new Feishang Chamber before, even if Xu also gave the gift. He will not accept it before him.

"Well, don't think about these disappointing things. Let's go, Servini, I am here today to accompany you to inspect the fertilizer plant here, first care about business. The things here, but one or two gifts than the district. It’s more important.” Seeing the complex look on Servini’s face, Xu also made a sound.

"Well, let's go." Servini nodded and walked with him to the Sang Qidun Manor.

It is now in mid-March and it is the annual spring season.

Although Bangta City is currently led by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, the business is extremely developed, and the main fiscal revenue comes from commercial taxes. But at any time, agriculture is fundamental, and this has never changed.

Moreover, when Servini took over the position of the city owner, he also raised the hope that the agriculture and commerce of Bangta City would develop together as her governing policy.

So when I saw the harvest season near the spring ploughing, the main man of the city of Servini naturally reflected his emphasis on agriculture. It is her clear statement to visit the fertilizer plant today.

A male elf greeted him from afar.

Xu Yiyang greeted him with a hand.

"Hey, Arrador."

The male elf, also known as Yarrado, although he was in a hurry, still maintained the unique elegance of the elves. He came to the two and gave a solemn ceremony to Servini. He smiled and said: "The Lord, welcome you. Come again."

Severini looked at him curiously and reached out: "Hello, are you the new director of the city, Arador?"

"Yes. I was only two months ago to manage this fertilizer processing plant. The beautiful royal girl. I am very honored to meet you for the first time." Yalado glanced at the hand that Servini handed over. Hesitated for a moment. This reached out and she gently shook her hand.

The handshake ceremony does not exist in the etiquette of the elves, and it is not even popular among the humans on the mainland of Sainz. However, when he left the moonshade tribe, he was once embarrassed by the elders of Lisangya. Place, we must try to abide by the rules of humanity, so we chose to obey.

"Well, Mr. Arador. Now that you are in charge of managing this fertilizer processing plant, would you please take us on a tour?" Servini said again.

"Okay. This is my honor. Master of the city, President Xu, please here."

The two men walked into the factory floor under the guidance of Yalado, just looked at them at random. It was discovered that this fertilizer processing plant had significantly expanded its scale compared to that of Sevigny when it came to inspect last year.

Not only do the Elite workers working in it nearly double, but they also have two more fertilizer production lines.

Everywhere I saw my eyes, there were busy Eurasian workers everywhere, and they even had little time to cast a curious eye on Servini and Xu.

Seeing this situation, Servini smiled and asked Arrado: "What is the current production of Yarrado? Is it enough to supply the needs of our Bangta City?"

Alado smiled a little: "The urban master, what kind of output do you ask?"

Sevigny is a bit stunned: "What is the output?"

"Hey... I will explain this." Xu also took the call. “The master of the city, this fertilizer processing plant now refers not only to the production of a single fertilizer, but to the production of chemical fertilizers for basic food crops such as wheat and rice, but also for fruit trees, flowers and the like. Special fertilizer."

"Oh? Is that true?" Sevigny glanced at Arrad and frowned slightly. “You are not enough to supply the basic food crops for wheat and rice. Why are you distracted to produce other types of fertilizers?”

"These other kinds of fertilizers are also our attempts. The master of the city, this is the advice given by President Xu." Arrada kicked the ball to Xu Yi.

Seeing the doubts cast by Sevigny, Xu also shrugged: "If you only produce grain fertilizer, the products are too single, which is not good for the future development of the fertilizer plant, so I hope they can develop some new varieties of fertilizer. For the time being, the effect is good. After using these fertilizers in the orchard of Koror Village, not only the fruits of the fruit trees are much more, but also the quality is much better, making the canned fruit in the canned fruit factory better than before. More, sales have increased a lot."

Sevigny gave a glance at Xu: "To say it, the canned fruit factory is your new flying business association. You are still fighting for the benefits of your new flying business, but leaving the overall interests of our Bangta City behind. ?"

Xu also immediately yelled: "How is it possible! The master of the city, I am here for the last year's embarrassment, specifically to the magic machine tool shop at all costs to allocate two new production lines to the fertilizer plant as soon as possible, you can now see it."

"So what about the effect?" Sevigny looked at Xu Yi with a funny look. "If the grain fertilizer produced is not enough for our Bangta City, then I really want to sin you."

Xu also turned to look at Yarrado: "This requires Arador to take charge of yourself to answer you."

Arador smiled at Sevigny: "The urban master, I don't think you need to worry about this problem. Since receiving two new production lines provided by President Xu, our fertilizer plant now has a breakthrough in total fertilizer production every month. 300,000 tons. Among them, because of the requirements of President Xu, most of them were designated as fertilizers for ordinary crops, with an average monthly output of more than 250,000 tons."

“An average of 250,000 tons per month?” Servini nodded. "It should be good to say this. So now do you think you can meet the needs of our Bangta City?"

"Absolutely no problem." Yarrado nodded affirmatively. “In order to ensure the demand of Bangta City, we will stock a certain amount every month. The current total inventory has exceeded one million tons. Together with this month and the next month before the spring plowing, the total amount can even exceed 1.5 million tons. In addition to supplying Bangta City, I even think it is possible to free up some of the other cities."

"Providing to other cities is not anxious, waiting for me to go back and let the statistics of the number of fertilizers in Bangta City demand." Servini turned to Xu Yi, revealing a deep smile. "Mr. Xu, I remember... You promised me how to distribute these fertilizers. Is it right that I have the right to decide?"

Xu also smiled slightly: "Yes, the master of the city, here, you are the queen."

When he heard the name "Queen", Severini stunned and immediately gave him a look.

However, seeing Xu Yi’s face is not like a joke, and Sevigny sighs in his heart, but he has not said much. (To be continued)