Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 14: Destroyed magic car

The newly launched bright white new magic car of a new Feishang will slowly enter the Starry Manor.

The magic car stopped at a parking lot specially opened behind the gate. Xu also opened the door and walked out. His eyes fell to the side and there was another pure black magic car. He saw a deep depression under the side door. I couldn't help but laugh and shook my head.

This magic car is the exclusive car of Camilla's magician. As of today, he has served in his hands for a month.

However, just for a month, the magic car that sold for 9,999 gold coins has become riddled with holes, not only the surface is covered with all kinds of scratches, even the car. The body has also been hit by countless large and small potholes, showing what kind of "abuse" it has suffered in this month.

A month ago, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce launched the new product of Magic Car at the product launch conference. Because of its comfort and fast speed, it was not only welcomed by many aristocratic merchants in Bangta City, but also by Lan. Many aristocrats and big businessmen in other cities of the Kingdom of Parry are welcome.

In just one month, Xinfei’s orders for magic cars have exceeded 3,000.

According to the price of a magic car of 9,999 gold coins, the magic car is the one, the new flying company can earn 30 million gold coins!

[Long] [When the wind and magic cars are developed, it is directed at the high-end market, and this pricing is simply high.

In fact, the cost of a magic car is estimated to be less than four thousand gold coins.

In other words, it is just a magic locomotive. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce can earn huge profits of more than 6,000 gold coins.

Three thousand words. That is the horror of 18 million gold coins!

When Sebas made this statistics. Except for Xu, who had been mentally prepared, almost all the other high-level members of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce were shocked.

Even Kenned, who was born in the Emma family and had far more knowledge than the average person, was shocked by this number.

You know, even the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce, the net profit for the whole year is only less than 30 million gold coins, and the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has obtained such a profit of up to 18 million gold coins in just one month. Order.

In comparison, the speed at which the new Feishang will create profits can be said to be unparalleled.

of course. Receiving an order within one month does not mean that you have earned so much in the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce within a month.

With the new Feifei Chamber of Commerce, it can only produce less than 100 poor cars of the Magic Car every month. It takes at least two years to really start the huge profits of the 18 million gold coins.

As for the production capacity, it is the most troublesome thing for Xu.

Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will not be able to receive orders at all, but always has too many orders and insufficient capacity, so that there are always many orders that cannot be completed in time.

Although the new Feishang Association is absolutely leading and almost monopolized, even if it can't complete the order within the specified time, the other party who placed the order can't help. I can only wait patiently, but this is not a good phenomenon.

So even though Xu is not willing. However, the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce went up to Kennard, down to all the ordinary workers, all of whom took the initiative to work overtime, so that now the factories of the New Flyers Chamber of Commerce have almost no holidays, and the average daily working hours are also extremely high. long.

Although this phenomenon means that the business of the new Feishang Association is hot, Xu Yili, who is the president, should be happy, but from his personal point of view, he does not want this.

He still hopes that the workers under his or her ability can have normal rest time, instead of working all day long, so that sooner or later the body will be damaged.

In an environment like the mainland of Sainz, he could not force workers to not work overtime, so he could only think of other ways to solve this problem.

Thinking about this problem, Xu also walked inside the house.

"Hey, you are back."

Steele’s voice will pull Xu out of his meditation.

Looking up, I saw that Steele was sitting on the platform outside the house, half lying on a lounge chair, enjoying the intense but not hot sunshine in early spring.

"You are not afraid of tanning?" Xu also teased her, strode over, kissed her on her face, and then picked up the sleeping daughter from the stroller next to her.

The baby who has already had a full moon has grown up very quickly, but only one day has disappeared. Xu also thinks that she seems to have grown up a lot more than yesterday. The facial features have opened up a bit, and her face has become more rounded. Some.

"Steel, who do you say she is more like?" Xu asked casually.

Steele got up and looked at the daughter of Xu Yihuai. He thought about it: "Others say that her daughter is more like a father. I see it. It’s similar to your facial features. Look at this nose, it’s just like you. It's exactly the same."

"Is it?" Xu also shook his head. "Like me, it’s not good. She is a girl. Of course, it should be better like your mother. It’s best to become a big beauty like you when you grow up. You said yes, baby?"

Although she had already been tired of praise for her appearance, Steele still smiled happily, teased her daughter's face, and smiled lightly: "If you grow up, become beautiful, then you can definitely Let the countless boys feel at heart. At that time, I don’t know which boy would be cheaper?"

