Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 93: Concerned about Xu Yi’s girls

"What's the matter?" Evita took the initiative.

Teresa has been working at the Magic Institute for almost three months. In these three months, because she is cute and beautiful, she is so weak that she can’t help but want to care for her appearance, plus her courtesy and humility. The educated character has been loved by everyone in the Magic Institute.

Don't say that almost all the male research institutes in the Magic Institute have a good impression on her. Even most female researchers have treated her as a younger sister, which is very kind to her.

Evita is no exception, but she appreciates Teresa's talent in magic research relative to Teresa's appearance and character.

Teresa is younger than Steele and Evita, and her magic level is only slightly worse than them, and she is very talented in the study of magical arrays. In the month, I made a very good contribution in many studies, making everyone look at her differently.

As the dean of the Magic Institute, Evita naturally likes and values ​​such subordinates.

After introducing Teresa into the house, she saw that she seemed to be a little embarrassed. Evita smiled and asked: "If you have anything to say, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Oh." Teresa looked up at Evita and gritted her lip. It seemed to be determined. "President... I... can I go into the data room to see?"

Evita is stunned: "The data room? What do you want to see in the data room?"

"Dean, I have been studying a new kind of magic lamp recently, I need to use the magical array of intermittent magic supply technology, listen to my colleagues... This technology has been in existence for many of our magic research institutes. But it has been locked in the data room. But if you want to see it, you must pass your consent. So come and ask for it."

"This way..." Evita nodded and thought about it, but shook her head again: "I am afraid I can't promise you. According to the rules of our Magic Research Institute, there are only three or more researchers in the data room. Eligible to enter, and you are now a junior researcher, so..."

Teresa’s little face passed a disappointment and bowed his head and sighed: “I thought I could finally make a contribution to the Chamber of Commerce, so I can repay the president...”

I heard this sentence. Evita looked awkward and indulged for a moment, laughing: "I just said that you can't enter the data room for the time being, but you didn't say that you can't read these technical materials. If you just need the magical supply of intermittent magic, I can. Take it out of the data room and show it to you to help you complete the research. How? Do you need it?"

Teresa immediately raised her head and asked with a smile: "Really?"

"Really." Evita smiled and nodded.

"That's great!" Teresa was excited. "As long as I have this technical support, I can develop a new type of magic light. I think this magic light will definitely be popular, and it will be very happy to know when you grow up!"

It was so happy to see Teresa because of the opportunity to repay Xu, and Evita couldn’t help but laugh. At the same time, the heart passed a touch of emotion.

President, how many girls do you want to focus on?


If Xu also knows the thoughts of Evita's heart at the moment. He will definitely shout.

He never thought about deliberately inducing the attention of a girl and letting the other person pay special attention to herself.

On the contrary, since being scared by the aristocratic lady who was too enthusiastic and bold at various banquets, Xu is always extremely low-key in front of other girls, fearing that it is troublesome.

Since he married Steele, he has been even more understated in this regard. He has not even participated in the big and small banquets in Bangta City for a long time. As long as he has time every night, the first choice is to accompany Steele.

However, the things in the world cannot be completely determined by his will. He wants to avoid other girls to avoid trouble, but these "troubles" in his eyes always take the initiative to find them.

Among these "troubles", Sophia has always been the biggest one that Xu also believes.

"Hey, Xu Huichang, I came to see you again, how? Welcome me?"

Looking at Sophia's smile, but his eyes were hidden with a sly expression of smugness, and Xu also smiled in his heart, but his face was filled with a warm smile, and nodded again and again: "Of course. How can you not welcome it?"

"Well, that's good." Sophia nodded with satisfaction. "Since you are welcome, I will spend more time here here. If I am satisfied with the visit, I will stay here afterwards!"

"Ah? Stay here?" Xu Yi suddenly lost. “Why stay here? What are you doing here?”

"Of course, stay here to find a job, can you do it?" Sophia glanced at Xu and glanced softly: "I saw it, you just lied to me. In fact, you don't welcome me at all. I don't even welcome me to stay here, right?"