Xu also changed his face slightly and snorted softly: "She is still small, and this kind of thing does not need to be considered."

Stil gave a look at Xu, as if he saw Xu’s careful thoughts and grinned.

Xu also glanced at Steele and was about to talk. Camilla's great magician came out of the house.

"Hey, kid, you are coming back, I am looking for you."

As soon as I saw the look on the face of Camilla's great magician, Xu was immediately unhappy.

However, he has nowhere to hide, but he can only smile with a hard scalp: "I just saw your magic car in the yard, and you really came back. How? What are you looking for?"

"It's about the magic car." Camilla's great magician nodded. "I don't know what's going on. This guy couldn't start anyway this morning. I asked Camby. He told me that there might be a problem with the engine. Let me find time to take it and fix it for him."

Xu couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Camby is the director of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Machine Tool R&D Center. It can be regarded as the top-ranking magic mechanical engineer of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. He is carrying countless important research and development tasks, but now he was born as a maintenance worker by Camilla Great Magician. .

However, of course he did not dare to say his true thoughts. He only smiled and nodded. "Well, Camby is more familiar with the magic car than anyone else. It is no problem to find him."

"It’s okay to fix him, but the problem is that I haven’t had a magic car in the past few days. I’m having a good time. You can find another one for me.”

Camilla's great magician said that his face was relaxed, but Xu also involuntarily suffered a face.

I was still thinking about the serious shortage of the magic car's production capacity. As a result, Camilla's great magician actually asked him to give him another magic car to "abuse" him.

You know, countless famous aristocrats and big businessmen in Bangta and other cities are waiting for a magic car. The Camilla Magi is already planning to "play" the second car. Magic car.

"Grandpa...this...there is no magic car to play. Would you rather play the magic ship for a few days? Isn’t the latest magic ship developed by Porter has been able to increase the speed to 40 kilometers?"

Camilla's great magician looked disdainful: "It's too slow. It's only 40 kilometers per hour. What is this? You know, this magic car can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour! It's more interesting to drive!"

Xu is completely speechless.

It's no wonder that this magic car has only changed into this appearance in a month. It turns out that the Camilla Magi is actually reopening at a speed that exceeds the rated standard.

Coupled with his terrible driving skills, it can last for a month to break. It is already a miracle...

After thinking about it, Xu Yizheng said: "Okay... Grandpa. I will let Camby give you another one. But...Do you pay attention to driving this time? If it breaks again, then I can't arrange a car for you anymore. You know, there are many people waiting for the magic car in both the city of Bangta and other cities."

"How? Who dares to rob me?" Camilla's great sorcerer's eyes stunned, but after a moment, he nodded. "Reassure, my current technology is much stronger than before. It’s so easy to break it off. Right, Xu Yi, if I use the wind magic engine, I think there is always a limit on the speed of this magic car, so I decided to join the R&D team of the Fire Engine. Develop a magic engine for the fire system."

"Well?" Xu Yiyi, then happy.

Although the research and development of the fire magic engine has already begun, but because of the initial stage, Xu also focused on the wind engine magic engine, so the development of the fire magic engine has been very slow.

Now that the development of the wind-powered magic engine has been successful, and the theoretical data and practical experience system have been initially established, Xu will also begin to strengthen the research and development of the magic engine of the fire system.

At this time, Camilla Grand Sorcer actually said that he wanted to join in, which is tantamount to injecting the most powerful propellant into this research and development work.

With the addition of the magician of the great magician level, the research and development of the magic engine of the fire system will be much smoother than the development of the wind magic engine!

Although Camilla's great magician is a special researcher at the Magic Research Institute, because of his special status, no one will force him to participate in a research and development work, only to see his interest.

Unexpectedly, because he was interested in driving a magic locomotive, he even proposed to develop a fire engine.

With his current enthusiasm, he will definitely invest a great enthusiasm in this work.

This is really an unexpected surprise for Xu.

Thinking of this, Xu couldn't help but laugh: "Grandpa, you said that you have to join the research and development work of the magic engine of the fire system. If you say it earlier, don't say a two magic car, even ten cars. Ten cars, I can also arrange it for you!"

Camilla's great magician's eyes are bright: "Really?"

Xu Yi suddenly looked awkward and couldn't speak for a while. (To be continued...)