Seeing Sophia pouting, Xu also immediately got a headache, and smiled and waved his hand: "No, no, of course not. I am just a little... surprised. Why do you want to stay here to find a job? If you want to If you work, you can find it at the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce."

"Hey, Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce, I have been tired since I was a child. What is fun? Besides, I am a magician, and the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce does not need it. Do you want me to go to the Chamber of Commerce as a guard?"

"This... a girl like you, of course, is not suitable for being a guardian... But Sofia, you don't have to go to our Bangta City to find a job?" Xu also smiled bitterly. "It’s so far from Anvilmar City, it’s not convenient for you to go home later."

“What is inconvenient?” Sophia gave a look at Xu. "The Philson Cars is not propagating that there is a magic locomotive produced by your new Flying Chamber of Commerce. Is it only half a day from Bangta City to Anweimar City?"

"Well, I said it is inconvenient, including the life you stayed here. Think about it, you grew up in Anweimar City, and you will definitely not adapt to the life of this small city of Bangta City... Xu also continued to persuade.

"My brother can adapt, why can't I adapt?" Sophia retorted dissatisfiedly. "I have been here so many times, I have been very familiar with it here. What is not suitable?"

Speaking of the eye, a red smile also revealed a sweet smile. "Moreover, there is still no president here. You can tell me that you are a very influential person in Bangta City. If I stay here, your big man will not take care of it. Let me have this little girl?"

Looking at the smug smile on the face of Sophia, like a little fox, Xu also practiced a bitter smile, turned to look at the Sofia performance by Kennard and the Vice-President of the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce, accompanied by Sophia, asked Hank Wilson. : "Do you both disagree?"

Kennard smiled at the same time and shrugged his shoulders. He said helplessly: "What is the character of my sister, my sister, you should already know it? I can't take her."

Hank Wilson apparently knew Sophia’s decision long ago and smiled: “The Earl and his wife also support Miss Sophia’s coming out to meet the world and increase their knowledge. So they have already agreed with Miss Sophie’s decision.”

Xu also couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Seeing the world and growing your knowledge, you don't have to come to our Bangta City? Your Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce has a branch in every city in the kingdom. Why not go to a Sofia more familiar? The place?"

"Hey, I know you don't welcome me!" Sophia immediately said that he was not happy, and said: "I don't care! Whether you welcome me or not, I decided, I want to stay here!" And I have to work in your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce! Xu Yi, you don't like me, I just want to pester you!"

Xu also smashed his forehead, and for the time being, he ignored Sofia, who was in the savage mode, and still looked at Hank Wilson.

"In fact, Miss Sophia is right. The reason why I chose this place is because the young Master Kenad is here. Another important reason is because Xu and you are here."

"Yes?" From Hank Wilson's answer, Xu also heard that there was no room for him to continue to refute. He thought about it and looked at Sophia again: "Well, since Sofia, you like it, then Just stay. But you want to work at our new Flyer... I’m afraid..."

"Why not!" Sophia immediately sighed. "I am a three-level magician! Why can't I enter your new Feishang business?"

"I haven't said it yet..." Xu also waved his hand. "I mean, the rules and regulations of our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce are very strict. You don't have to work in our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, but you have to go through the job evaluation with everyone else. If you can't, then I can't open the back door for you. ""

"Oh, I know you look down on me." Sophia raised her head slightly and looked as if she was a little cock. "Tell you, I will definitely pass the assessment. When I become the employee of your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, I will wander you every day, and bother you and worry about you!"

Xu also said "ha", thinking that if you really become an employee of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, it would be better.

Really think that the employees of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce are doing nothing at all?

Not to mention the magicians who are responsible for drawing the magic array in the first line of the factory because the order amount is too large, even in the Magic Institute, those researchers are almost immersed in research for their heavy research and development tasks. In the room, where is the time to bother yourself all day long. (To be continued.)